Oct 17, 2024  
2021-22 Faculty Handbook 

3.3 Conditions of Employment, Compensation and Benefits



Notes on Scripps College Faculty Salaries


Mandatory Benefits

Elective Benefits


  1. The Academic year begins on Registration day. Full-time faculty are normally in residence at the College from that day until the week following graduation.
  2. Normally each faculty member teaches five courses per year and spends the equivalency of one course in committee work, new course development and other professional work. According to student demand and the need of a department, faculty will supervise senior theses, independent studies, tutorials and senior studio and performance projects. A faculty member should direct no more than eight such projects per semester and have responsibility for a first readership on no more than five theses. Normally, a faculty member should have no more than fifteen advisees except at his or her own choice.
  3. A full-time faculty member may not teach more than one course per semester at other institutions. It must be scheduled so as not to interfere with duties at Scripps College. It is the responsibility of the faculty member to consult the Department Chair and inform the Dean of the Faculty before such an appointment is accepted. The College recognizes, however, the value of the exchange of scholarly information and the importance of faculty consulting which may provide outside institutions with expert and objective advice and advance the competence and professional expertise of faculty members by keeping them abreast of the latest developments in their fields. The College, therefore, authorizes faculty members to engage in private consulting work providing that such work does not interfere with their primary duties to the College and does not exceed one day per week while classes are in session.
  4. During the summer months, a faculty member should not make commitments for full-time employment for a period exceeding two months. Normally, the faculty member may not be remunerated through the Business Office of the Claremont Colleges for more than two months’ employment or consultation (or a reasonable equivalent of time); however, when employment for a longer period is deemed by the President or the Dean of the Faculty to be in the interest of the faculty, this latter restriction may be waived.


  1. Salary for a full-time faculty, after the first year is paid in twelve equal installments from July through June. Payroll checks are issued on the 26th day of each month. Paychecks are usually sent to your campus address. However, you may elect to have your paychecks deposited electronically directly to your financial institution.
    Specific information regarding payroll procedures and interpretations is available from the Payroll Department in the Administrative Campus Center (ACC) or from the Dean of Faculty’s office.
  2. Part-time faculty are employed and salary is paid for specific periods in accordance with individual terms of employment.
  3. Federal income tax is withheld from salary in accordance with rates based on the amount of salary and exemption information furnished by the faculty member to the Payroll Department. (Form W-4).
  4. Salaries - 2021-22
  Lecturer (per course) With terminal degree $ 7,800
    Without terminal degree $ 7,020
  Instructor Minimum currently $ 0
    Maximum currently $ 0
  Assistant Professor Minimum currently $ 76,000
    Maximum currently $ 100,940
  Associate Professor Minimum currently $ 93,964
    Maximum currently $121,316
  Professor Minimum currently $ 116,614
    Maximum currently $ 208,017

Notes on Scripps College Faculty Salaries

  1. Rank and Salary Progression
  1. On April 23, 1983, the Committee of the Whole Faculty approved revisions in the period of service at the rank of Assistant Professor and the period of service within each “step” at the Full Professor level. These changes are explained below. In addition, steps within rank were eliminated except within the rank of Full Professor. Steps within the rank of Full Professor were eliminated by the Scripps Faculty on February 21, 1991.
  2. The following increases are awarded at the time of promotion in rank:
  at promotion to rank of Associate Professor +10%
  at promotion to rank of Full Professor + 8%
  1. The Board of Trustees, on the recommendation of the President, reserves the sole right in all situations to extend the “normal” period of service at a given rank and/or step and to make adjustments in the salary schedule.
  2. Leaves of absence without pay may or may not be counted in determining advancement within rank. (See “Leaves of Absence ”, Section 3.4 for guidelines.) In each case, the decision will be made at the time the leave is granted and the decision will be recorded in writing in the letter approving a request for leave.
  1. Normal Periods of Service
    1. Instructor: Service in the rank of Instructor is required until the completion of the appropriate terminal degree. Appointments to the rank of Instructor are made on one-year contracts, with service at the Instructor level not to exceed two years.
    2. Assistant Professor: The normal period of service in the rank of Assistant Professor is six years but not to exceed seven years. Probationary faculty (faculty members on tenure track) are normally reviewed in their third and sixth year of service. For probationary faculty, the consequences of an unsatisfactory review will be issuance of an additional one-year contract with termination of employment at the end of that year.
    3. Normally, Associate Professors can expect to be reviewed for possible promotion during the eighth year of service in that rank. For tenured faculty, consequences of an unsatisfactory review will be to remain in rank. A tenured faculty member who receives an unsatisfactory review may request review again no sooner than two years after the initial review. An unsatisfactory review is one in which the President, after recommendation from the APT, determines that the individual should not be advanced or a review with which the individual does not cooperate by providing the information described in the Faculty Handbook (Section 3.5 ). Following a successful 8th year review at the rank of Associate Professor, promotion will take place on the following July 1.
    4. Professor: No formal step system exists within the rank of full professors. Yearly salary increments will be augmented with more significant salary increases as the quality and length of service of each professor justifies.

