Sep 20, 2024  
2023-2024 Scripps Catalog 

Study Abroad and Global Education

The importance of global competence in an increasingly interdependent world prompts students to consider a semester of study in another culture as an integral part of their Scripps education. Up to 60% of Scripps students, representing all majors, complete a semester of study away, typically in their junior year. The College offers options in over 115 study programs in 45 countries throughout the world. Scripps students choose from opportunities that include traditional, university-based programs, experiential or thematic programs, specialized programs in the arts or STEM fields, internships abroad or in Washington, D.C., and an exchange with Spelman College in Atlanta, GA. More information is available at the Office of Study Abroad and Global Education (SAGE) in Balch Hall, Room 136, and on the SAGE website at

Approved Programs

The Committee on Study Abroad (COSA), a faculty advisory committee with student representation, evaluates and approves programs appropriate to the Scripps curriculum and students’ academic interests. Approved programs are available in the following study sites:

Argentina: Buenos Aires, Usuhaia
Australia: Brisbane, Cairns/Townville, Melbourne, Sydney
Austria: Vienna
Belgium: Brussels
Brazil: São Paulo
Chile: Arica, Santiago, Valparaiso
China: Beijing, Shanghai
Costa Rica: Heredia, San Jose
Cuba: Havana
Czech Republic: Prague
Denmark: Copenhagen
Dominican Republic: Santo Domingo
Ecuador: Quito
England: Brighton, London, Oxford, York
France: Montpelier, Nantes, Paris, Strasbourg
Germany: Berlin, Freiburg
Ghana: Accra, Legon
Greece: Athens
Hungary: Budapest
Iceland: Ísafjörðu
India: Delhi
Ireland: Ballyvaughan, Cork, Dublin, Galway
Israel: Haifa, Jerusalem
Italy: Bologna, Florence, Milan, Parma, Rome, Siena, Sorrento
Japan: Osaka, Tokyo
Jordan: Amman
Kenya: Kisumu
Korea: Seoul
Lebanon: Beirut
Madagascar: Antalaha
Mexico: Mérida
Morocco: Rabat
Nepal: Kathmandu
Netherlands: Amsterdam
New Zealand: Auckland, Dunedin, Christchurch, Otago, Wellington
Scotland: Edinburgh, Glasgow, St. Andrews
Senegal: Dakar
South Africa: Cape Town, Durban, Kruger National Park
Spain: Barcelona, Granada, Madrid, Seville
Sweden: Stockholm
Taiwan, Taipei
Tanzania: Arusha
Tunisia: Tunis
U.S.: Atlanta,GA, Honolulu, HI, Washington, D.C.

Additional information on each approved program is available on the website. With compelling academic justification, other study sites may be approved by petition on a case-by-case basis.

The Committee On Study Abroad (COSA)

COSA is the college committee composed of faculty, staff, and a student representative with oversight for academic policies related to all semester-long study away programs not on the campus of a U.S. institution. Applications for participation must be submitted to the Office of Study Abroad and Global Education. Students must meet or exceed the eligibility requirements; submit a written application; and demonstrate that they have the academic preparation, motivation, and personal maturity to be successful.

Eligibility Requirements for Study Abroad and Global Education

1. Policies for which there are no exceptions; students must

  • be enrolled at Scripps College during participation on the program;
  • be in good academic standing (not on academic probation);
  • be clear of probation for student misconduct or other disciplinary action;
  • be current with their financial obligations to the College; and
  • have completed Core I, II, and III.

2. Additional COSA policies;

  • Students are expected to participate in Scripps-approved programs (includes those approved by petition);
  • Students must meet the program/host institution GPA requirement;
  • Students will have a 3.0 GPA in the prerequisite foreign language for the study site, and
  • Students will have completed the COSA prescribed pre-departure language requirement or the program requirement, if higher:
    •    4 semesters of college-level French, German, or Spanish
    •    2 semesters of college-level Arabic, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, or Korean, or Russian

Students are strongly advised to take language classes to fulfill the general education requirement in an uninterrupted sequence. All students must meet the Scripps prescribed language prerequisites in order to study abroad with the exception of Classics majors studying in Italy, who will have studied two semesters of college-level Latin or Greek.

An exception may be made to the above language policy for students who have already met the three-semester general education requirement for language. Students who wish to pursue proficiency in an additional language may petition to be exempted from the Scripps pre-departure minimum language requirement in certain languages, but must meet the program’s language requirement.

In addition, any student who will not have completed the general education foreign language requirement prior to participation is expected to demonstrate a plan to complete this requirement before the final semester at Scripps College.

Petitions and Appeal Process

Students may petition any exception to COSA policies not included in section 1 of the Eligibility Requirements (#1).

A student may appeal any COSA decision if new information is available which alters the original decision. If unsatisfied with the outcome of the appeal, the student has the right to appeal to the Faculty Executive Committee.

Foreign Language Requirement While Abroad

Students in non-English-speaking countries must enroll in at least one course taught in the host country language, either a language class or a content course, during each semester spent abroad.

Period and Timing of Study

Students typically study away for one semester. As part of the application process, students must meet with and obtain approval from their major and minor advisers to determine how requirements will be met for graduation. Students wishing to study away for more than one semester must petition in a competitive process and provide compelling academic justification. Exceptions: Students applying to programs designated as yearlong only by COSA (e.g., London School of Economics, or Oxford University).

