Jan 29, 2025  
2022-23 Faculty Handbook 

3.30 Business Conduct and Ethics

Scripps College prides itself on maintaining high ethical standards in all dealings with the business community, the public, the College community, and fellow employees. Scripps has certain policies essential to maintaining these standards - i.e. the Scripps College Mission Statement, Principles of Community and The Guide to Student Life. All of those who work for Scripps College are aware of our commitment to these standards, and we will work hard to meet them. However, to formalize our commitment to certain policies, our Board of Trustees has adopted this Code of Conduct and Ethics.

This Code of Conduct and Ethics does not summarize all our policies. Every employee must also comply with all of our other policies set out in our Staff Handbook or Faculty Handbook, as appropriate.

As an employee of Scripps College, you are expected to:

  1. Learn about and follow the laws, regulations, and policies that apply to your assigned duties and position at Scripps College.
  2. Be honest and fair with everyone you meet, whether it is a student, faculty, staff, alumna, trustee, vendor, or visitor to the College.
  3. Reply truthfully to inquiries about College matters that are reported to any co- worker, member of management, trustee, government agency or to the public.
  4. Keep all College records under your responsibility current, relevant, and accurate.
  5. Keep confidential all private matters and information regarding members of the Scripps community, the College, and its business dealings. Disclose private information only to authorized personnel having “a need to know” or as required by law.
  6. Use your work time and College materials and equipment for Scripps business only, including use of computers which should be in accordance with the “Scripps and The Claremont Colleges General Computer Guidelines.” College property shall not be sold, loaned, given away, intentionally damaged, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of, without proper authorization. College funds or assets may not be donated to other nonprofit or charitable organizations. Copyright material (including books, articles, computer software programs and tapes) should not be infringed.
  7. Be sensitive to situations that could raise questions of conflicts between your personal interests and the College’s interests. The best policy is to avoid any direct or indirect business connection with Scripps’ customers, suppliers, or competitors, except on behalf of the College. Do not accept gifts of significant value from any person with whom the College is doing business.

You are responsible for ensuring that your own conduct and the conduct of anyone reporting to you fully comply with this Code and with Scripps’ policies. Violations will result in the taking of appropriate disciplinary action up to and including discharge from employment. Conduct representing a violation of this Code may, in some circumstances, also subject you to civil or criminal charges and penalties.

If you are ever unsure about whether some action or situation would be consistent with this Code of Conduct and Ethics, or if you encounter a situation and you are unsure what to do, you agree to discuss it with your supervisor or an officer of the College such as the President, Dean of Faculty, Treasurer, or Secretary to the Board of Trustees before taking further action.