Feb 19, 2025  
2018-19 Faculty Handbook 

1.5 Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee

The function of The Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee (APT) is to recommend to the President candidates for appointment to the faculty, for reappointment, and for promotion, and to recommend action on regular and special leaves.


The APT Committee shall consist of five tenured faculty members and the Dean of the Faculty, ex-officio. APT members will serve two-year, overlapping terms such that in a given year a variable number will be elected. If the normal two-year term is interrupted by a leave, the next eligible faculty member will be selected on the basis of the last ballot. Faculty under review are not eligible to serve on APT during the semester of their review.

Terms will begin on July 1 of its year of election. The Dean of Faculty is a non-voting member of the Committee.

Eligibility for Election to APT

All full-time faculty members of Scripps College who will be in residence for the following year and who are tenured are eligible for election to the two-year terms on the APT. The maximum term of consecutive service on APT and/or FEC shall be two years. Faculty who complete four semesters of service on the Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) or the Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee (APT) are released from eligibility for service on FEC or APT for three years.

Election of the APT Committee

Elections to both the FEC and the APT will be held as follows: The Dean of Faculty will initiate the election process on the first Monday of classes of the spring semester. To ensure an accurate ballot, a draft list of eligible candidates normally will be distributed to the faculty by the last day of classes of the previous, fall semester. Untenured faculty are not eligible to serve on APT. Voting members of the faculty will be able to vote for the number of nominees equal to two-thirds of the number of open positions. All fractional values will be rounded up. Faculty members eligible for election to both committees, but not elected to the first committee voted on, shall automatically be placed on the slate for the second committee. The committees shall alternate as to which is elected first. Only continuing full-time faculty, the librarian, the director of the Williamson Gallery, and adjunct faculty in and after their fourteenth year of service shall be voting members of the Scripps Faculty.

All members of the faculty who are eligible are expected to stand for election. One year or one semester leaves approved for the second year of APT service will disqualify members for the whole of that year. Members whose service is suspended will be expected to complete their four semesters of service in the year after their leave. The three year exemption from further service will date from the end of the second year of service. When a replacement is required, the next eligible faculty member will be selected on the basis of the last ballot.

Selection and Compensation of the APT Chair

The APT Committee shall elect its own Chair from among its members at its first meeting. Faculty are eligible for election to APT Chair only once during a two-year term of elected service.

The APT Chair will receive a stipend for this service.

The 2018-19 APT Committee Chair is Ronnie Brosterman.