Sep 27, 2024  
2018-2019 Scripps Catalog 

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions are provided for course offerings at Scripps College and courses available as part of joint or cooperative programs in which Scripps participates. For those courses that may appear under more than one discipline or department, the full course description appears under the discipline or department sponsoring the course and cross-reference is made under the associated discipline or department. Numbers followed by, for example, “AA,” “AF,” or “CH,” indicate courses sponsored by The Claremont Colleges as part of joint programs, i.e., Asian American Studies, Africana Studies, and Chicanx-Latinx Studies.

Please refer to the Schedule of Courses on the Scripps Portal published each semester by the Registrar’s Office for real-time information on course offerings.

All courses are 1.0 credit unless otherwise stated.



  • ITAL 134 SC - Twentieth-Century Italian Women’s Literature

    Works by some of the most well known authors of the 20th century. What do these authors have to say about issues of social justice, and especially gender? How were these works received by various audiences? Who decides what books qualify as “great art,” and how? Authors to be read include: Sibilla Aleramo, Grazia Deledda, Natalia Ginzburg, Elsa Morante, and Dacia Maraini.

    Prerequisite(s): ITAL 044  or equivalent.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ITAL 136 SC - Italians as Guests and Hosts: Intercultural Encounters in Current Italian Fiction

    This course examines the phenomenon of exchange between Italians and other cultures. Through their readings, students will gain an understanding of the experiences of Italian immigrants, who undergo the process of establishing themselves on foreign soil, as well as those of immigrants from abroad, who seek opportunities as “new Italians.” The course will take into account the changes in attitudes experienced by these guests as well as by their hosts. Authors to be read include: Erri de Luca, Laura Pariani, Carmine Abate, and Pap Khouma.

    Prerequisite(s): ITAL 044  or equivalent.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ITAL 137 SC - Italy as a Murder Mystery

    In this course, we will explore in detail all the characteristics of the “giallo” genre and subgenres related to it (such as horror stories and legal narratives), its widespread reception and its inherent multiple textuality, which includes novels, film and comic books. Such texts will open the way to the cultural analysis of the representation of real “gialli”, or violent episodes in Italian history that have been on the spotlight for different reasons and in different ways of investigation and have contributed to the formation of Italian modernity.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ITAL 140 SC - History of Italian Cinema

    This course will explore the history and criticism of Italian cinema from its origin to the 21st century through the showing of a number of iconic films and the criticism surrounding them. It will also help student better understand contemporary Italian history through film. Taught alternately in Italian and English.

    Offered: Every two years

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  •  Course Syllabus

    ITAL 142 SC - Italian Cinema and Literature: The Decameron

    This course offers an introduction to Boccaccio’s Decameron, one of the masterpieces of Italian literature, through a close reading of Boccaccio’s collection of hundred tales, an investigation of the literary traditions (tradizioni) that converge in the most important prose work of the Italian Middle Ages, and its cinematic “translations” (traduzioni/tradimenti). During the semester, we will read all the novellas that have been adapted for the screen by Pier Paolo Pasolini (Decameron, 1971), and the Taviani brothers (Magnifico Boccaccio, 2015) identifying the challenges that such a classical Italian work presents to Italian filmmakers in their attempts to transcribe it into an audiovisual spectacle. By reading and analyzing a large selection of Boccaccio’s one hundred novelle, and watching and examining their corresponding filmic transpositions, we will address notions and problems of language, style, structure and content for each novella, together with the techniques of transposition of the written text to the movie screen.


    Prerequisite(s): ITAL044 SC  or equivalent.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ITAL 146 SC - Losers in Italian Literature

    This course scrutinizes and reconsiders the concept of losing and its implications by analyzing fictional characters from the Italian short story tradition (from its origins to the twentieth century) who have been addressed as “perdenti, reietti, inetti vinti, sconfitti, and falliti” but who, in the end, have made history in literature by showing how getting lost, losing, and being defeated should carry no shame because, as Umberto Eco claimed, “losers are much more interesting than winners, since they invite the readers to find the reasons for their failure.” Course taught in Italian.

