Sep 24, 2024  
2017-2018 Scripps Catalog 


Descriptions are provided for courses offered at Scripps College and offered as part of joint or cooperative programs in which Scripps participates. For those courses that may appear under more than one discipline or department, the full course description appears under the discipline or department sponsoring the course and cross-reference is made under the associated discipline or department. Numbers followed by, for example, “AA,” “AF,” or “CH,” indicate courses sponsored by The Claremont Colleges as part of joint programs, i.e., Asian American Studies, Africana Studies, and Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies.

Please refer to the Schedule of Courses on the Scripps Portal published each semester by the Office of the Registrar for up-to-date information on course offerings.

All courses are 1.0 credit unless otherwise stated.



  • GERM 191 SC - Senior Thesis

    Permission of the student’s adviser and the program coordinator is required. Offered annually.

    Prerequisite(s): For admission to literature and culture courses, GERM 044  or the equivalent is normally required.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GERM 193 PO - German Comprehensive Exams

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: .50

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GERM 197 SC - Directed Studies in German

    Offered as a German language component to courses taught in English in the German Studies Program. Individual instruction. Cumulative credit. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): Permission of German studies adviser. For admission to literature and culture courses, GERM 044  or the equivalent is normally required.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GERM 199 SC - Independent Study in German Studies: Reading and Research

    Open to students capable of independent study. Permission of instructor required. Course or half course. May be repeated. Offered annually.

    Prerequisite(s): For admission to literature and culture courses, GERM 044  or the equivalent is normally required.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

German Literature in English Translation

  • GRMT 114 SC - Plotting Crime

    This course covers various “genres” of criminality in modern European fiction and film, including murder, criminal vice, theft, sex crimes, white-collar corporate conspiracy, crimes of passion, and domestic violence. We explore two related (but distinct) topics: how crimes are planned and executed; and how they are then turned, step-by-step, into compelling literary and cinematic storylines. This course is taught in English.

    Prerequisite(s): For admission to literature and culture courses, GERM 044  or the equivalent is normally required.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GRMT 115 SC - The Family and it Discontents

    Not everyone feels “at home” within the nuclear family. This course examines central European thinkers and artists who criticize traditional family structures on the grounds that they limit human autonomy and perpetuate inequality. We will consider philosophy, fiction, filmmaking and feminist theory that point the way toward alternative forms of kinship. This course is taught in English.

    Prerequisite(s): For admission to literature and culture courses, GERM 044  or the equivalent is normally required.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GRMT 116 SC - The Decadents

    The 19th-century “decadents” treated art as an intoxicant. Theirs was a cult of extremes: theaters of cruelty, art for art’s sake, celebrations of criminality, and deliberate derangement of the senses. Course begins with 19th-century fiction, visual arts and criticism, and then turns to their “after-images” among 20th-century avant-gardes. This course is taught in English.

    Prerequisite(s): For admission to literature and culture courses, GERM 044  or the equivalent is normally required.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GRMT 117 SC - Berlin in the ‘20s: An Experiment in Modernity

    Expressionist painting. The glass architecture of the Bauhaus. The rise of photojournalism. The cult of the aerodynamic body. Dadaism. Cyborgs. Cabaret. Berlin in the 1920s has helped define modernization for decades. The course will examine the competing practices and principles of Weimar-era culture, drawing on fiction and film, as well as journalism and the visual arts. This course is taught in English.

    Prerequisite(s): For admission to literature and culture courses, GERM 044  or the equivalent is normally required.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GRMT 119 SC - Modern Times

    In the years that followed World War I, Europe experienced an extraordinary degree of both social upheaval and creative experimentation. Expressionist violence, stream of consciousness narrative, fractured imagery: writers used whatever means they could to come to terms with the period’s rapid-fire modernization. This course will cover key works of European literature from the early 20th-century (Kafka, Brecht, Woolf, Joyce, Eliot, Rilke, and Proust, among others), as well as examples of pre-World War II avant-garde film. Course and course materials entirely in English.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every two years

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GRMT 130 SC - Schools of Cultural Criticism: Culture and Critique

    This team-taught course will examine the categories by which philosophers, social scientists, historians, and literary critics have understood culture. Topics may include historicism (the role of history in defining individual experience), the development of mass culture and new media, and post-colonialism. May be completed twice for credit with different topics. (Taught in English)

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GRMT 134 PO - National Stereotypes in Advertising

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GRMT 146 SC - Fairy Tales and the Female Storyteller

    In the oral tradition of fairy tales women create a female discourse by regendering patriarchal myths, transforming domestic space into imaginary territories of hollow trees and magic kingdoms. Desires and constraints are represented in multifaceted characterizations of mother, stepmother and witch, orphaned daughters, and wicked stepsisters. Male scholars, such as the Brothers Grimm, reappropriate the fairy tale and domesticate it into children’s stories.

