Sep 22, 2024  
2020-2021 Scripps Catalog 

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions are provided for course offerings at Scripps College and courses available as part of joint or cooperative programs in which Scripps participates. For those courses that may appear under more than one discipline or department, the full course description appears under the discipline or department sponsoring the course and cross-reference is made under the associated discipline or department. Numbers followed by, for example, “AA,” “AF,” or “CH,” indicate courses sponsored by The Claremont Colleges as part of joint programs, i.e., Asian American Studies, Africana Studies, and Chicanx Latinx Studies.

Please refer to the Schedule of Courses on the Scripps Portal published each semester by the Registrar’s Office for real-time information on course offerings.

All courses are 1.0 credit unless otherwise stated.



  • SPAN 163 SC - Pais Vasco or Euskal Herria: Una intro

    Basque people (euskaldunak) are considered one of the oldest indigenous ethnic groups of Europe; its language is a mystery. Most Basques live in seven historical territories and speak Spanish, French, and Euskara. The aim of this course is to introduce students to Basque culture from a historical, linguistic, anthropological, political and artistic perspective. As one of the most unique regions of Spain, it provides a fertile ground to analyze decentralized forms of knowledge. We will tackle issues such a nation/nation state, ethnicity and identity politics; sexualities and gender, tradition and modernity. The course will also examine Basques in the American diaspora.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every year

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 165 SC - History of the Spanish Language

    A comprehensive study of the development of Spanish from Latin into the modern, present-day language. Analysis of the influence of Germanic and Arabic languages on medieval Spanish, as well as the relationship of Spanish to other Romance Languages. Special attention will also be devoted to the different varieties of Latin-American Spanish, as well as to Peninsular dialects. Knowledge of languages other than Spanish is not necessary.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 044 .
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 170 PO - Don Quixote and Cultural Identity

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 175 SC - From Freedom and Democracy to Dictatorship and Repression: The Aftermath of the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1975

    The Spanish Civil War is the most dramatic event of modern Spanish history. The uprising of General Franco in 1936 produced a bloody conflict that shattered the effort of the Spanish intellectuals to create a new and modern nation. The war and the dictatorship that followed drove leading Spanish intellectuals into exile. This course will examine the causes of the war and its disastrous consequences for the intellectual life of Spain through the study of different forms of expression such as literature, cinema, painting, and graphic art of the period. Readings will include selected works by Machado, Garcia Lorca, Alberti, Miguel Hernandez, Guillén, Ayala, Goytisolo, Aldecoa, Mart’n Gaite, and Roig.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 110  or similar level.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 176 SC - From Tyranny to Democracy: The Politics of Culture in Spain Between 1975-1992

    The death of Franco in 1975 marks the end of 30 years of dictatorship and new beginnings for Spain. This course will examine the transitional period from dictatorship to democracy through the study of several forms of expressions such as cinema, the press, literature, and art. Readings will be selected from newspapers and literature of the period.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 044 .
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 177 SC - Escenarios de conflicto: Theater and Social Change in Contemporary Spain and Latin America

    This course brings together an array of dramatic texts and performances that trace some of the intersections of theater and social and political life in Spain and in Latin America over the past three centuries. The class will cover, among other themes, trends in stage renovation at the time of the Spanish Avant-Gardes; theatrical productions that resisted the military dictatorships in the Southern Cone of Latin America; fierce performance works that stage defiant critiques of repressive values and injustice. Film, videos, and interactive readings will bring the texts to life!

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN044 SC  
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every two years

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 178 SC - Literary and Filmic Representations of the Spanish Civil War in Contemporary Spain. “Working through” Memory.

    This course explores the process of memory production: how it is recounted, repressed, rewritten or forgotten. Among other themes, the course will focus on the political currency of nostalgia in reconstructions of the war; the rehabilitation of marginal figures or groups; and debates about universal human rights principles versus national amnesty laws.

    Prerequisite(s): Spanish 44
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 178 CM - The New Latin American Cinema: History, Politics, Gender, and Society

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 179 SC - Fe, Esperanza, Amor y Muerte: Women Writers of the Hispanic World

    An exploration of the contribution of women from Spain and Latin America to the world in the areas of spirituality, government, politics, sciences, and art, through the analysis of literary discourse. The scope of the course ranges from the Renaissance to the present time.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 120A  or SPAN 120B , or permission of the instructor.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 179 CM - Mexican Cinema in the New Millennium

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 180 CM - A Time of Crisis: Spanish Literature from 1898-1920

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 181 CM - Representations of Democracy in Latin American Literature and Cinema

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 182 PO - Contemporary Spanish Poetry: Poetics, Identity, Difference

