Sep 10, 2024  
2024-2025 Faculty Handbook 
2024-2025 Faculty Handbook

5.6 Confidentiality of Student Records

The student’s permanent education record is kept in the custody of the Registrar at Scripps. Access to the information in these files is governed by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) both allows students to have access to their permanent educational records and restricts access for other people. A statement of the provision of the Act written for students is outlined in the Guide to Student Life and Code of Conduct.

For faculty members, the main implication is that students will have access to letters of recommendation, filed either here or at other institutions, unless the student signs a waiver. The waiver may be specific to a letter, in which case the student will probably sign at the top of the form of recommendation, or she may sign a general waiver to be filed with her records here or elsewhere. If you wish to maintain the confidentiality of any letter ask the student involved what if any waiver she has signed.

Faculty members do have access to student files at Scripps when they have a “legitimate educational interest”, e.g., as a student’s adviser. The information must be held in strict confidence.

In addition, faculty members must keep the confidential nature of student files in mind on those occasions when they might be discussing a student or alumnae with parents, prospective employers, and other off-campus individuals.

If any portion of the Act is unclear to you, please ask for clarification from the Registrar.