    Prerequisite(s): ITAL044 SC  
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ITAL 197 SC - Special Topics in Italian

    Specific course information available in pre-registration materials.

    Prerequisite(s): ITAL 044  or equivalent.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ITAL 199 SC - Independent Study in Italian Literature: Reading and Research

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.


  • JAPN 001A PO - Elementary Japanese

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • JAPN 001B PO - Elementary Japanese

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • JAPN 011 PO - Conversation: Contemporary Japanese Language and Culture

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • JAPN 012A PO - Japanese Kanji Class

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • JAPN 012B PO - Japanese Kanji Class

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • JAPN 013 PO - Advanced Conversation

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • JAPN 051A PO - Intermediate Japanese

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • JAPN 051B PO - Intermediate Japanese

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • JAPN 111A PO - Advanced Japanese

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • JAPN 111B PO - Advanced Japanese

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • JAPN 124 PO - Readings in Current Japanese

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • JAPN 125 PO - Readings in Modern Japanese Literature

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • JAPN 131 PO - Introduction to Classical Japanese

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • JAPN 192A PO - Senior Project

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • JAPN 192B PO - Senior Project

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • JAPN 199 PO - Reading and Research

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

Japanese Literature and Culture in English Translation

  • JPNT 170 PO - Pre-Modern Japanese Literature in English Translation

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • JPNT 174 PO - Modern Japanese Literature in English: Literary Reconfigurations of Japanese Identity, 1868 to Present

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Alternate years

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • JPNT 176 PO - Time and Space in Modern Japanese Literature

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • JPNT 177 PO - Japanese and Japanese American Women Writers

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • JPNT 178 PO - Japanese and Japanese American Autobiography

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • JPNT 179 PO - Graphically Speaking: Japanese Manga and Its Buds

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.


  • KORE 002 CM - Continuing Introductory Korean

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • KORE 100 CM - Readings in Korean Literature and Culture

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

Korean Literature and Culture in English Translation

  • KRNT 130 CM - Korean Cinema and Culture

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Alternate years

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.


  • LATN 001 SC - Introductory Latin

    Comprehensive study of Latin grammar and syntax with oral drills. This course is offered alternating years at Scripps and Pomona Colleges.

    Formerly: CLAS008A SC


    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • LATN 002 SC - Introductory Latin

    Comprehensive study of Latin grammar and syntax with oral drills. This course is offered alternating years at Scripps and Pomona Colleges.

    Formerly: CLAS008B SC

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • LATN 022 SC - Advanced Introductory Latin

    Intensive course for students with some previous Latin who are too advanced for LATN001 and not ready for LATN002. Designed to place students in Intermediate Latin (LATN033) to meet the language requirement. Focus on review and mastery of basic grammar and vocabulary.

    This course is offered alternating years at Scripps and Pomona Colleges.

    Formerly: CLAS032  SC

    Prerequisite(s): Exam or speak with Classics department chair.
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every semester

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • LATN 033 SC - Intermediate Latin

    For students with two or three years of secondary school Latin or one year of college Latin. Selections from Latin poetry and prose of the late Republic and early Empire. Reading and translation from texts; grammar review and composition. Repeatable once for credit.

    This course is offered alternating years at Scripps and Pomona Colleges.

    Formerly: CLAS100, CLAS110, CLAS112

    Prerequisite(s): LATN001 SC , LATN002 SC , LATN022 SC  
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • LATN 044 SC - Advanced Latin Readings

    Great works of Latin prose and poetry from the writings of major authors of the Roman Republic and Empire, selected according to the needs of students. Authors and topics covered may include the Roman letter, satire, lyric poetry, historians, drama, philosophy, elegiac poets, Lucretius, Apuleius, and Medieval Latin. Repeatable up to 4 times for credit.

    This course is offered alternating years at Scripps and Pomona Colleges.

    Formerly: CLAS181A/B SC

    Prerequisite(s): LATN033 SC  
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • LATN 057 SC - Intermediate/Advanced Readings in Latin

    This is a half-credit course with rotating Classical Latin authors. The class will include translation, grammar, discussion of cultural and historical context, and literary interpretation. Course is for elective credit only.

