Sep 19, 2024  
2024-2025 Faculty Handbook 
2024-2025 Faculty Handbook

5.1 The Guide to Student Life and the Code of Conduct

The Guide to Student Life and Code of Conduct

We outline principles and expectations of student conduct at Scripps in the Guide to Student Life and the Code of Conduct (GTSL and COC). Students are made aware of their obligation to review these documents prior to the start of each academic year. The documents assume that each student will be a responsible member of the community in academic and social matters. As an academic and residential community, we should respect the rights of others. Therefore, each student should understand the principles of conduct and is expected to uphold them.

If a student is negligent in fulfilling their obligations to the community, the College’s Conduct Officer or designee will address the matter as outlined in the appropriate document.

Academic Regulations

Please refer to the Guide to Student Life and the Code of Conduct (GTSL and COC) for additional regulations. Both documents are available of the Division of Student Affairs website.

Class Attendance: Regulations regarding class attendance are the faculty’s responsibility. Neither instructors nor administrators should be asked to give permission to miss a class. A student who misses a class should advise the instructor of their reasons. In rare instances, when a student cannot communicate with the faculty (e.g. hospitalization), the Dean of Students office may provide a note of consideration.  

Vacation/break periods are arranged so as to provide ample time for distant travel. All students are expected to attend class immediately before and after vacation periods. Any absence around break times, should be communicated by the student to the faculty.

Academic Dishonesty: Refer to “Procedures of Pursuing Questions of Academic Dishonesty ,” Section 4.4 of the Faculty Handbook.

Academic Probation/Dismissal: Under the purview of the Registrar, the Committee on Academic Review (CAR) will monitor the academic progress of all Scripps students. At the end of each semester, the committee will discuss any student whose semester or cumulative grade point average falls below 6.0(C) or who, in the judgment of the Committee, jeopardizes her progress toward the degree. For additional information, refer to the Catalog.

Student Records: Students who are applying to graduate schools, to scholarship foundations, or for employment outside the College are requested to notify the Registrar, or the appropriate personnel at the College, in writing, if they wish to have confidential material released, i.e., transcripts, grade point average, character ratings. Student records are accessible only to the proper administration and faculty unless this request is made by the student.

Procedure for Handling Violations: Please refer to the Guide for Student Life and Code of Conduct (GTSL/COC) for procedures (see section on Academic Policies and Hearing Procedures listed in the Index).