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 182 SC - Cuba, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic: Towards an Interpretation of the Hispanic Caribbean through Its Short Stories

    This course will analyze central tropes that appear in short stories by authors from the nations the form the Hispanic Caribbean (Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Cuba) and their diasporas. Reading list will include works by Juan Bosch, Alejo Carpentier, Luis Rafael Sanchez, Ana Lydia Vega, Mirta Yanez, among others.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 182 CM - Latin American Documentary Cinema

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 183 SC - Interculturality and Bilingualism in the Andes

    This course examines “interculturality” as a theoretical and political principle which emerged in the 2000s, as part of indigenous movements in Ecuador and Bolivia, and challenged the colonial and neoliberal nature of nation state projects. This course reflects upon the premises and promises of interculturality through an analysis of literature, testimonies and films by mestizo and indigenous authors from the Andean region. We critically engage in discussions around prevalent ideologies of mestizaje and bilingualism, as well as address the politics of relations among cultures historically in dispute. Philosophies of translation will be key for the analysis of how these cultures related and struggle to coexist.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 184 CM - Literature of the Zapatista Rebellion: “To rule by obeying.”

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 184 SC - The Image and the Word/La imagen y la palabra

    The relation between writing, painting, photography and cinema might at first be viewed as a simple and familiar combination of visual and verbal art as felicitous interplay based on affinity and compatibility. However, it also generates numerous theoretical speculations with far-reaching implications for the theorization of art and literature. The potentially frictional relations between the visual image and the written text are especially pertinent for a discussion of the artworks of many Latin American and Spanish artists and writers.

    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 044 .
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 185 PO - The Avant-Garde in Spain

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 186 PZ - Latin American Cultural Diaspora

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 187 PZ - Expressions of Latin American Popular Cultures

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 189 PZ - Seminar on Contemporary Issues in the Spanish Speaking World

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 191 SC - Senior Thesis

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every year

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • SPAN 199 SC - Independent Study in Latin American or Spanish Literature: Reading and Research

    Special topics for most advanced students. To be arranged with faculty. Offered annually.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.


  • THEA 001A PO - Basic Acting: Tools and Fundamentals

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Fall and spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 001D PO - Beginning Acting: African American Theatre

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 001G PO - Basic Acting: Acting for Social Change

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 002 PO - The Dramatic Imagination

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Fall and spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 007 PO - Devising Performance

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every year

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 012 PO - Intermediate Acting: Scene Study & Voice

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Fall and spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 013 PO - Corporeal Mime

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Offered: Fall and spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 014 PO - Corporeal Mime and Pedagogy

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Fall and spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 017 PO - Make-up

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Offered: Fall and spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 021 PO - Costume Construction

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every other fall

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 022 PO - Stage Lighting Technology

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every other spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 023 PO - Theatre Crafts

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 024 PO - Sound for the Theatre

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every other spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 030 PO - World Theatre and Drama I: Greeks to Restoration

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every fall

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 031 PO - Word Theatre and Drama II: Kabuki to Contemporary

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 041 PO - Stage and Theatre Management

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 051C PO - Theatre Performance

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Offered: Fall and spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 051H PO - Theatre Performance and Pedagogy

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Offered: Fall and spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 052C PO - Theatre Production: Practicum

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Offered: Fall and spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 052H PO - Theatre Production: Practicum and Pedagogy

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Offered: Fall and spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 053CG PO - Alexander Technique In Motion-Group

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Offered: Fall and spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 053CI PO - Alexander Technique and Pedagogy-Individual

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Offered: Fall and spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 053HG PO - Alexander Technique in Motion-Group

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Offered: Fall and spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 053HI PO - Alexander Technique and Pedagogy-Individual

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Offered: Fall and spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 054C PO - The Speaking Voice

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Offered: Fall and spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 060 PO - Theatre for Young Audiences

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Offered: Fall and spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 061 PO - Theatre for Young Audiences

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Fall and spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 080 PO - Scene Design for Stage and Screen

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 081 PO - Costume Design for Stage and Screen

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 082 PO - Lighting Design for Stage and Screen

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Fall

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 091 PO - Musical Theatre Performance

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 100E PO - Acting Studio: Acting for Film and Television

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every other year

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 115M PO - Race and Contemporary Performance

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 130 PO - Introduction to Directing

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 170 PO - Writing for Performance

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 188 PO - Theory/Criticism/Praxis

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 191H PO - Senior Thesis

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Offered: Fall and spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • THEA 192H PO - Senior Project

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Offered: Fall and spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

Women and Gender Studies

  • GWS 140 PO - Queer of Color Critique: Literature and Theory

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GWS 162 PO - Decolonizing Gender and Sexuality in Asian/America

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GWS 170 PO - Disability Studies: Foundations, Intersections, and Future

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GWS 172 PO - Race, Gender, and the Environment

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GWS 180 PO - Queer Feminist Theories

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GWS 190 PO - Senior Seminar

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.