See Faculty Handbook Section 3.5 , for information regarding Accelerated Promotion. If a faculty member is granted acceleration, the salary, benefits, and time until the next normal review will be those of the rank to which the individual has been advanced.


Complete details regarding the following benefits are available in the Benefits Office,Administrative Campus Center (ACC).


The Colleges make the deductions from your paycheck that are required by law. These include deductions for FICA (Social Security and Medicare), VDI (Short-Term Disability), and withholding for federal and state income taxes. In addition, you also may authorize other voluntary deductions, such as health or dental insurance premium(s). Your paycheck stub itemizes all deductions and provides information regarding your earnings to date.

You will claim federal and state withholding exemptions by completing the necessary paperwork when hired. If you later wish to change the number of exemptions that you have claimed, you must complete a new W-4 form. You may contact the Human Resources Office to obtain the necessary forms.

The Claremont Colleges (TCC) Payroll Office annually sends W-2 forms by U.S. Mail to your home address. By law, these must be postmarked on or before January 31st of each year. In order to insure timely receipt of your W-2, remember that it is your responsibility to notify the Human Resources Office of any changes in your address.

Mandatory Benefits

(required by federal or state laws):

Old Age Survivor and Disability Income (OASDI)

The Colleges pay the required amount into your OASDI (Social Security) and Medicare accounts. Your portion is withheld from your paycheck as required by law.

Short-Term Disability Insurance (VDI)

A short-term disability program is administered in accordance with the Unemployment Insurance Code of the State of California. This program may provide partial compensation for wages lost while you are on an approved medical leave of absence. The program does not cover illness or injuries for which you receive Workers’ Compensation benefits. Claim forms are available from your Scripps College Human Resources Representative or The Claremont Colleges (TCC) Disability Administration Office.

Workers’ Compensation

The State of California requires that employers provide Workers’ Compensation Insurance for work-related injuries or illnesses. Under provisions of the Workers’ Compensation Act of the State of California, the Colleges provide insurance – at no cost to you – in case of injury, illness, or death caused by your employment. This coverage provides partial payment of your salary as well as medical treatment, death benefits and certain other benefits.

All work-related injuries and illnesses should be reported to your supervisor immediately (or within 24 hours), so that an accident report can be completed. If the injury requires the attention of a doctor, your supervisor, the Scripps College Human Resources Representative, or The Claremont Colleges (TCC) Disability Administrator will arrange for an appointment with a designated physician. If the injury or illness results in an immediate hospitalization, your benefits will begin the first day you are out of work. If you are not hospitalized, there is a 3-day waiting period. After 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, and on weekends, contact Campus Safety to report an injury and to receive access to a designated physician.

