Sep 27, 2024  
2018-2019 Scripps Catalog 

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions are provided for course offerings at Scripps College and courses available as part of joint or cooperative programs in which Scripps participates. For those courses that may appear under more than one discipline or department, the full course description appears under the discipline or department sponsoring the course and cross-reference is made under the associated discipline or department. Numbers followed by, for example, “AA,” “AF,” or “CH,” indicate courses sponsored by The Claremont Colleges as part of joint programs, i.e., Asian American Studies, Africana Studies, and Chicanx-Latinx Studies.

Please refer to the Schedule of Courses on the Scripps Portal published each semester by the Registrar’s Office for real-time information on course offerings.

All courses are 1.0 credit unless otherwise stated.


Other Courses

  • FS 005 PZ - The Price of Altruism

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SOSC 147S HM - Enterprise and Entrepreneurs

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

Accelerated Integrated Science Sequence

  • AISS 001AL KS - Accelerated Integrated Science Sequence

    This intensive, honors-level course sequence, co-taught by scientists from different disciplines, provides an integrative approach to the fundamentals of biology, chemistry, and physics. It is designed for first-year students with broad, interdisciplinary scientific interests and strong math backgrounds. The sequence will prepare students for entry into any majors offered by the department, and provides an alternative to the standard six-course introductory curriculum (BIOL 043L -BIOL 044L , CHEM 014L -CHEM 015L , PHYS 033L -PHYS 034L ). It will feature computer modeling, seminar discussions, lectures, interdisciplinary laboratories, and hands-on activities. AISS 001AL  and AISS 001BL  are designed to be taken concurrently (in the fall term), followed by AISS 002AL  and AISS 002BL  in the spring. Enrollment is by permission.

    Course not being offered in 2018-2019.

    Fee: Laboratory fee $50 per course.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AISS 001BL KS - Accelerated Integrated Science Sequence

    This intensive, honors-level course sequence, co-taught by scientists from different disciplines, provides an integrative approach to the fundamentals of biology, chemistry, and physics. It is designed for first-year students with broad, interdisciplinary scientific interests and strong math backgrounds. The sequence will prepare students for entry into any majors offered by the department, and provides an alternative to the standard six-course introductory curriculum (BIOL 043L -BIOL 044L , CHEM 014L -CHEM 015L , PHYS 033L -PHYS 034L ). It will feature computer modeling, seminar discussions, lectures, interdisciplinary laboratories, and hands-on activities. AISS 001AL  and AISS 002AL  are designed to be taken concurrently (in the fall term), followed by AISS 002AL  and AISS 002BL  in the spring. Enrollment is by permission.

    Course not be offered in 2018-2019.

    Fee: Laboratory fee $50 per course.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AISS 002AL KS - Accelerated Integrated Science Sequence

    This intensive, honors-level course sequence, co-taught by scientists from different disciplines, provides an integrative approach to the fundamentals of biology, chemistry, and physics. It is designed for first-year students with broad, interdisciplinary scientific interests and strong math backgrounds. The sequence will prepare students for entry into any majors offered by the department, and provides an alternative to the standard six-course introductory curriculum (BIOL 043L -BIOL 044L , CHEM 014L -CHEM 015L , PHYS 033L -PHYS 034L ). It will feature computer modeling, seminar discussions, lectures, interdisciplinary laboratories, and hands-on activities.   and AISS 001BL  are designed to be taken concurrently (in the fall term), followed by AISS 002AL and AISS 002BL  in the spring. Enrollment is by permission.

    Course not be offered in 2018-2019.

    Fee: Laboratory fee $50 per course.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AISS 002BL KS - Accelerated Integrated Science Sequence

    This intensive, honors-level course sequence, co-taught by scientists from different disciplines, provides an integrative approach to the fundamentals of biology, chemistry, and physics. It is designed for first-year students with broad, interdisciplinary scientific interests and strong math backgrounds. The sequence will prepare students for entry into any majors offered by the department, and provides an alternative to the standard six-course introductory curriculum (BIOL 043L -BIOL 044L , CHEM 014L -CHEM 015L , PHYS 033L -PHYS 034L ). It will feature computer modeling, seminar discussions, lectures, interdisciplinary laboratories, and hands-on activities.   and AISS 001BL  are designed to be taken concurrently (in the fall term), followed by AISS 002AL  and AISS 002BL in the spring. Enrollment is by permission.

    Course not be offered in 2018-2019.

