Mar 29, 2025
Courses in History
Latin America and Caribbean
United States
- AFRI 116 AF - Marxism and the Black Radical Tradition
- HIST 145 SC - Comparative Freedom Movements
- HIST 153 AF - Slave Women in Antebellum America
- HIST 154 SC - The Old South and Modern Memory
- HIST 154 SC - Queer Histories in the U.S.
- HIST 155 SC - Women, Gender, and US Colonialism
- HIST 159 SC - Black Women’s History
- HIST 164 SC - Civil Rights & Citizenship
- HIST 166 SC - Self and Society: Political and Cultural Criticism in the U.S.
- HIST 169 SC - Gender, Race, and US Education
- HIST 171 AF - African American Women in the United States
- HIST 173 AF - Black International Politics in the United States: Race, Nation, and Empire
- HIST 174 SC - The U.S. in the 1960s
- HIST 175 SC - War, Empire, and Society in the U.S., 1898-Present
- HIST 176 AF - Civil Rights Movement in the Modern Era
- HIST 177 SC - The U.S. in the 1920s: Fords, Flappers, and Fundamentalists
Core Courses: Required of all Majors