  • WRIT 010 PZ - Writing Publics: Education, Literacies, and Culture

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 016 PZ - The Writing Process

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 020 PZ - Writing Seminar: Representing LA

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 100 SC - Advanced Argumentative Writing

    This course is an intensive workshop/seminar designed to enhance students’ rhetorical skills. While topics vary, the class always exposes students to a wide variety of writing strategies and forms and encourages students to develop a greater sensitivity to language as they become more competent and confident thinkers and writers. Using the written argument as a starting point, students write in several genres and critique peers and other writers. Repeatable for credit with different topics.

    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 100A PZ - Writing Center Theory & Praxis

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 0.5

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 105 SC - Writing and the Liberal Arts

    We’ll investigate the rhetoric of arguments regarding current challenges for the liberal-arts curriculum, asking questions such as: What are the traditional liberal arts, and how are they being re-defined today in response to larger shifts in the culture? Why should or shouldn’t anyone pursue the liberal arts? Why is it so hard for colleges to decide which subjects are required? What is the value of a liberal-arts education in an increasingly commodified world? What is the definition and value of diversity in the liberal arts? Are new values threatening to overshadow basic pursuits into knowledge and truth, and is this good or bad? Our examination will translate into working together towards designing, developing, shaping, and polishing clear and detailed compositions. Assignments will likely include debates or mock trials on our main questions, analytical responses to the readings, workshops and reviews of classmates’ compositions, a mission statement for a liberal-arts college, and a defense or critique of a requirement at the Claremont Colleges.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Occasionally

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 109 SC - Writing Studio

    In this writing workshop, students develop their understanding of the academic writing process, including prompts and disciplinary conventions; invention, brainstorming, and prewriting; drafting, revision, and editing; peer response; critical thinking; research; and oral presentation. Students discuss academic genres and writing conventions as well as rhetorical framing and audience expectations of individual essays of any kind (including senior thesis chapters), which they workshop as a group.

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Offered: Every spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 110 SC - Introduction to Rhetoric

    This course combines canonical theories and contemporary practices of rhetoric.  We will study representative texts on the arts and techniques of persuasion from the classical, renaissance, and modern periods.  We will apply their ideas to current cases in politics and the media.  Assignments will include rhetorical analyses and creative arguments (advertisements, formal letters, propaganda, manifestos, policy briefs).

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every 1-2 years

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 113 SC - Prose Style and the Sentence

    This is a course about sentences. We will study how to appreciate and analyze them; how to expand and contract them; how to translate them from one register/style to another; and how to move their words around for rhetorical effect. We will read from a few style handbooks (with exercises), scrutinize sentences from a wide range of sources, imitate some major stylists, compose a couple of short papers, and even try our hand at diagramming sentences, as well as complete a course project. Mostly, though, we will take a workshop approach to crafting a wide range of sentences in which every word tells. 

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Offered: Every 1-2 years

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 120 SC - Tech Rhetorics

    In this course, we examine theoretical and practical approaches to technical and nonprofit writing. These overlapping subgenres involve presenting technical and expert knowledge to a lay audience based on the particular rhetorical situation of the project, a task that directly engages translation, aesthetics, narrative, and ethics. We also track the various ways our technical and philanthropic rhetorics rely upon and help normalize socially oppressive structures.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every fall

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 132 SC - Arts + Culture Review

    This course is a writing workshop designed to enhance your skills in the journalistic review. Focusing on reviews of food, travel, books, film, music, and art and performance, we’ll read reviews from the best practitioners in each area as well as cultural theories of taste and aesthetics and discuss the politics of both. We’ll develop our critical palates by doing taste tests and short critiques in class. Finally, we’ll talk about the ethics and logistics of reviewing as well as issues of form. Assignments will include reviews in each area and critical responses to the reviews of others.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every 2-3 years

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 135 SC - Writing Social Media

    This is a course in which students study and produce writing in social media genres, while also practicing argumentative, analytical, and research writing transferable to academia. Course work includes one academic paper, weekly critical reading responses, social media posts across a variety of platforms, a final social media project, and an electronic portfolio of all work at the end of the term.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every 2-3 years

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 137 SC - The Newspaper Op-Ed