Elective Benefits:

Eligibility and Enrollment

The below-listed “Elective” Employee Benefits are provided by Scripps and the Claremont Colleges. Eligible employees are those who are employed in regular positions at half time or more per week (30 hours or more per week for Long-Term Disability Insurance). Also eligible are those employed in temporary positions at half time or more per week (30 hours or more per week for Long-Term Disability Insurance), who work for a minimum of six consecutive months. Some of these benefits are wholly paid by the Colleges, some are paid by the employee, and the costs of some are shared by the College and the employee.

If you are eligible for benefits, you will be scheduled during your new employee orientation to attend a New Employee Benefits Orientation. As a new employee you must apply for benefits during your “Initial Eligibility Period,” that is, within 30 days of your hire date. If your date of employment is the first of the month, your coverage will become effective on your date of employment. If your date of employment is any date other than the first of the month, your benefits coverage will become effective the first day of the following month. Enrollment for benefits can be completed online at www.cuc.claremont.edu/benefits.

After your Initial Eligibility Period, your application for enrollment in, and/or changes to your existing coverage will only be accepted during an Annual Open Enrollment Period. As an exception to this rule, your application may be accepted under certain circumstances, if you experience a “life event.” Example of life events are the birth, adoption, or death of a dependent; marriage; divorce; and loss of coverage through a spouse’s unemployment. You are responsible for requesting benefits changes due to a life event; you must apply within 30 days of the effective date of your life event. For questions regarding employment benefits you may contact the Human Resources Office.

Group Life Insurance

A Group Term Life Insurance Policy is paid by Scripps College for eligible employees. Additional life insurance may be purchased by employees for themselves and their dependents. For additional information on current policy contact the Human Resources Office.

Group Health Plans

Various options for health plan coverage are available to eligible employees. These health programs provide comprehensive medical and hospital benefits to you, your dependents, your domestic partners, and your domestic partner’s children. Scripps College shares the cost with you. If you choose to participate, your monthly premiums will be deducted from your paycheck in the month prior to the month of coverage on a pre-tax basis, unless you request otherwise.

You will receive (a) membership card(s) for the health plan you select.

Group Dental Insurance

The Colleges offers one dental plan. An employee may sign up for individual coverage or coverage for dependents, domestic partners or domestic partners’ children. The total dental premium is paid by the employee on a pre-tax basis, unless otherwise requested.

Vision Plan

There are two levels of coverage available. The College pays the premium for the CORE Plan for the employee. The employee may sign up for dependent coverage at their cost.

Long-Term Disability Insurance (LTD)

This coverage provides a monthly benefit, after approval by the insurance company, if you are totally disabled for longer than six months and cannot “engage in any occupation for which you are reasonably suited by education, training, or experience.”

Long-Term Care (LTC)

The Long Term Care program provides participating employees and eligible family members assistance with personal care from a disabling or long-term medical or physical condition. Long-term care services can include in-home care, nursing or community based care. The premium is paid by the employee and eligible family members.

Personal Accident Insurance (AD&D)

The Personal Accident Insurance Program provides participating employees and their eligible dependents with benefits in the event of death or a disability due to an accident, anywhere, on or off the job. The premium is paid by the employee.

Travel Accident Insurance

Eligible employees are covered for accidental death or dismemberment while traveling on college-authorized business. The premium is paid by the Colleges.

Employee Assistance Plan (EAP)

The EAP provides psychological counseling and referral for employees and their dependents through a network of psychiatrists, psychologists, and certified family counselors. The Employee Assistance Plan is paid fully by Scripps College.

Academic Retirement

The Colleges provide basic and supplemental retirement plans that make it possible for eligible employees to accumulate a retirement benefit.

The “basic” retirement plan is funded by Scripps College. Further information on plan benefits and eligibility may be obtained from the Dean of Faculty’s Office or from The Claremont Colleges (TCC) Retirement Services Office. If you are eligible, you will be notified when you begin to participate in the basic retirement plan.

The “supplemental” retirement plan allows you to save additional funds for retirement on a tax-deferred basis. Eligible employees may participate in the supplemental retirement plan immediately upon employment with the College.