    Fee: Laboratory fee $50 per course.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

Africana Studies

  • AFRI 010A AF - Introduction to Africana Studies

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Each Fall

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AFRI 010B AF - Introduction to Africana Studies: Research Methods

    Introduce students to the methodologies used in research on topics pertinent to Africana studies. In keeping with the interdisciplinary nature of the field, introduces students to research methods in the humanities and social sciences including, but is not limited to, interviewing; content analysis; archival, library and Internet research; and participant observation. Offered each spring.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AFRI 116 AF - Marxism and the Black Radical Tradition

    Marxism has had a long and vibrant relationship with Black liberation movements worldwide - from early twentieth-century Harlem to postwar anti-colonial struggles to the Black Panther Party. Such thinkers and activists have linked their efforts to Marx, Lenin, and other central figures, while simultaneously molding Marxism to address the circumstances of people of African descent and infusing the philosophy with approaches from the Black radical tradition. The course will examine classic Marxist texts alongside Black radical contributions and interventions to deepen our understanding of racial capitalism and to illuminate possibilities for liberation that come from a Marxist praxis deeply engaged with important approaches in Black thought.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AFRI 119 AF - Africana Studies Journal & New Media

    Students research conceptual frameworks toward creating and maintaining an Africana Studies journal. The journal may include new media formats such as blogs and podcasts, in addition to traditional article formats. Following the practices of Black feminist theory, the journal encourages writing that includes authorial experience and positionality.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Occasionally

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AFRI 121 AF - Africana Philosophy

    This lecture/seminar combination course will serve as an introduction to African and diaspora approaches to Africana Philosophy. Given the disparate nature of the topic, this survey course will not attempt to frame the readings within a single overarching narrative. Rather, the course will emphasize traditional sources of wisdom in the first phase before shifting to consider modern considerations in the light of post-colonialism, feminism, etc.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AFRI 144A AF - Black Women Feminism(s) and Social Change

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AFRI 144A AF - Black Women Feminisms and Social Change

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AFRI 190 AF - Senior Seminar

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Each Fall

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AFRI 191 AF - Senior Thesis

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AFRI 195 AF - Special Topics in Africana Studies

    Topics change from year to year.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AFRI 195F AF - Transnationalism

    Topics change from year to year.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AFRI 199 SC - Independent Study in Africana Studies

    Permission of instructor required. Course or half-course. May be repeated. Offered fall and spring.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

American Studies

  • AMST 103 SC - Introduction to American Cultures

    This class analyzes the histories and cultures of the U.S., focusing on the experiences of people and communities of color. Topics change each year and included race and racism; migration and immigration; and culture (e.g., art, music, film) across a wide range of academic and popular texts. This is the introductory course in the five-colleges American Studies program, but is open to all students.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Spring semester

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AMST 110 SC - Migrant Memoir

    This course explores memoirs of migration (broadly conceived) through the interdisciplinary lenses of American Studies and ethnic studies. Students will learn how to read and analyze texts alongside their social, historical, and political contexts; and with a transnational and global view of the relationships between places, a critical focus on the meanings and realities of “America,” and a humanizing view of the complex personhood of migrant subjects.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AMST 120 HM - Hyphenated Americans

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AMST 128 SC - Race, Space, and Difference

    This course is an introduction to critical scholarship on race and space in the United States. We will consider definitions of race and racism, and how the intertwining of race and differential access to space has shaped patterns of power and inequality. We pay special attention to the making and maintenance of national boundaries; spatial typologies within metropolitan areas; and the differential racialization of Asian Americans, Latinxs, African Americans, and Native Americans. Readings and discussion are organized around spatial typologies including border, ghetto, suburb, and prison. Assignments provide opportunities to think critically about race, space, and inequality in the landscape.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AMST 180 SC - American Studies Seminar

    This course aims to introduce students to the history, methods, and topics frequently covered in interdisciplinary American studies. Required of all majors. Taken in the junior year (preferred) or senior year. Offered each fall.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AMST 190 SC - Senior Thesis Seminar

    The seminar will introduce students to issues in interdisciplinary research to assist them in developing their own thesis projects. Each student will produce one chapter by the end of the semester. Students enroll in AMST 191  in the spring semester to complete the thesis. Required of all majors. Offered each fall.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AMST 191 SC - Senior Thesis

    Seniors must register for this course in the spring.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • AMST 199 SC - Independent Study in American Studies: Reading and Research

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.


  • ANTH 001 PZ - Introduction to Archaeology and Biological Anthropology

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 002 PZ - Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 002 SC - Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology

    An introduction to the basic concepts, theories, and methods of social and cultural anthropology. An investigation of the nature of sociocultural systems using ethnographic materials from a wide range of societies. This course may also be offered at Pitzer College as ANTH002 PZ  or at Pomona College as ANTH002  PO. 

