Jan 15, 2025  
2022-23 Faculty Handbook 

2.14 Discrimination and Harassment Policies and Grievance Procedures


As a community dedicated to the education of women and the advancement of learning, Scripps College (the “College”) seeks to maintain an environment in which individuals can live, learn and work free from discrimination and harassment, including sexual violence, sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking. The College regards such behavior as inimical to its educational purposes and to the respect for individuals that it holds to be essential in all aspects of its institutional life. Members of the Scripps community, defined as all individuals permanently or temporarily employed by, studying at or officially connected with the College, should be aware that the College is strongly opposed to all forms of discrimination and harassment and that such behavior is prohibited by College policy and, in some instances, by civil and criminal laws.

All forms of harassment and discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity and expression, pregnancy, religion, creed, color, race, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, medical condition, physical or mental disability, age, marital status, veteran status, family care leave status, or any other basis prohibited by state or federal law destroy the foundation for respect and violate the sense of community vital to the College’s educational enterprise. Sexual violence and sexual misconduct offenses are a form of sexual harassment and are strictly prohibited by the College. This policy also prohibits dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. Retaliation against a person who reports, complains about, or participates in the investigation of a complaint of discrimination or harassment is likewise prohibited.

This policy strictly prohibits discrimination against, or the harassment of, any individual at the College or at College activities occurring away from campus, including but not limited to all individuals regularly or temporarily employed, studying, or with an official capacity at the College (such as Trustees, guest lecturers, volunteers, and contractors). Persons violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge from employment or expulsion from the College.

It is the responsibility of all faculty, staff, and students at the College to ensure compliance with this policy. Accordingly, faculty, staff, or students who believe they are being harassed or discriminated against, have observed harassment of, or discrimination against, another person at the College in violation of this policy, or believe such conduct has occurred, should immediately report the incident following the complaint reporting procedures below.

As an educational institution, the College is committed to the principle of free expression and the exploration of ideas in an atmosphere of civility and mutual respect. The College also recognizes that the educational process can often be disturbing and unsettling, particularly when one’s current ideas or values are being challenged. This means that the learning, working, and living environments might not always be comfortable for all members of the college community. The College does not proscribe speech simply because it is offensive. In determining whether an act constitutes discrimination or harassment, the contest must be carefully reviewed and fill consideration must be given to protection of individual rights, freedom of speech, and academic freedom.



The policies and procedures set forth herein apply to all College faculty, staff, and students. These policies and procedures also apply to third parties (such as campus visitors or vendors) who may have contact with members of the College community either on the College’s campus or at other College events and programs.  For purposes of these policies and grievance procedures, a Complainant is the student, faculty, or staff member who files a report on their own behalf or the person on whose behalf a report is filed by a third party. If the alleged perpetrator (“Respondent”) is an employee or student from one of the other Claremont Colleges or the Claremont University Consortium, the College will investigate the matter and take steps to stop the conduct and remedy its affects to the extent reasonably possible. However, the grievance or other relevant procedures related to any disciplinary action against the Respondent will be those of the Respondent’s home institution.

The grievance procedures set forth below are administrative in nature and are separate and distinct from the criminal and civil legal systems. Pursuing resolution through these procedures does not preclude someone from pursuing legal action now or in the future. If the conduct in question is alleged to be a violation of both College policy and public law, the College may proceed with its normal process, regardless of action or inaction by outside authorities. Decisions made or sanctions imposed through these or other College procedures are not subject to change because criminal or civil charges arising from the same conduct are dismissed, reduced, or rejected in favor of or against the Respondent.

In the event of a conflict with any other Scripps College policy or Claremont Colleges intercampus policy, the policies and procedures set forth below will prevail.

*The full policy may be found at: http://www.scrippscollege.edu/titleix/.