Mar 06, 2025  
2022-23 Faculty Handbook 

2.6 Information Technology (IT) Resources

Faculty Lab
Faculty Laptops
Smart Classrooms
Student Computer Lab

Multimedia/Technical Teaching Classrooms
Art Computer Lab
Modern Language Lab
Residence Hall Computer Resources
Computer Network Access in Residence Hall Rooms
Computer Network Access in Faculty Offices
Wireless on Campus
Audio Visual Media Services
The Claremont Colleges Policy Regarding Appropriate Use of Campus Computing and Network Resources

Scripps College has a combination of presentation classrooms and computer labs to facilitate the use of technology on campus. The Scripps network supports a wide variety of software and Internet applications to be used for educational purposes and to carry out the legitimate business of the college.

Faculty Lab

Steele  Hall  Basement  Room  1C  is  the  location  of  the  Faculty  Computer  Lab. Containing two multimedia Macs and two Dell computers, this lab has both black and color printing, as well as flatbed scanners and a slide scanner. Faculty can access this lab 24/7 with their SAM key.  The lab houses our IT-FITS (Faculty In-Office Technology Support) program to facilitate faculty use of information technology to enhance teaching, learning, and professional development. See the IT-FITS web page at:  

Faculty Laptops

Faculty may reserve a PC or Mac laptop for the weekend or business trip. Contact IT at ext. 73406 for more information, or send email to to place a reservation.  

Smart Classrooms

All of our classrooms are “smart,” meaning that each has a computer connected to the network, along with CD, VCR, all-region DVD and BluRay player, and data projector. The Humanities Auditorium, with seating for over 200, also has SVHS-VCR,  and fully integrated audio. These rooms are used for classes, workshops, and presentations, and   can accommodate the electronic technology which is now an important component of the academic experience.

Student Computer Lab

Located on the second floor of Steele Hall, this facility contains multiple Macintosh and Dell PCs that host a variety of applications and discipline-specific software.  Scanning and color printing are also available. Scripps students and faculty have 24-hour access to the lab with their ID card while classes are in session.

Multimedia Technical Teaching Classrooms

Located on the lower level of Steele Hall, Room 5 is equipped with 25 multimedia Macintosh desktop systems. Steele Hall Room 229, adjacent to the student computer lab, is equipped with 25 Dell systems with Flat panel displays and a printer

Art Computer Lab

The Art computer lab is located in Lang Art Center. It is available to students enrolled in computer art and multimedia studio classes.

Modern Language Lab

This lab in Humanities 122 is for use by students studying foreign languages at Scripps, CMC and HMC. It has 14 Dell and Mac computers with special language software installed. Satellite TV with international channels is also available here.

Residence Hall Computer Resources

Providing 24-hour computer access, each of the nine residence halls is equipped with at least one DELL PC, a Macintosh system and a Laser printer for student use. The computers are on the campus network and run the same software that is available in the computer lab.

Computer Network Access in Residence Hall Rooms

Scripps College provides computer connections (Gigabit Ethernet ports) in every Residence hall room.  Students with personal computers can utilize this technology to connect to our LAN, which provides Internet and access to free LaserJet printing.   In order to connect to the wired network, students need to have an Ethernet port and cable.

Computer Network Access in Faculty Offices

Scripps College provides computer connections (Gigabit Ethernet ports) in every Faculty office.  Faculty with personal computers can utilize this technology to connect to our LAN, which provides Internet and access to Scripps resources.

Wireless on Campus

The college is outfitted with campus-wide wireless access based on the latest 802.11ac standard.  Faculty,  students  and  staff  with  wireless  devices  may  connect  to  the Claremont wireless network using their Scripps provided account and password.  See our Wireless web page for more information:

Audio/Visual (Media) Services

The Audio/Visual services department provides media services for classrooms, special events, and campus activities. They are able to provide media for academic lectures, outdoor presentations, and performances. Should you need their services please contact them at ext. 73193 or through the Media Services web page at



The Claremont Colleges Policy Regarding Appropriate Use of Campus Computing and Network Resources

An overall guiding mission of The Claremont Colleges is education in an environment where the free exchange of ideas is encouraged and protected.  The Claremont Colleges make available computing and network facilities (CNF) resources for use by the Colleges’ students, faculty and staff. These services are provided for educational purposes and to carry out the legitimate business of the Colleges.