    Prerequisite(s): LATN022 SC  or equivalent proficiency in Latin, or instructor permisson.
    Course Credit: 0.5
    Offered: Most semesters

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • LATN 103 PO - Intermediate Latin: Medieval

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 0.5

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

Latin American Studies

  • LAST 191 SC - Senior Thesis in Latin American and Caribbean Studies

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.


  • LING 110 PZ - Language and Gender

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

Linguistics and Cognitive Science

LGSC courses are offered through the Linguistics and Cognitive Science Department at Pomona College

  • LGCS 010 PO - Introduction to Linguistics

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.


  • LIT 103 HM - Third Cinema

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • LIT 145 HM - Third World Women Writers

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • LIT 155 HM - Post-Apartheid Narratives

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • LIT 162 AF - African and Caribbean Literature

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • LIT 163 AF - North African Literature and Culture in Text, Film, and Music

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • LIT 165 AF - Writing between Borders: Caribbean Writers in the U.S. and Canada

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • LIT 175 CM - Women’s Magazines and the Female Journalist

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • LIT 179 HM - Special Topics in Literature

    See the Harvey Mudd College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.


  • MATH 022 SC - Great Ideas in Modern Mathematics

    Advances in mathematics have had far reaching influence across academia and society. A mathematical approach to problem solving is critical in the ever increasingly technological world in which we live. In this class we will study some of the most important results and ideas in modern mathematics. Topics will include the infinite and countability; knot theory and topology; dynamics, fractals, and chaos; symmetries; four-dimensional geometry. Additional topics may include cryptography; irrational and transcendental numbers; tilings of the plane; probability, expected value, and coincidence; and fair division. This course will satisfy the Scripps Math general education requirement. The course cannot be used to satisfy requirements in the math major or math minor.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 023 SC - Transcendental Functions

    This course is intended as a preparation for the calculus sequence. We will study general notions associated with functions such as domain and range, rate of change, concavity, composition, and invertibility. We will concentrate on the standard transcendental functions: exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and inverse trigonometric. Applications will be introduced throughout the course. Offered annually.

    Prerequisite(s): Placement examination.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 030 SC - Calculus I

    MATH 030 is the first course of a standard three course sequence in calculus. The topics covered include differentiation, integration, mean value theorem, transcendental functions, and trigonometric functions.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 023  or placement examination.
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Each semester

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 031 SC - Calculus II

    This is the second course of a standard three-course sequence in calculus. Topics covered include techniques and applications of integration, infinite series, power series and an introduction to differential equations.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 030  or placement examination.
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Each semester

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 032 SC - Calculus III

    This is the third course of a standard three-course sequence in calculus. The course covers calculus of multivariable and vector-valued functions. Topics include partial derivatives, the gradient, Lagrange multipliers, multiple integrals, change of variables, parameterized curves and surfaces, vector fields, line integrals, flux integrals, Green’s Theorem, the Divergence Theorem, and Stokes’ Theorem.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 031  or placement examination.
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Each semester

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 035 SC - Subcalculus: Beneath the Calculus

    A weekly, one-hour, first-year seminar that will review and explore in depth the ideas and formulae traditionally covered in the calculus with an emphasis on why one should believe those concepts. Answers will be attempted for any questions participants have about their mathematical knowledge. Instructor’s permission required: intended for but not restricted to AISS students.

    Prerequisite(s): Placement into MATH 032 .
    Course Credit: .50

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 042 SC - Introduction to Python and Data Analysis

    This course is the first part of a two-semester flipped-course introduction to computer programming, offered with the support of Google. Students will engage with interactive media to learn the fundamental programming constructs and data structures of Python (conditionals, loops, functions, lists, dictionaries, etc.) and use them to creatively design, test, and implement algorithms and programs while working on collaborative in-class projects based on real-world problems in graphics, image processing, cryptography, data analysis, astronomy, video games, and environmental simulation. Prior programming experience not required. This course is for non-CS majors only and does not fulfill the Scripps Math GE requirement.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every fall

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 055 SC - Discrete Mathematics