If you are retiring, you should make an appointment with a TCC Retirement Services Specialist at least 6 months before your retirement date, to discuss benefits options, and distribution options on retirement payments.

Tuition Benefit

Each of the colleges and Claremont University Center has its own tuition benefit and class attendance policy. See Section 2.17  or contact your Scripps College Human Resources Representative for further information about this program.

Automobile and Home Insurance

Group programs for automobile, homeowners, and renters insurance are available to full-time and part-time regular status faculty and staff through the California Casualty Insurance Company. Premiums are fully paid by the employee, and may be made through payroll deduction. Eligible employees may obtain information from a Claremont University Center (CUC) Benefits Representative.

Credit Union

Regular status faculty and staff members are eligible to join First City Savings Federal Credit Union. The Credit Union offers insured savings accounts as well as personal loans to eligible members. There is a membership fee, and you must open a share (savings) account to become a member. The Credit Union can arrange payroll deduction for loan payments and savings deposits. For further information call the Credit Union at 1-800-944-2200. Please note that the Credit Union is not affiliated with the Claremont Colleges.

Faculty Housing

Although housing is the responsibility of the individual faculty member, the Dean of the Faculty maintains a file of College owned houses and other available residences for any faculty member to consult. Ordinarily, preference for College owned housing will be given to faculty below the rank of Associate Professor. This benefit will be viewed as a temporary aid in seeking more permanent housing, and shall not be available to a faculty member for more than three years. College owned houses normally rent to faculty members below market value. The annual increase in rent for College owned housing will be lower than the faculty member’s salary increase.

Scripps College Disability and Family Medical Leave Policy

This policy describes the disability and family medical leaves of absences applicable to Scripps College faculty members. The features, qualifications, eligibility criteria, and terms of family and medical leave and other disability related leaves of absence are very complex. The information given in this handbook is intended to provide a general overview of these policies. If you require a leave of absence, you should contact the Dean of Faculty or the Director of Human Resources who can advise you on your specific circumstances.

Faculty members are encouraged to request any leave in writing as far in advance as possible, keep in touch with the Dean of Faculty or the Human Resources Department during any leave, and give prompt notice of any change in their anticipated return date.

Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the California Family Rights Act (CFRA)

All full-time or part-time employees who have been employed for at least twelve (12) months and worked at least 1,250 hours in the 12-month period prior to the leave request are eligible for family/medical care leave based on both the Family & Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”) and the California Family Rights Act (“CFRA”) as follows:


Up to twelve (12) workweeks in a 12-month period. The 12-month period is measured on a “rolling” system, backward from the date an employee uses any family/medical care leave. California employees may be eligible for additional leave for a pregnancy- related disability. (See Pregnancy Disability Leave policy.)

Reasons for Leave

  • Birth of a child.
  • Placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care.
  • To care for a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition.
  • Employee’s own serious health condition prevents the employee from performing his or her duties. A “serious health condition” is an illness, injury, impairment, physical or mental condition involving in patient care or continuing treatment by a health care provider, as defined under state and federal law.

Leave taken for any of these reasons will be counted as family/medical care leave under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act and applicable California laws. To the extent permitted by law, family/medical care leave shall run concurrently with any other leave to which the employee is entitled.

Leave taken for the birth or placement of a child must be taken within one year of the birth or placement.

Intermittent Leave

Leave may be taken intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule when medically necessary for planned and/or unanticipated medical treatment of a related serious health condition by or under the supervision of a health care provider, or for recovery from treatment or recovery from a serious health condition. It may also be taken to provide care or psychological comfort to an immediate family member with a serious health condition.

When leave is taken after the birth or placement of a child for adoption or foster care, an employee must generally take leave in no less than two week increments. Scripps College will, however, grant up to two requests by an employee for such leave to be taken in a period of at least one day, but less than two weeks. In addition, employees may take leave after the birth or placement of a child for adoption or foster care on an intermittent basis or reduced leave basis as set forth below under Family Care, Baby Bonding, and Reduced Work Schedule Benefits.

