Mar 02, 2025  
2023-2024 Faculty Handbook 

3.20 Policy Against Workplace Harassment

(Replaces 3.21 Policy on Discrimination and Harassment)

Scripps College recognizes that employees should to be treated with dignity and respect and will not tolerate harassment of its employees at work or arising from work. Inappropriate behavior affects the welfare of employees and organizational effectiveness. It can lead to stress, increased absence, and a decrease in confidence, motivation and work performance. The College expects a high standard of behavior and conduct from employees at all times.

The purpose of the policy is to provide a workplace that is free from violence, harassment intimidation, and other inappropriate conduct.

Inappropriate conduct is behavior, verbal or non-verbal, that:

  • harms, intimidates, threatens, victimizes, undermines, offends, degrades, or humiliates another employee;
  • is so pervasive or severe that it has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s academic or professional performance or creating an intimidating, abusive or hostile educational, employment or living environment at the college; and
  • is offensive to the person who is the subject of the behavior and would be offensive to a reasonable person.

The list of behaviors below, while not exhaustive, provides examples of “inappropriate conduct” that could subject an employee to discipline for violation of this policy if the conduct meets the definition of inappropriate conduct above.

  • Physical abuse or attack, waving fists, pushing, or non-sexual inappropriate touching
  • Stalking
  • Hazing
  • Unjust exercise of power or authority
  • Throwing objects or destroying property
  • Agressive or hostile behavior that creates a reasonable fear of injury
  • Intimidating, threatening or hostile statements or actions
  • Ranting speech - an excessively long and/or loud expression of complaint or negative opinion
  • Name-calling
  • Raising one’s voice in anger
  • Using profanity or obscene language or gestures
  • Repeated derogatory statements, false or otherwise, about mental, neurodevelopmental, and/or physical health
  • Offensive jokes or comments, including comments regarding or references to violent events and/or behaviors

The College further prohibits the inciting, aiding, coercing or directing of others to commit acts of intimidation or inappropriate behavior.

This policy is not intended to and will not be applied in a way that would violate rights to academic freedom or protected freedom of expression, nor will it be interpreted in a way that undermines a supervisor’s authority to appropriately manage the work unit.

Retaliation against a person who reports or participates in the investigation of workplace harassment is prohibited.

Any employee who violates this policy, who engages in or contributes to inappropriate behavior, or who threatens others will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination.

If you believe you or someone else has been the subject of inappropriate conduct as defined above, bring the situation to the attention of a supervisor, the next person in the chain of command (if supervisor is the issue), or Human Resources.

Investigation of complaints under this policy will be managed by the Director of Human Resources and conducted pursuant to the grievance procedures set forth in the College’s Discrimination and Harassment Policies and Grievance Procedures. (2-18-16)