BIOL 168L KS - Microbiology

In this fundamental microbiology course we will examine bacteria, archaea, and viruses which are central to our environment, agriculture, industry, and health. We will focus on the evolution and diversity of cell structure, metabolism, and genetics of the microbes as interactions between microbial species, eukaryotes, and the environment.

Prerequisite(s): BIOL043L KS  or BIOL042L KS  ; BIOL044L KS ; CHEM014L KS CHEM042L KS  or CHEM015L KS  or CHEM029L KS ; or BIOL042L KS ; permission of instructor is required.
Course Credit: 1.0
Offered: Every year

This course information is from the 2024-2025 SCRIPPS CATALOG. View this catalog.

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