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every semester

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 003 PZ - Language, Culture, and Society

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 009 PZ - Anthropology of Food

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 011 PZ - The World Since 1492

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 012 PZ - Native Americans and Their Environments

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 016 PZ - Introduction to Nepal

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 025 SC - Anthropology of the Middle East

    Drawing on a variety of ethnographies, films, and theoretical perspectives, this course simultaneously provides an overview of the Middle East (broadly defined) from an anthropological perspective and a critical exploration of the ways anthropology has contributed to the construction of the Middle East as a region in the first place.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 028 PZ - Colonial Encounters

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 047 SC - The Anthropology of Religion

    How do we know when we are encountering the religious? And how can it be studied? This course will address these questions and others by examining the major themes in the anthropology of religion: magic, belief, symbols, ritual, morality, spirit possession, conversion, and secularization. Students will learn about a variety of religious practices while critically probing the question of studying other people’s beliefs.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 050 PZ - Sex, Body, Reproduction

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 051 PO - Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 052 PZ - Indigenous Societies: Histories of Encounters

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 055 PO - Power, Politics and Culture

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 058 PZ - Doing Research Abroad

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 059 PO - Archaeology

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 062 PZ - Embodying the Voice of History

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 070 PZ - Psychological Anthropology

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 074 PZ - The City

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 076 PZ - American Political Discourses

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 077 PZ - Great Revolutions in Human History?

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 080 PZ - Anthropology of the United States

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 083 PZ - Life Stories

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 086 PZ - Anthropology of Public Policy

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 087 SC - Contemporary Issues in Gender and Islam

    This course explores a variety of issues significant to the study of gender and Islam in different contexts, which may include the Middle East, South Asia, Africa and the U.S. Various Islamic constructions and interpretations of gender, masculinity and femininity, sexuality, and human nature will be critically examined.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 088 PZ - China: Gender, Cosmology, and the State

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 089 PZ - The U.S. Sixties

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 090 PZ - Schooling

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 095 PZ - Folk Arts in Cultural Context

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 097G SC - Political Anthropology

    This courses examines politics and power from an anthropological perspective. It explores the impact of the recognition of the importance of colonialism and capitalism on political anthropology; new ways of understanding “formal” and everyday forms of power, domination and resistance; and globalization in relation to identity, the state and political action.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 098 PZ - The Modern State and History: The Israeli Case

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 099 PZ - China in the 21st Century

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 100 PZ - Cannibalism, Shamanism, Alterity

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 101 PZ - Theory and Method in Archaeology

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 102 PZ - Museums and Material Culture

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 103 PZ - Museums: Behind the Glass

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 105 PO - Field Methods in Anthropology

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 105 PZ - Field Methods in Anthropology

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 105 SC - Field Methods in Antrhopology

    An investigation of various methods used in the study of culture, e.g., participant observation, key informant interviews, and linguistic analysis. Students will learn techniques of both collecting and analyzing sociocultural materials and will be introduced to the historical debates surrounding these methods in sociocultural anthropology (e.g., the complementary values of “”outsider”” and “”insider”” research). Students will carry out a range of research projects during the course of the semester.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 107 PO - Medical Anthropology

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 107 SC - Medical Anthropology and Global Health

    This course engages in critical study of health, disease, and illness across cultures from biomedical and ethnomedical perspectives. It will address the history, theory, methodology and application of anthropology in various health settings. It will examine implications for global health and health care policy. This course may also be offered at Pomona College as ANTH107  PO.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 108 PZ - Kinship, Family, Sexuality

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 108 SC - Kinship, Family, Sexuality

    How do cultures organize human reproduction and integrate it into social life? Because of the universality of biological reproduction, anthropology has used kinship to compare greatly diverse cultures and societies. Tracing the history of anthropology’s concern with kinship, the course examines marriage patterns, descent, and family structure in Western and non-Western societies. It also considers emerging forms of kinship involving new reproductive technologies and queer kinship ties in a global perspective. This course may also be offered at Pitzer College as ANTH108 PZ  .

