Mar 02, 2025  
2023-2024 Faculty Handbook 

4.8 Requirements for Bachelor of Arts Degree

General Education Requirements

The Bachelor of Arts degree at Scripps is earned by satisfactory completion of a minimum of 32 courses to include the following (refer to the Scripps Catalog also):

The Core Curriculum in Interdisciplinary Humanities

3 courses

  • Core I to be taken fall semester of the first year
  • Core II to be taken spring semester of the first year
  • Core III to be taken fall semester of the second year
Breadth of Study Fine Arts

1 course from among the following:

  • Any Art course;
  • Dance (full course only which includes dance history and theory);
  • Music 003, 081, or any other music theory or music history course;
  • Theatre 001A, 001C, 001E, 001F, 002, 023, 024, 115D, 115J, 115M, 115N, 115O, 141; or
  • An equivalent course.

1 course from among the following:

  • Any art history course;
  • Any literature course completed in English or a foreign language, but not writing;
  • Any philosophy course except logic;
  • Any classics course except Greek, Hebrew or Latin language through the intermediate level;
  • Any religious studies course;
  • An equivalent course.
Natural Sciences

1 course from among the following:

  • Any Keck Science course numbered 50-89 for nonscience majors; or
  • Any introductory science course for majors in biology, chemistry, neuroscience, or physics; or
  • An equivalent course with a lab.
Social Sciences

1 course from among the following:

  • Anthropology below 190;
  • Economics 051 or 052;
  • History (any full course);
  • Politics course below 190; any POLI, POST, GOVT course;
  • Psychology 052, 05, 110, 111, 128, 152, 168;
  • An equivalent course.
Race and Ethnic Studies 1 course
(A list of approved courses is provided each semester on the Registrar’s web page and in the course schedule.)
Gender and Women’s Studies Requirement

1 course

  • Students must complete one course in gender and women’s studies. The requirement may be met by passing any course in the Scripps Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies program or any other course approved by Intercollegiate Feminist Center. Courses that fulfill this requirement will be identified in the course schedule.
Foreign language

3 courses

  • 3 semesters of one language (through intermediate level; Chinese, Japanese and Latin intermediate level is fourth semester);
  • Equivalent courses or competency

Students are strongly encouraged to fulfill their language requirement in an uninterrupted sequence.


1 course from among the following:

  • Math 22
  • Math 23 (precalculus), 30, 31, or 32;
  • Biology 175, Economics 120, or Psychology 103 (statistics);
  • Logic (in philosophy); or
  • An equivalent course
Major 9 or more courses (minimum of 8 courses plus Senior Thesis) as defined in the catalog
Additional elective courses To bring total to 32 minimum

Double Counting Courses:

  1. The Core may not double count to meet any other General Education Requirement.
  2. No course may fulfill more than two requirements. Examples: Social Science plus Race and Ethnic Studies; Social Science plus major. A course may meet only one of the four Breadth of Study requirements (i.e., Fine Arts, Letters, Natural Sciences, or Social Sciences).
  3. Courses used to meet the Mathematics requirement may be double counted toward the major or the minor.
  4. Up to two courses may double count towards each of two majors (but not also a General Education Requirement). Students may exceed this double counting limit if the total number of unduplicated courses on the approved Senior Major Form for each major (excluding senior seminar and thesis) is at least six courses.
  5. Up to one course may double count toward each of two minors (but not also a General Education Requirement). Students may exceed this double counting limit if the total number of unduplicated courses on the approved declaration form for each minor is at least five courses.
  6. Up to one course (including prerequisite courses) may double count between a major and a minor (but not also a General Education Requirement). Students may exceed the above double counting limits if the total number of unduplicated courses on the approved Senior Major Form is at least six courses and the total number of unduplicated courses on the approved minor declaration form is at least five courses.