    This is a workshop-based course designed to enhance students’ skills in crafting arguments about contemporary political and ethical problems and to develop their awareness of language’s possibilities. We will examine the editorial as the most economical and condensed example of argumentative writing that exploits the full range of rhetorical techniques. We will read editorials on a variety of topics (some chosen by the class). For these readings, our main task will be to scrutinize each argument’s logic and its author’s strategies to gain credibility. Assignments will include exercises on logic and logical flaws, imitations of prose styles, and a portfolio of editorials.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every 3-4 years

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 139 SC - Election Lab: Rhetoric, Commentary, and Podcasts

    Election Lab: Rhetoric, Commentary, and Podcasts

    A writing class focused on the rhetoric of the current election. We’ll investigate how the language of candidates and ballot proposals tries to persuade us. Our primary texts will likely include the Voter Information Guide, political ads, debates, and speeches. We’ll also consider commentary from leading political podcasts, some chosen by the students. And we’ll study a few canonical writers on rhetoric and politics such as Raymond Williams, George Orwell, and George Lakoff.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Occasionally

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 140 SC - Creative Nonfiction

    This workshop-based course focuses on creative nonfiction, defined as prose focusing on actual events or circumstances in the author’s experience depicted using the techniques of creative genres (fiction, poetry, drama). Subfields of the genre include literary or lyric essays, memoir, and literary journalism. We will read examples of the genre from highly regarded practitioners as well as more theoretical work, and we will talk about the ethics and formal conventions of working in each area. Assignments will include writing in each area of this genre and critical responses to the work of others (both published work and that of peers).

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every other year

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 145 SC - Women’s Memoir/Writing

    This course proposes to examine the revolutionary aspects of the memoir through women’s memoirs of varied backgrounds and proposes to engage students in the political and healing journey of writing their own life stories through nonfiction essays and blurred genres. Themes addressed will include: childhood, violence, survival, memory, death, race, spirituality, generational difference, sexuality, class, and migration. Students should expect to take part in weekly discussions on assigned readings as well as to workshop writings generated in and out of class by their peers. Text may include literature by the following: Patti Smith, Sandra Cisneros, Dorothy Allison Eula Biss, and Miriam Toews. 


    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Occasionally

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 160 SC - Theories and Pedagogies of Writing

    This course is an advanced introduction to composition studies. We will examine influential essays from our discipline, mostly theory and case studies on teaching writing. In addition, we will observe and conduct mock tutorial sessions, practice responses to student writing, and present and discuss examples of particularly good or bad instructional sessions.

    Course Credit: 0.5
    Offered: Every fall

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 165IO SC - Prison Writing Center Praxis I/O

    In this course, inside and outside students discuss the theory and practice of an Inside/Out Writing Center. Students read about and then practice various kinds of writing center pedagogy, prison writing pedagogy, and all aspects of the academic essay writing process. In doing so, they engage in nuanced discussions of the politics of academic writing, the English language, and college pedagogy; they also discuss studies of incarceration and of writing pedagogy in prisons, some of which focuses on the Inside/Out program itself. Assignments include prewriting, reflective writing, and essay-writing and revision; small-group peer workshop; full-class workshop; mock tutorial and debrief; discussion of readings; presentations; sentence-level editing; and oral presentation skill-building.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission required
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Occasionally

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 172 SC - Rhetorics of Sustainability

    This course explores rhetorics of urban and “natural” environments and the beings allowed access to them. Using tools of rhetorical ecologies, we’ll discuss nature writing and travel literature, utopian literature, memoir, universal design and urban planning, prison studies, environmental justice, anthropology, and artist’s books. Assignments include academic and creative nonfiction essays and a research-driven sustainability audit.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every other year

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 175 SC - Social Action Writing and Rhetoric

    This course examines the tradition of oral, visual, and written arguments intended to support social action. We will examine highlights of U.S. social action rhetoric in four genres: manifestos, speeches, literature, and zines. Students will examine the tactics, ideology, and context of pieces and then attempt to create these forms.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Occasionally

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 197 SC - Archetype, apocalypse, imagination

    Over millennia, lyric traditions have strengthened and sustained our connection to each other and to place. We will read and create works that offer protection and perspective, and consider issues of craft such as pattern, symbol, and image.  Writers we will read include Abigail Chabitnoy, Nillas Homberg, Tanya Taguq, and others.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: One-time offering in spring 2021

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 197 SC - Special Topics in Writing

    Courses under this number will vary from year to year, and will focus on a close analysis of a given genre (the essay, the short story, the poem, the newspaper article, the memoir.etc.), by an established practitioner of the form. May be repeated for credit.


    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • WRIT 197J SC - Special Topics in Writing

    Courses under this number will vary from year to year, and will focus on a close analysis of a given genre (the essay, the short story, the poem, the newspaper article, the screenplay, the review) by an established practitioner of the form. May be repeated for credit.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.


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