Leave Notice

If the need for a leave is foreseeable, the employee must provide thirty (30) days’ written notice of need for the leave. If the need for a leave is not foreseeable or if it is otherwise not possible to provide 30 days’ notice, notice must be provided as soon as practicable - within one or two days of learning of the need for the leave.

Medical Certification

If the leave is due to the employee’s illness or to care for an ill family member, the employee must provide certification from the health care provider. If the leave is needed to care for an ill family member, the certification must contain the following information:

  1. date of commencement of the serious health condition;
  2. probable duration of the condition;
  3. estimated amount of time the employee will be needed to provide care;
  4. that the serious health condition warrants the participation of a family member to provide care.

If the leave is needed for the employee’s own serious health condition, the certification must contain the following information:

  1. date of commencement of the serious health condition;
  2. probable duration of the condition;
  3. that the employee is unable to perform the function of his or her position because of the serious health condition or must be absent from work for medical treatment.

The Certification must be provided within 15 calendar days of the date Scripps College requests the certification unless the employee can demonstrate that, despite his or her good faith efforts, obtaining certification during such period was not possible. Failure to provide a timely medical certification may result in denial of a family/medical care leave.

Second and Third Medical Opinion

If the leave is due to the employee’s own illness, Scripps College may require the employee to obtain a second medical opinion from a health care provider selected by Scripps College. In the event the first and second opinions differ, Scripps College may require the employee to obtain a third medical opinion from a mutually agreed-upon health care provider. The third opinion will be binding on both the employee and Scripps College. The second and third medical opinions, if required by Scripps College, will be at Scripps College’s expense.

Fitness for Duty Certificate

In addition, if the employee’s leave is due to his or her own serious health condition, Scripps College will require certification by the employee’s health care provider that the employee is fit to return to his or her position before the employee will be restored to his or her job.


With few exceptions, a faculty member who returns from an approved leave will be restored to the same or equivalent position. If, however, due to business reasons the same or equivalent position ceased to exist during the employee’s leave and, had the employee not taken the leave, the employee would not otherwise have been employed at the time reinstatement is requested, Scripps College may not be required to reinstate the employee.

An employee who fails to return to work at the end of the approved leave period will be considered to have voluntarily resigned.


Scripps College will continue the employee’s insurance coverage while the employee is on family/medical care leave under the same terms and conditions as was provided while the employee was working. The employee will still be responsible for the same premiums for his or her insurance benefits as if he/she were at work. If the employee is on an unpaid leave of absence, he/she will need to send a check to the College benefits specialist for his or her portion of the premium within the first five (5) days of each month. Failure to make timely payments may result in termination of coverage.

The maximum length of time that Scripps College will continue the employee’s insurance coverage during any leave of absence is 12 months. At that time, the employee will receive notice of his or her right to continue medical benefits through COBRA. Employees who elect to continue benefits through COBRA will be required to pay all applicable COBRA premiums to continue such benefits.

If the employee fails to return from the leave, or returns to work for less than 30 days, Scripps College may recover from the employee the premiums it paid for maintaining insurance coverage during the leave period.

Scripps College will continue the employee’s pension benefits under the same terms and conditions as if the employee was working, provided the employee continues to make applicable pension contributions, either through a payroll deduction or direct payment to the benefits office.

Family/medical care leave is unpaid; however, faculty members may be eligible for benefits under (i) the Claremont Colleges’ VDI Short Term Disability Program, (ii) Supplemental Faculty Disability Benefits, and/or (iii) Family Care, Baby Bonding, and Reduced Work Schedule Benefits, which are described below.

Faculty members will continue accrual towards sabbatical, promotion and tenure during the total period of the FMLA/CFRA leave.

Domestic Partner Coverage

Registered domestic partners are eligible for family and medical leave under the California Family Rights Act (“CFRA”) and are treated as spouses for purposes of family/medical leave. Because domestic partners are not eligible for leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”), any time off taken by registered domestic partners for purposes of caring for their partner or partner’s child will not be counted towards their FMLA entitlement.