Normally, students participate during junior year. In exceptional cases, students may petition to study away during the second semester of their sophomore year or during their senior year if their major allows this. All petitions require a compelling, academic rationale. Sophomores must declare their major prior to departure. COSA discourages petitions for participation in the final semester of senior year.


Credit systems vary by location and Scripps students participating in semester study away programs are expected to enroll in 15-16 U.S. semester units per semester, equal to 3.75-4.0 Scripps credits, the equivalent of a full-time program of study at Scripps College. Grades and credits for courses taken while participating in a SAGE program are posted on the student’s official Scripps transcript. All grades will be calculated in the Scripps grade point average. Faculty from each Scripps department determine whether courses fulfill major and/or minor department requirements, and the Registrar approves courses for credit towards graduation and general electives.

Students who do not obtain prior approval from the Committee on Study Abroad to participate on a study away program or study off the campus of a U.S. institution during the academic year will not receive academic credit without payment of Scripps comprehensive semester fees. Students will not be allowed to transfer credit from a college or university abroad or one with which Scripps has a formal agreement unless enrolled through Scripps College and paying Scripps College comprehensive fees. Summer programs are not included in this policy and Scripps transfer credit policies will apply for any coursework completed over the summer, at the discretion of the registrar.

Policies on Credit/No Credit and Withdrawal from a Class

A maximum of one course per semester may be taken on a credit/no credit basis if the course is not needed to meet any major, minor, or general education requirement for graduation and the student has not exceeded the limit of 4 credit/no credit courses. The grade must be C or better (not including C-) to receive a grade of CR for credit. Many programs do not provide a procedure for a credit/no credit option so students may register with the SAGE Office to have the credit/no credit grade recorded on the Scripps transcript. Students must submit a request in writing to both the academic adviser and SAGE prior to the midpoint of the class term, not including the exam period. A credit/no credit request for yearlong courses must be submitted between the program’s fall and winter/spring terms and will result in the credit/no credit grade being recorded in both semesters on the Scripps transcript.

Similarly, students may apply for a withdraw (W) grade to be recorded on their Scripps transcript if a written request is made to both the faculty advisor and SAGE at least three weeks prior to the last day of class (not including reading days and exams) and if they continue to maintain full-time student status for student visa and financial aid purposes (12 semester units on most programs). Students will be required to sit for the exam and complete any class projects, even though they plan to withdraw. Withdrawing from a full-year course results in a W for both semesters.

Students who request either a credit/no credit grade or a withdrawal through the Scripps College procedure should note that graduate schools and fellowship applications often require an original transcript from the program sponsor where the actual grades earned on the program will be recorded.

Internships and Independent Study

Students participating in program-sponsored internships on semester programs may earn academic credit if the grade and credit are recorded on the program transcript. An internship is for the purpose of integrating relevant work experience into the student’s academic program. The internship must provide a full academic component including papers, readings, and research. Students will be able to receive a maximum of one course credit for an approved internship.

Some programs include an independent study project as one of the course options. Students will receive credit towards graduation for any independent study project that has a grade and the credit recorded on the program transcript. Scripps College faculty does not supervise independent study for credit during the period a student is enrolled in a study away program.

Fee Policy

As fully matriculated Scripps students, SAGE participants continue to pay the Scripps comprehensive semester fee for tuition, student fees, and housing and food, regardless of the cost of the program. The payment of the Scripps College comprehensive fee covers, tuition, housing plus food while classes are in session, a round-trip airfare between the major international airport near the student’s home  and a major international airport near the program site, mandatory medical and accident insurance coverage in the host country while abroad, and the cost of administering study abroad and semester internship programs at Scripps College.

Optional study trips or “travel courses” of less than three credits will not be covered by Scripps College and are not eligible for credit. For pre-approved courses with supplemental fees for a required study trip, Scripps will cover the supplemental fee of the mandatory class field trip if the class fulfills a requirement in the student’s declared major or minor, for a maximum of two courses per student.

Participants will need to budget for certain expenditures, including passport fees, visa charges, local transportation, immunizations, potential quarantine expenses and Covid 19 testing, and other personal expenses abroad.

Financial Aid

Scripps College students retain their financial aid eligibility with the exception of college work-study funds during their participation in a Scripps approved study away program. Students who receive Veteran’s Affairs (VA) education benefits may not apply those benefits toward study abroad, as they are applicable only to Title-38-approved institutions. VA-benefit recipients should consider domestic programs approved by the SAGE Office for their study away experience.

Withdrawal from a Program

Students deciding to withdraw for any reason must immediately notify the SAGE Office in writing. Students who withdraw after officially confirming their participation with the program sponsor will be responsible for all unrecoverable program costs incurred on their behalf (i.e., deposits, program fees, airfare reimbursement and allowances provided by the College) and any withdrawal penalties assessed by the program sponsor. Students who withdraw after submitting the Confirmation of SAGE status may lose their housing priority on campus for the following semester. A student withdrawing after the start of the program may not be eligible for any refund. Any refund of fees is subject to the refund policy of the program provider. The granting of any credit from the semester after withdrawing is at the discretion of the program provider.