The  Colleges  and  members  of  the  college  communities  are  expected  to  observe Federal, State and local laws that govern computer and telecommunications use, as well as the Colleges’ regulations and policies.  You must not use campus computing or networking resources or personal computing resources accessed through campus network facilities to collect, store or distribute information or materials, or to participate in activities that are in violation of federal, state or local laws or other Colleges policies or guidelines.  These include, but are not limited to, policies and guidelines regarding intellectual property and sexual or other forms of harassment.

Computing and network facilities resources users are required to use these resources within the Colleges’ standards of conduct. Individuals with expert knowledge of information systems or who make extensive use of these facilities, or with a position of trust regarding these facilities will be held accountable to a higher standard.

Responsible, considerate, and ethical behavior expected by the Colleges extends to use of computing and network facilities resources, and networks throughout the world to which electronic access has been provided. These CNF resources include but are not limited to:

•Computers and associated peripheral devices;

•Campus video cable;

•Classroom presentation systems;

•Voice messaging equipment;

•Data networking equipment systems, including remote and wireless access;

•Computer software;

•Electronically stored institutional data and messages;

•All other similar resources owned, controlled, and/or operated by the Colleges;

•Services to maintain these resources.


The Colleges retain absolute ownership rights of the CNF resources. Such resources are not owned by a department or by any individual. CNF resources leased, licensed, or purchased under research contracts or grants, are administered under the terms of this Policy for as long as they remain within the lawful possession or control of the Colleges. CNF resources provided to on-campus residences are also owned, operated and provided by the Colleges.

Privacy & Security

•  File confidentiality

Your documents, files and electronic mail stored on a College-owned networked computer or server are normally accessible only by you.  However, any file or document placed on a College-owned computer or network is subject to access pursuant to this Policy, and thus, should not be regarded as private or confidential.   The system managers at both CINE (Claremont Intercollegiate Network Effort) and within the individual campus IT organizations have the ability to monitor traffic and directly view any file as it moves across the network, and they must occasionally do so to manage campus network resources. In short, files may be monitored without notice in the ordinary course of business to ensure the smooth operation of the network. All staff members working in information technology have clear guidelines that prohibit violations of privacy and confidentiality and, in the normal course of their work, they do not view the contents of user files or e-mail. However, you should be aware that authorized College personnel will take appropriate steps to investigate when there is a suspicion of inappropriate use of campus computing or networking resources. This may include monitoring network traffic, its contents, and examining files on any computer system connected to the network.

You should also know that all files on shared (i.e., networked) systems, including e-mail servers, are backed up periodically on schedules determined by each College. Backup tapes are preserved for lengths of time also determined by individual College operating procedures. These tapes can be used to restore files that you have deleted accidentally. This means that the files on the tapes are also available to someone else with reason and authority to retrieve them.

•  Network monitoring

Troubleshooting  on  the  campus  network,  as  well  as  planning  for  enhancements, requires the collection of detailed data on network traffic. CINE regularly runs monitoring software that records and reports on the data that is transported across the campus networks. The reports include the origin and destination addresses, and other characteristics of files, including the URLs of the World Wide Web sites that are contacted. This data is accessed and used only by authorized IT staff members responsible for network performance, operations and planning. You should also be aware that many Web host machines on the Internet collect and log information about you and your identity when you visit their sites. This information may include, but is not limited to, information about the computer you are using, its address, and your e-mail address.

Many educational and business activities at the Colleges require network access to resources on the Internet.  To ensure adequate bandwidth to these sites for the Colleges’ primary educational and business purposes, CINE and campus IT staff may restrict the amount of traffic to particular sites and the amount of traffic of specific types.

From time to time these network monitoring activities may allow systems managers to identify individuals whose activities downgrade the performance of the campus network or a segment of the network, or which appear to violate the general guidelines for appropriate use of campus computing and network resources. In such instances, a CINE staff member or a member of your own College’s IT staff may ask you to cease these activities. If you continue such activities, or if they include illegal activities, appropriate College authorities may be notified. In extreme cases, network privileges may be revoked on an interim basis pending resolution of the issue. The individual campuses determine specific corrective or disciplinary actions.

