SPAN 175 SC - From Freedom and Democracy to Dictatorship and Repression: The Aftermath of the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1975

The Spanish Civil War is the most dramatic event of modern Spanish history. The uprising of General Franco in 1936 produced a bloody conflict that shattered the effort of the Spanish intellectuals to create a new and modern nation. The war and the dictatorship that followed drove leading Spanish intellectuals into exile. This course will examine the causes of the war and its disastrous consequences for the intellectual life of Spain through the study of different forms of expression such as literature, cinema, painting, and graphic art of the period. Readings will include selected works by Machado, Garcia Lorca, Alberti, Miguel Hernandez, Guillén, Ayala, Goytisolo, Aldecoa, Mart'n Gaite, and Roig.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 110  or similar level.
Course Credit: 1.0

This course information is from the 2023-2024 Scripps Catalog. View this catalog.

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