Pregnancy Disability Leave

All full-time or part-time female California employees may be eligible for a Pregnancy

Disability Leave (“PDL”) as follows:


Employees are entitled to a maximum four (4) month unpaid leave for disabilities due to pregnancy. To the extent permitted by applicable law, for employees who work less than full-time or on alternative work schedules, the maximum amount of leave will be adjusted proportionally.

Pregnancy Disability Leave may not run concurrently with any leave for the birth or placement of a child in foster care under the CFRA. Pregnancy Disability Leave may run concurrently with leave under the FMLA and, to the extent permitted by applicable laws, with any other leave to which the employee is entitled.


Employees who are disabled due to pregnancy may be transferred to a less strenuous position, provided that: (1) the employee requests a transfer; (2) the transfer is medically necessary; and (3) Scripps College can reasonably accommodate the transfer.

Leave Notice

Employees must provide at least thirty (30) days’ advance notice before a Pregnancy Disability Leave or transfer is to begin, if the need for the leave or transfer is foreseeable. If the need for a Pregnancy Disability Leave or transfer is not foreseeable, employees must give notice as soon as practicable.

Medical Certification

Employees requesting a Pregnancy Disability Leave must provide a medical certification from their attending physician. The certification must include the date the disability began, the probable duration of the disability, and a statement that the disability renders the employee unable to perform one or more of the essential functions of her position.


Scripps College will continue the employee’s insurance coverage under the same terms and conditions as was provided while the employee was working. The employee will still be responsible for the same premiums for her insurance benefits as if she were at work. If the employee is on an unpaid leave of absence, she will need to send a check to the Human Resources Department for her portion of the premium within the first five (5) days of each month. Failure to make timely payments may result in termination of coverage.

The maximum length of time that Scripps College will continue the employee’s insurance coverage during any leave of absence is 12 months. At that time, the employee will receive notice of her right to continue medical benefits through COBRA. Employees who elect to continue benefits through COBRA will be required to pay all applicable COBRA premiums to continue such benefits.

If the employee fails to return to work at the expiration of the leave, Scripps College will consider her to have voluntarily resigned and may recover the premium cost Scripps College incurred during the leave, unless she does not return due to a serious health condition or circumstances beyond her control. If the employee returns to work for less than thirty (30) days following a Pregnancy Disability Leave, Scripps College may recover the premium cost it incurred to maintain the benefits during the period the employee was on leave.

Scripps College will continue the employee’s pension benefits under the same terms and conditions as if the employee was working, provided the employee continues to make applicable pension contributions, either through a payroll deduction or direct payment to the benefits office.

Pregnancy Disability Leave is unpaid; however, faculty members may be eligible for benefits under (i) the Claremont Colleges VDI Short Term Disability Program, (ii) Faculty Supplemental Disability Benefits, and/or (iii) Family Care, Baby Bonding and Reduced Work Schedule Benefits, which are described below.

Faculty members will continue accrual towards sabbatical, promotion and tenure during the total period of the Pregnancy Disability Leave.


To the extent required by applicable law, Scripps College will reinstate an employee returning from a Pregnancy Disability Leave to the same position or to a comparable position.

Short Term Disability Benefits (VDI)

Although FMLA/CFRA, PDL, and other disability leaves are generally unpaid, faculty members who require time off for their own serious health condition or disability may be eligible for Short-Term Disability (“VDI benefits”) through the College’s short term disability plan. VDI payments, which generally cover a portion of the faculty member’s full salary, begin after a faculty member has been absent from work for 5 calendar days. During the 5 day waiting period, faculty members will continue to be paid their full salary. In addition, faculty members may also be eligible for faculty supplemental disability benefits, described below.

Faculty Supplemental Disability Benefits

All Scripps College full-time tenure-track or tenured faculty members who apply for and receive VDI benefits for their own serious health condition or disability are eligible for Faculty Supplemental Disability Benefits.