•  Passwords and Codes

Individuals entrusted with or that inadvertently discover logins and passwords are expected to guard them responsibly. These passwords are not to be shared with others. The same policy applies to door codes for restricted-access rooms/areas. Those who need logins or door codes can make a formal request to the administrator of those codes/passwords.  Passwords may be used for the purpose of security, but the use of the password does not affect the Claremont Colleges ownership of electronic information.


Access to Resources

Access  to  CNF  resources  is  a  privilege,  which  is  allowed  only  to  the  Colleges’ authorized personnel and students. All users must understand and abide by the responsibilities that come with the privilege of use. Such responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

1.  You must understand and comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws.

2.  You must not intentionally seek information about, browse, copy, or modify non- public files belonging to other people, whether at a Claremont College or elsewhere. You must not attempt to “sniff” or eavesdrop on data on the network that are not intended for you.

3.  You are authorized to use only computer resources and information to which you have legitimately been granted access. Sharing your passwords with others is expressly forbidden. Any attempt to gain unauthorized access to any computer system, resource or information is expressly forbidden. If you encounter or observe a gap in system or network security, immediately report the gap to the manager of that system.

4.  Each College’s Policy on Harassment applies as equally to electronic displays and communications as to the more traditional (e.g., oral and written) means of display and communication.

5.  Messages, sentiments, and declarations sent as electronic mail or postings must meet the same standards for distribution or display as physical (paper) documents would on college property.

6. Unsolicited mailings and unauthorized mass mailings from campus networks or computing resources (i.e., “spam”) are prohibited. Each campus may have specific policies regarding the use of existing group mailing lists (e.g., all-students or all- faculty). Contact your campus IT organization for details regarding these policies.

7.  Spoofing, or attempts to spoof or falsify e-mail, network or other information used to identify the source, destination or other information about a communication, data or information is prohibited.

8. You must not degrade computing or network performance in any way that could prevent others from meeting their educational or College business goals.  You must not prevent others from using shared resources by running unattended processes, by playing games or by “locking” systems without permission from the appropriate system manager.

9.  You must conform to laws and Colleges policies regarding protection of intellectual property, including laws and policies regarding copyright, patents, and trademarks. When the content and distribution of an electronic communication would exceed fair use as defined by the federal Copyright Act of 1976, users of campus computing or networking resources shall secure appropriate permission to distribute protected material in any form, including text, photographic images, audio, video, graphic illustrations, and computer software.

10. You  must  not  use  campus  computing  or  networking  resources  or  personal computing resources accessed through campus network facilities to collect, store or distribute information or materials, or to participate in activities that are in violation of federal, state or local laws.

11. You  must  not  use  campus  computing  or  networking  resources  or  personal computing resources accessed through campus network facilities to collect, store or distribute  information  or  materials  in  violation  of  other  Colleges’  policies  or guidelines.  These include, but are not limited to, policies and guidelines regarding intellectual property and sexual or other forms of harassment.

12. You must not create or willfully disseminate computer viruses, worms, or other software intended to degrade system or network security. You must take reasonable steps to prevent your system from being used as a vehicle for such actions.  This includes installing system and software patches as well as anti-virus signatures files.

13. Use of CNF resources for advertising, selling, and soliciting for commercial purposes or for personal gain is prohibited without the prior written consent of the Colleges. Faculty, students or staff who have questions about the legitimacy of a particular use should discuss it with the appropriate members of the IT staff on their home campus.

14. The disclosure of individually identifiable non-directory information to non-university personnel is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). The disclosure of financial or personnel records that are owned by the Colleges without permission or to unauthorized persons is not permitted and may be prosecuted under California Penal Code 502.

15. Willful or unauthorized misuse or disclosure of information owned by the Colleges will also constitute just cause for disciplinary action, including dismissal from school and/or termination of employment regardless of whether criminal or civil penalties are imposed.  It is also expected that any user will report suspected abuses of CNF resources.  Failure to do so may subject the individual to loss of CNF access and/or the disciplinary action referred to above.

The respective Information Technology organization of one of the Claremont Colleges may immediately suspend service to an individual or computer found to be significantly degrading the usability of the network or other computer systems.  Inappropriate use will be referred to the appropriate College authority to take action, which may result in dismissal from school and/or termination of employment.

Note:  The provisions of this Policy apply to the institutions comprising The Claremont Colleges, including the Claremont University Consortium. Approved by the Council of the Claremont Colleges 8/20/2004.