BIOL 156L KS - Genomics and Bioinformatics

Access to sequenced genomes and related bioinformatics tools have revolutionized how many biological investigations are approached. This course will cover genome sequencing, organization, and annotation as well as gene expression profiling, reverse genetics, gene networks, and predicting gene function. Students will be introduced to strategies and computational tools required for analysis of large-scale datasets. Enrollment limited to 18.

Prerequisite(s): BIOL 043L , or BIOL042L KS ; CHEM 014L  and CHEM 015L ,  or CHEM 029L , or CHEM042L KS , or permission of the instructor.
Course Credit: 1.0
Offered: Every spring

This course information is from the 2023-2024 Scripps Catalog. View this catalog.

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