Scripps College will supplement faculty member’s VDI benefits for a maximum of one semester, or its equivalent. During the first 6 weeks of the faculty member’s disability leave, Scripps College will supplement the difference between the faculty member’s VDI benefits and 100% of the faculty member’s regular full-time monthly salary. For the remainder of the semester, or its equivalent, Scripps College will supplement the difference, if any, between the faculty member’s VDI benefits and 50% of the faculty member’s regular full-time monthly salary. The maximum period during which a faculty member is eligible for Faculty Supplemental Disability Benefits is one semester, or its equivalent.

Family Care, Baby Bonding and Reduced Work Schedule Benefits

All full-time tenure-track or tenured faculty members who have a disability for which a reduced work schedule would constitute a reasonable accommodation or who are eligible for FMLA/CFRA leave on an intermittent or reduced leave schedule basis are eligible for either a reduced teaching load or enhanced reduced teaching load as described in Sections 2 and 3 below.

All full-time tenure-track or tenured faculty members who have applied and been approved for FMLA and/or CFRA leave due to the birth of a child, placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care, or to care for a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition, are eligible for one of the benefits described in Sections 1 through 3 below.

  1. Leave of Absence Family Care/Baby Bonding Pay
    If a faculty member takes a FMLA/CFRA leave of absence due to the birth of a child, placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care, or to care for a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition, Scripps College will pay 50% of the faculty member’s salary for one semester or its equivalent. The faculty member will have no academic responsibilities during this period. Scripps College will extend the duration of the faculty member’s FMLA/CFRA leave from 12 weeks to one semester or its equivalent.
  2. Reduced Teaching Load
    For faculty members wishing to take FMLA, CFRA, and/or disability leave on a reduced workload basis, Scripps College will pay 100% of the faculty member’s salary and grant a one-course reduction in teaching responsibilities for one semester. The faculty member will continue all other academic responsibilities, such as advising, senior thesis supervision and committee assignments.
  3. Enhanced Reduced Teaching-Load
    For faculty members taking FMLA, CFRA, and/or disability leave on a reduced workload basis who (i) are the primary caregiver, or (ii) whose own illness or disability requires an enhanced reduced teaching-load, Scripps College will pay 100% of the faculty member’s salary and grant a two-course reduction in teaching responsibilities for the academic year or equivalent. Faculty members who are eligible for this option may take the two-course reduction in a single semester or spread it over two semesters. Faculty members will continue all other academic responsibilities, such as advising, senior thesis supervision and committee assignments.

    Faculty must submit a proposal to the Dean of the Faculty requesting the Family Care Benefit with a designation of which option (1, 2, or 3 above) they are requesting and a factual statement showing that the applicable conditions are satisfied. The Family Care benefit for the birth of a child or the placement of a child with the faculty member for adoption or foster care is only available for either the semester of the event or the subsequent semester following the event but not both.

Employment of the Disabled

Scripps College complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) and applicable state and local laws providing for nondiscrimination in employment of qualified individuals with disabilities. The College also provides reasonable accommodation for such individuals in accordance with these laws.

Procedures for Requesting an Accommodation

If you are disabled and require a reasonable accommodation for your disability, you should notify the Dean of Faculty and Human Resources of your need for reasonable accommodation. In order to assess your request for reasonable accommodation, the College may require you to provide a certification from your health care provider that sets forth the nature of your impairment and specific limitations.

It is Scripps College’s policy to engage in the interactive process when an employee or applicant requests a reasonable accommodation or when the need for such accommodation becomes apparent. The “interactive process” refers to discussions between an employer and the employee regarding the individual’s limitations and possible reasonable accommodations under the ADA.

Leave as a Reasonable Accommodation

In addition to leave under FMLA, CFRA and/or PDL, you may also be eligible for leave as a reasonable accommodation due to your own disability. The analysis of whether a leave of absence constitutes a reasonable accommodation under the ADA must necessarily be made on a case-by-case basis. If you believe you require a leave as a reasonable accommodation for your own disability, please notify the Dean of Faculty and Human Resources.

Faculty: Approved 02/14/2008