SPAN 114 SC - Gender and Identity Formation in Contemporary Mexican Literature

Building on a broad range of theoretical discourses (gender studies, cultural, and postcolonial studies), this course is designed to study different forms of narrativization of sexual and historical identity formation in contemporary Mexican fiction. The novels included raise questions about (hetero)sexist hegemony in the construction of subject identities. Students will look at the epistemic and ontological choices these novels entail and their ideological and political implications at the time these fictional discourses were produced. We will also analyze the various textual strategies these authors use to debunk the precognitive literary and social foundations laid by a more traditional literature. We will read texts by Sara Sefchovich, Brianda Domecq, José Joaquin Blanco, Miguel Barbachano Ponce, Rosamaria Roffiel, Oscar de la Borbolla.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 044 .
Course Credit: 1.0

This course information is from the 2023-2024 Scripps Catalog. View this catalog.

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