Feb 03, 2025
4.5 Registration Procedures
Up-to-date registration information is found in the current Schedule of Courses-a “real time” version of which is available through your academic portal account-and Registration Handbook distributed by the Office of the Registrar. The fall schedule is normally available in April for pre-registration and the spring schedule in November.
- All students pre-register for the following semester in November and April. Registration materials are made available to students approximately two weeks before these dates to allow the student and her adviser time to plan her program. Registration packets for all new students in the Fall semester are provided when they check into their in their residence halls.
- Formal registration of new students takes place the day or two before classes begin. Returning students who have not pre-registered enroll during the first week of the semester. Students who fail to register before the deadline to add classes must petition to the Committee on Academic Review for permission to register. Students should check their registration schedules frequently throughout the semester through their portal accounts. Changes in registration schedules must be made according to the procedure in #3 following.
- Students are allowed ten instructional days from the first day of classes to add a class. Seven weeks are allowed to drop a class. Students register through academic portal accounts with academic adviser’s clearance. Failure to withdraw officially from a course will normally result in an F on the student’s record. No credit is granted for work completed for a course in which the student fails to register.
- Refer to the current catalog for additional information related to registration, degree requirements, and so forth.
Students may cross-register within The Claremont Colleges when off-campus enrollments fall within the guidelines listed in the Policies and Procedures section of the Scripps catalog. Individual course restrictions are indicated in semester course schedules. Please refer to the section on cross-registration at the Claremont Colleges in the Scripps catalog.
Classes Requiring Permission
If a course instructor requests that written permission be required for enrollment into the course, the instructor then needs to monitor and respond to permission requests through his/her academic portal account.
Closed Classes
Classes are closed to further registration when course limits have been reached. Additional registrations may be processed only by instructor written permission. Course limits may be set by students’ home colleges or overall. Only courses approved and indicated in the catalog as prerequisite may be required for enrollment into the course.
Current Class Lists
Up-to-date numbers of enrollments in courses are accurately reflected on the Academic Portal Schedule of Courses; individual student registrations in courses are accurately reflected on the portal class lists. These are updated as registration activities occur at the various Colleges. Contact the Registrar if you have difficulty accessing your portal account.