Dec 27, 2024  
2019-20 Faculty Handbook 

3.22 Sabbatical Leaves

There are two types of regular sabbatical leaves available for Scripps faculty: seventh year and seventh semester sabbatical leaves. Faculty members are eligible for sabbatical leave upon completion of a requisite number of years of teaching after their full-time appointment to the College, or after a specified number of semesters of teaching since their last sabbatical leave, as outlined below. A sabbatical leave is not a reward for service previously rendered but an opportunity for the development of the individual’s abilities as a teacher and a scholar for the benefit of the College as well as the faculty member. Therefore, no one should apply for sabbatical leave (of either type) unless s/he can anticipate several years of teaching after his or her return, except in the case of a terminal sabbatical.

Probationary faculty members may be eligible to apply for seventh semester sabbatical leaves if they have been granted new, on-going contracts after successful completion of three years of service. The APT Committee normally does not review faculty members who are on leaves of any kind.

  1. Seventh Year Sabbatical Leaves. Faculty members above the rank of Instructor are eligible in the seventh year after their full-time appointment to the College or in the seventh year after their last regular sabbatical leave, to take a full year’s sabbatical at 80% pay or a one-semester sabbatical at full pay. If a seventh year sabbatical leave is taken for one semester (at full pay), the faculty member will teach three courses or the equivalent in the alternate semester of the same year. Accrual of time toward the next sabbatical leave will begin at the completion of the academic year in which the leave is taken. In the case of a seventh year sabbatical taken for an entire year (at 80% pay), accrual of time toward the next regular sabbatical leave will begin after the year’s leave. If regular sabbatical leaves must be postponed accrual toward subsequent sabbatical leaves may be arranged pursuant to communication with the Dean.
  2. Seventh Semester Sabbatical Leaves. Faculty members above the rank of Instructor have the option, in the seventh semester after their full-time appointment to the College or in the seventh semester after their last regular sabbatical leave, of taking a one-semester sabbatical leave. Effective academic year 2013-14, tenured faculty receive 80% pay and, for their first leave, pre-tenure faculty receive 100% pay, and 80% pay for any subsequent leave. If such a seventh semester sabbatical leave is taken, the faculty member has the option to teach either two or three courses during the semester in residence for the first sabbatical. This choice will establish a rotation, alternating between two and three courses during the semester in residence for future sabbaticals. For instance, if a faculty member teaches two courses during the semester in residence for the first sabbatical, during the next sabbatical, the faculty member will teach three courses during the semester in residence. Normally, accrual of time toward the next sabbatical will begin upon completion of the semester’s leave, but if institutional or personal needs require postponement of the leave, then accrual of time will begin at the time the sabbatical otherwise would have been completed.
  3. Senior Lecturer Sabbatical Leaves
    Senior Lecturers are eligible for 1 semester sabbatical leaves every 7 years (half of those accorded to full-time faculty) at the rate of 80% of salary. The salary level of which they will receive 80% will be determined to be an average of their last 5 years’ number of courses times the current salary level. After 14 years a part-time Senior Lecturer can apply in the 14th year for a one semester sabbatical during the 15th year at their full part-time salary.
  4. Sabbatical Leave Request Process
    Each fall the Dean of the Faculty will invite faculty eligible for sabbaticals to submit their requests for the following academic year, in writing. The letter should specify the semester(s) in which leave is desired, type of leave requested (e.g., 7th semester, 7th year), the number of courses taught while in residence, a detailed plan of professional activities for period of leave, accomplishments from the most recent leave, and impact on the curriculum. The chair of the faculty member’s department must submit a letter to the Dean stating the impact of the proposed sabbatical on the department and affiliated programs. Approval of sabbatical leaves is based upon the merits of the proposal and on past performance in research, teaching, and service.

The APT Committee will review such requests for sabbatical leave and make a recommendation to the President. The candidate will normally be notified of the final decision of the Board of Trustees by January 15, but no later than April 15, of the academic year previous to the proposed sabbatical.

Within one month of his/her return to teaching from sabbatical leave, the individual concerned should submit to the Dean of the Faculty a written summary of the professional activities undertaken while on leave. Any departures from the earlier tentative plan should be explained, since the two documents will remain in the individual’s file as a record of his/her planning and achievements during that particular year of service to the College.

Course replacements for faculty leaves are not automatic. Department chairs are required to complete a “DEPARTMENTAL REQUEST FOR COURSE REPLACEMENT FORM” and submit this to the Faculty Executive Committee for approval.