DANC 180 SC - Selected Topic in Dance (Studio) Course topics under this number will vary from year to year. This course explores a current topic in dance/dance studies with an emphasis on physical practice and the history and socio-cultural politics that frame that practice. Areas of study may include South and North American, Asian, European, and African Diaspora dance plus courses in alternative techniques and somatic-based training for the body. Consult Schedule of Classes for topic to be offered in a specific term. May be repeated for credit with different topics.
Topic for Fall 2020: Intermediate Tap Dance: This course will provide students with the opportunity to study tap dance in a more advanced and academically rigorous context than currently exists in Claremont. Geared to dancers at the intermediate level and higher, the course will survey rhythm tap, hoofing, Broadway styles and the study of historical, cultural, and aesthetic issues that underpin the movement styles. Students will explore the fusion of African and European aesthetics that make tap dance a uniquely American tradition while considering the social inequities and modes of resistance that contributed to its various styles and iterations as a social dance and performance idiom. By framing the process of analysis with an array of historical periods and cultural settings, students will engage in enlivened physical and social practice, while refining critical thinking, observing, reading, and writing skills. Students have expressed a strong desire to study the style at a more advanced level and with the same academic rigor that our department brings to other dance styles.
Course Credit: 1.0 Offered: Occasionally
Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.
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