Feb 14, 2025
Courses in Middle East and North Africa Studies
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Approved Courses
- ANTH 025 SC - Contemporary Middle East
- ANTH 030 SC - Middle Eastern Cities
- ANTH 087 SC - Contemporary Issues in Gender and Islam
- ANTH 171 SC - Seminar in Sexuality and Religion
- ANTH 185 SC - Topics in Anthropology of the Middle East/North Africa
- ANTH 185 SC - Palestine in Ethnography and Film
- ARBT 110 CM - Modern Arabic Poetry in Translation
- ARBC 120 CM - Arabic Grammar: Morphology & Syntax
- ARBT 122 JT - Arab/Islamic Cultural Histories
- ARBC 130 CM - Modern Arabic Prose and Poetry
- ARBC 140 CM - Arabic Media
- ARBC 148 CM - Special Topics: Arabic Literature and Culture
- ARBC 166 CM - Modern Arab Culture and Thought
- ARHI 120 PO - Islamic Art and Architecture
- ARHI 122 PO - Sensory Spaces, Tactile Objects: The Senses in Art and Architecture
- ARHI 166 PO - The Crusades: Cross-Cultural History
- ARHI 186D PO - Cairo and Istanbul: Urban Space, Memory, Protes
- DANC 134 SC - Movement as Culture: Dances from the Near and Middle East, North Africa, and the Diaspora
- FREN 132 CM - North African Literature After Independence
- FREN 133 CM - Africa in France: The French of African Ancestry through Text and Film
- FREN 137 CM - The Algerian War and the French Intelligentsia
- HIST 011 PO - Medieval Mediterranean
- HIST 022 PZ - Middle East/North Africa Since 1500
- HIST 041 AF - Africa in World Politics, 1884 to 2000
- HIST 042 PO - Worlds of Islam
- HIST 043 PO - Middle East in Modern Times
- HIST 047 PO - Gunpowder Empires: Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals
- HIST 048 PO - Afghanistan
- HIST 051 PZ - Iran Before and After Two Revolutions
- HIST 052 PZ - Political Islam, 1798-Present
- HIST 055 CM - The Middle East: From Muhammad to the Mongols
- HIST 056 CM - The Middle East: From the Ottomans to the Present
- HIST 098 PZ - The Modern State and History: the Israeli Case
- HIST 101A PO - Indian Ocean World
- HIST 101AB PO - Empire in the Middle East and South Asia
- HIST 101CV PO - Christian Views of Islam
- HIST 124 PO - The United States in the Middle East
- HIST 130 CM - Ottoman Power and Urban History
- HIST 131C CM - Crusading Mentalities
- HIST 134 SC - France/Algeria
- HIST 101AC PO - Environmental Histories of the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa
- HIST 049 PO - Iran and the World
- HIST 188 CM - Travel and Encounter in the Islamic World
- HIST 178 CM - Nation and Nationalism in the Global Middle East
- CGS 128 PZ - The War on Terror
- CGS 146 PZ - International Relations of the Middle East
- LIT 163 AF - North African Literature and Culture in Text, Film, and Music
- PHIL 084 PZ - Islamic Philosophy
- PHIL 155 PZ - Islam vs. Islam
- POLI 112 SC - Mobilizing Islam
- POLI 113 SC - People and Power in the Modern Middle East
- POLI 114 SC - Islam and Politics in the Middle East: Rulers, Reformers and Radicals
- POLI 167 JT - The Arab Spring and the Remaking of the Middle East
- RLST 057 CM - Islamic Empire and Political Philosophy
- RLST 058 CM - The End of the World As We Know It
- RLST 059 CM - Dreams, Visions, and the Afterworld in Islamic Tradition
- RLST 064 CM - Islam in Motion
- RLST 065 CM - Contemporary Issues in the Study of Islam
- RLST 085 SC - Conquered Colonized Christianity
- RLST 087 CM - Israel: Zionism and the Jewish State
- RLST 090 SC - Early Christian Bodies
- RLST 092 SC - Introduction to Early Christianities
- RLST 094 SC - Feminist Histories of Early Christianity
- RLST 095 SC - Jesus, Paul, and Early Christian Sexualities
- RLST 096 SC - Eros & Sex Antiquity & Byzantium
- RLST 097 SC - Queer African Christianities
- RLST 128 CM - Religion of Islam
- RLST 129 CM - Ancient Jewish Experience
- RLST 135 CM - Jerusalem: The Holy City
- RLST 164 PO - Engendering and Experience: Women in Islamic Traditions
- RLST 167 SC - Early Christian-Muslim Relations: Baghdad to Barcelona
- REL 410 CG - The Qur’an and Its Interpreters
- REL 436 CG - Islamic Law and Legal Theory
- REL 444IS CG - Environmental Ethics and Mystical Traditions in Islam
- REL 450IS CG - Introduction to Islamic Studies
- REL 458IS CG - Feminism and Qur’anic Studies
- REL 465IS CG - Classical Arabic Literature and the Quar’an
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