Jan 29, 2025  
2022-23 Faculty Handbook 

3.37 Proposals for New Majors and Minors

Proposals for new majors and minors should:
  1. Include an intellectual rationale for the major or minor and describe the major’s or minor’s potential contribution to the Scripps curriculum as well as its relationship to extant majors or minors and programs at the Claremont Colleges;
  2. list courses currently offered at Scripps and at the other Claremont Colleges that will be required for the major or minor and those that will be electives;
  3. describe any foreseeable financial issues relating to the major or minor, including but not limited to the likelihood of requiring new faculty hires, administrative support issues, and costs related to course development or pedagogy;
  4. in the case of a Scripps major or minor, the proposal should:
  1. address how the major or minor can and will be staffed primarily by Scripps tenured, tenure-track faculty, or continuing full time;
  2. demonstrate with the appropriate faculty signatures that all faculty members with courses listed as contributing to the major or minor support the inclusion of these courses within the major or minor;

    5. in the case of an intercollegiate major or minor, the proposal should:

  1. address how the major or minor can and will be staffed by current tenured, tenure-track, or continuing full time faculty;
  2. demonstrate with the appropriate faculty signatures that all faculty members with courses listed as contributing to the major or minor support the inclusion of these courses within the major or minor;
  3. demonstrate that the other colleges contributing to the major or minor have approved it following the appropriate procedure at each college. 

In considering the proposal, the FEC should take into account, in addition to the above points:

  1. the financial impact it would have on the Academic Budget;
  2. whether and how the new major or minor will impact current majors or minors or programs at Scripps (soliciting input from those majors, minors or programs as appropriate);
  3. the possibility of the major or minor leading to requests in future years for department status and new positions.

When bringing the final proposal to the faculty for a vote, FEC should make materials related to the new major or minor proposal available to the full faculty for consideration one month before the faculty meeting at which the proposal will be discussed to allow ample time for faculty to consider the proposal before the vote will take place.