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 110 PO - Archaeological Methods

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 110 HM - Life: Knowledge and Practices

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 110 PZ - Nature and Society in Amazonia

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 111 PZ - Historical Archaeology

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 111 HM - Introduction to the Anthropology of Science and Technology

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 113 SC - Ethnographic Tales of the City: Anthropological Approaches to Urban Life

    Students in this course will examine the ways ethnographic fieldwork methods have been applied to research in urban settings, explore global patterns of urbanization and urban sociality, and consider the distinct theoretical and epistemological issues that arise from the cultural analysis of urban life. Seminar participants will critically engage a range of recent and classic urban ethnographies from around the world and conduct their own investigations.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 114 SC - Science, Medicine, and Colonialism

    This seminar examines the role of empire in shaping medical and scientific knowledge and practice. Beginning in the eighteenth century, as major scientific developments were unfolding in Europe and the United States, these regions were engaging in colonial expansion in Africa, Asia and the Americas. These two processes were often linked. Colonial aims influenced medico-scientific paradigms, and emergent scientific knowledge shaped how colonizers governed and controlled populations. This course examines these intertwined historical processes and how they laid the foundations for medico-scientific research and practice today. Drawing on anthropological and historical texts, we examine key themes such as scientific racism, hygiene and morality, and the regulation of indigenous knowledges. Throughout, we engage with concepts of the postcolonial and the settler colonial to help us understand the complexity of connections between past and present.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 115 SC - Stuff: The Social Life of Commodities

    The world is becoming overstuffed by stuff. This course explores the social practices and cultural meanings associated with the production, consumption and circulation of commodities. Drawing on ethnographic and popular sources, it examines global commodity chains and the relationships commodities have with identity formation, political economy, new ideas of health and morality.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Spring in alternate years

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 117 PZ - Language and Power

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 119 SC - East Asia in Ethnography and Film

    Drawing on various ethnographies, literatures, films and theoretical perspectives, this course explores contemporary East Asian societies around themes related to global mobility and new cultural landscapes. Materials include anthropological approaches to emerging labor subjectivities, migration, the construction of sexuality through popular culture, and environmental crises and social movements.

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 120 PZ - Studying Up: The Anthropology of Elites and Other Dominant Social Groups

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 121 SC - Science, Medicine, and Technology

    This course will engage in critical studies of medicine, science, and technology from an anthropological perspective.  Recent ethnographic research will examine configurations of knowledge and practice with special attention to social justice, community interventions, and the “study up” of institutions.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 124 PZ - Illness and Health: Anthropological Perspectives

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 125 PZ - U.S. Social and Immigration Discourses

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 127 SC - Settler Colonialism

    This seminar examines processes of settler colonialism and the experiences of indigenous peoples. The central premise of this course is that colonialism is an ongoing process in many parts of the world; we will examine how it operates through sites such as sovereignty, land and territory, medicine, gender and sexuality, and others. At the same time, we will look at how indigenous practices and movements have sought to carve out spaces for critique and resistance.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Biannually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 128 SC - Refugees, Migrants, and Citizenship

    Who has the right to travel, to remain, or to belong? This course considers new approaches to migration and citizenship through ethnographic case studies examining a diverse array of refugee and immigrant experiences. How do exclusion and inclusion impact ideas of citizenship, race, and identity? How is mobility enabled, disabled, and regulated by state and non-state actors in ways that impact integration and belonging? In working through these questions, students will conduct anthropological analyses to draw out the intersections of migration, identity, and citizenship.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 133 PZ - Indians in Action

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 135 PZ - Plants and People

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 136 PZ - Race in Brazil and the U.S.

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 142 SC - Culture and Politics in Latin America

    This anthropology course considers the relationship between cultural practice, politics, and history in the region of the world now known as Latin America. This will involve taking apart reified notions of regional or national “cultures” to instead consider how cultural practices are complex and fundamentally power-laden. We trace how social relations in Latin America take shape in light of legacies of colonialism, transatlantic slavery, mestizo nation-building, and more. Importantly, we consider what ethnographic approaches might tell us about everyday forms of living and self-making, as well as about political struggles over land, labor, and cultural recognition in the region.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every other year

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 148 PZ - Ethnoecology

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 150 PO - Understanding Religion

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 151 PO - Gender in Prehistory

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 153 PZ - History of Anthropological Theory

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 153 SC - History of Anthropological Theory

    This course will provide a survey of the history of anthropological theory and method through a combination of theoretical writings and ethnographic monographs. It will examine how different historical moments and theories of knowledge have informed anthropological objectives and projects. Close attention will be paid to the changing content, form and sites addressed throughout the history of the discipline. This course is offered in alternating years at Pitzer College as ANTH153 PZ.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 156 PO - Comparative Muslim Societies in Asia

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 164 PZ - North American Archaeology

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 168 PZ - Prehistoric Humans and Their Environments

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 170 PZ - Seminar in Human Evolution

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 171 SC - Seminar in Sexuality and Religion

    This advanced seminar examines a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches to questions of the relationship between religion and sexuality cross-culturally. Questions addressed may include the production and nature of categories, discipline, bodies, submission, marriage and juridical regulation, moralities, kinship, politics, and the state.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.


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