SPAN 156 SC - From Macondo to McOndo: Revisiting the Latin American Short Story

This class will focus on rethinking one of the most cultivated genres in Latin American literature, the short story. We will take as a point of departure canonical texts by Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortazar, Juan Rulfo and analyze the evolution of the genre throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. The new short story authored by writers such as Fugets, Baily, Montero, Obejas, Kam Wen and Kazumi Stahl will allow us to delve into issues as diverse as immigration, "estética queer" and gender and the urbanization of Latin America as well as reassess the question of magical realism.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 044 .
Course Credit: 1.0

This course information is from the 2023-2024 Scripps Catalog. View this catalog.

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