    Topics include combinatorics, number theory, and graph theory with an emphasis on creative problem solving and learning to read and write rigorous proofs. Possible applications include probability, analysis of algorithms, and cryptography.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 031  
    Corequisite(s): MATH 060  
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Occasionally

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 060 SC - Linear Algebra

    This course emphasizes vector spaces and linear transformations. Topics include linear independence, bases, nullity and rank of a linear transformation, The Dimension Theorem, the representation of linear transformations as matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and determinants. Additional topics may include inner product spaces and Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 032 .
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Each semester

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 101 SC - Introduction to Analysis

    This is a workshop course on how to write proofs in the context of analysis, with a focus on the construction and presentation of rigorous proofs. Students will learn how to use the language of analysis to prove results about sequences, limits, and continuity. Students will regularly present proofs in both written and oral form.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 032  or MATH 060 .
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 102 SC - Differential Equations and Modeling

    In this course we will introduce some basic models including Lotka-Volterra (Predator-Prey) models, as well as some standard modeling techniques. The emphasis in the course will be placed on qualitative methods and the use of software to understand solutions. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors will be introduced to fully solve linear systems in the plane. Linear and non-linear systems of differential equations will be analyzed by classifying orbits near fixed-point solutions. Students may not receive credit for both MATH 102 and MATH 111 .

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 032 .
    Corequisite(s): MATH 060 .
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Each spring semester

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 103 SC - Combinatorics

    An introduction to the techniques and ideas of Combinatorics including counting methods, generating functions, design theory, Ramsey theory, graphs, and networks.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 060 .
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Alternate spring semesters

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 108 PZ - History of Mathematics

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 111 SC - Differential Equations

    This course will provide an introduction to the theory and applications of ordinary differential equations, including methods for solving first and second order equations, linear systems, and non-linear systems. Students may not receive credit for both MATH 102  and MATH 111.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 031 , MATH 060 .
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 131 SC - Principles of Real Analysis I

    This course is the first half of a rigorous discussion of the main concepts (convergence, continuity, differentiation, and integration) of analysis. It begins with basic topology (openness, compactness, completeness, etc.) in metric spaces and a precise treatment of numerical sequences and series and closes with uniform convergence and the great theorems of Ascoli-Arzelà and Stone-Weierstrass.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 032 , MATH 060 . Recommended: MATH 101 .
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 135 SC - Complex Analysis

    The beautiful and elegant theorems which are encountered in complex analysis form a cornerstone of mathematics. In this course we will apply familiar concepts such as line integrals and differentiability to complex-valued functions. We will investigate the Cauchy- Riemann equations, and study holomorphic and meromorphic functions via Taylor and Laurent series. Cauchy’s theorem and integral formula along with the calculus of residues will be featured. We will also introduce conformal mappings and harmonic functions.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 060 . MATH 101  or MATH 131  are recommended.
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Alternate spring semesters

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 137 PO - Real and Functional Analysis I

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 139 SC - Fourier Analysis

    Fourier analysis begins with the examination of the difficulties involved in attempting to reconstruct arbitrary functions as infinite combinations of elementary trigonometric functions. Topics in this course will include Fourier series, summability, types and questions of convergence, and the Fourier transform (with, if time permits, applications to PDEs, medical imaging, linguistics, and number theory).

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 131 .
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 171 SC - Abstract Algebra I

    We study some basic structures that appear throughout mathematics including groups, rings, and fields. Topics in group theory will include isomorphism theorems, orbits and stabilizers, and coset partitions. Topics in ring theory will include ideals, quotient rings, and prime and maximal ideals. Ring and field extensions will also be introduced.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 060 .
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Alternate spring semesters

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 175 SC - Number Theory and Cryptography

     Number Theory is often considered one of the most beautiful and elegant topics in mathematics. We will study properties concerning the integers, such as divisibility, congruences, and prime numbers. More advanced topics include quadratic reciprocity, elliptic curves and Diophantine equations. Throughout the course we will demonstrate powerful applications to public key cryptosystems such as RSA and Diffie-Helman.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 060 .
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Alternate fall semesters

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 191 SC - Senior Thesis

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • MATH 199 SC - Independent Study in Mathematics: Reading and Research

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.


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