    Prerequisite(s): For admission to literature and culture courses, GERM 044  or the equivalent is normally required.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GRMT 161 PO - Nationbuilding and Nationalism: A German Cultural History

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GRMT 162 PO - Rich, Pretty, and Orderly? - What Makes Switzerland Tick

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GRMT 167 SC - Metropolis: Imagining the City

    Whether pictured as labyrinth, stage set, utopian pleasure-dome or gigantic living room, the urban landscape has played a crucial role in the attempt of 20thcentury writers and artists to come to terms with modernity. The course will move from the squares of 19th-century Berlin, the grid of Manhattan, to the malls and theme parks of Los Angeles, using fiction (Poe, Kafka, Wm. Gibson), film (Lang, Wenders, R. Scott), essays (Eco, Didion), and urban theory (Sennett, Choay) to investigate how changes in the perception of the city reflect the ways modernity sees itself. Cross listed as HMSC 167  SC. This course is taught in English.

    Prerequisite(s): For admission to literature and culture courses, GERM 044  or the equivalent is normally required. Cross listed as HMSC 167  SC.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GRMT 170 PO - The Culture of Nature

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.


  • GOVT 070 CM - Introduction to International Relations

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GOVT 114 CM - Nonprofits, Philanthropy, and Public Policy

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GOVT 118 CM - The Processes of Environmental Policymaking

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GOVT 119 CM - Introduction to Environmental Law and Regulation

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GOVT 132E CM - Politics and Economics of Natural Resources Policy in Developing Countries

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GOVT 135 CM - Comparative Politics of the Middle East

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GOVT 142 CM - Governments and Politics of East Asia

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GOVT 144 CM - Political and Social Movements

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GOVT 145 CM - Conflict and Cooperation in Southeast Asia

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GOVT 147 CM - Japanese Foreign and Defense Policy

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GOVT 151 CM - The United States, Israel, and the Arabs

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GOVT 152 CM - The Pacific Rim and the United States

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GOVT 154 CM - International Relations of Asia

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GOVT 165 CM - Political Philosophy and History

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GOVT 176 CM - American Constitutional History

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • GOVT 180E CM - Politics and Law in Fiction and Film

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.



  • HIST 010 PO - The Ancient Mediterranean

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 010A SC - Early Modern Europe: Renaissance to the Napoleonic Wars

    An introduction to European history between the Renaissance and the Napoleonic Wars. Topics include the waning of the Middle Ages, the Protestant and Catholic Reformations, New World trade and settlement, Thirty Years War, Absolute and Constitutional Monarchy, Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, and French Revolution. Special attention paid to religion, politics, and changes in gender and social norms. This course is taught in alternating years at Pomona College as HIST070 PO.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 010B SC - Europe from the Seventeenth Century to the Present

    This course will examine the political, economic, social, cultural, and military transformations that made Europe a dominant force in the modern world. It will give particular attention to the development of the individual as a source of value and power, and how workers’ movements, feminism, and anti-colonialism emerged as a critical response to the limitations and contradictions of European liberal individualism. Offered annually.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Bi-annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 011 PO - Medieval Mediterranean

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 011 PZ - The World Since 1492

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 012 PZ - History of Human Sciences

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 012 PO - Saints and Society

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 013 PO - Holy War in Early Christianity and Islam

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 016 PZ - Environmental History

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 017 CH - Chicana/o and Latina/o History

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 020 PO - US Colonial Era to Gilded Age

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 021 PO - Power in the U.S.

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 025 CH - All Power to the People!

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 025 PZ - U.S. History Before 1877

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 026 PZ - Modern U.S. History Since 1877

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 031 CH - Latin America Before Independence

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 032 CH - Latin America Since Independence

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 034 CH - History of Mexico

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 035 PO - The Caribbean: Crucible of Modernity

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 036 PO - Women of Honor, Women of Shame: Women’s Lives in Latin America and the Spanish-Speaking Caribbean, 1300-1900

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 040 AF - History of Africa to 1800

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 040A SC - Latin America before 1820: Long Views of Contemporary Struggles for Equality

    We will address 1) the ancient past; 2) the first European invasions and occupations of 1492 to 1600; 3) the period between 1600 and 1800 – when African and Indigenous labor became the foundation of the European imperial system, and capitalism in Europe grew in significant measure from profits generated by the sale of kidnapped Africans; and 4) the cataclysmic era of revolution from 1750 to 1825 that shattered colonial domination. The four sections of the course are tied to modern resistance movements, some of which have won national elections since the 1990s, thus opening a path to the practice of economics designed by and for the poor.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 041 AF - History of Africa from 1800 to the Present

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 042 PO - Worlds of Islam

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 043 PO - The Middle East and North Africa Since 1500

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 048 SC - Gender and Testimony in Latin America and the Caribbean

    The course is structured around pathbreaking texts that are life histories of non-elite women or “testimonies.” Through testimony we will explore problems of theory and analysis addressing feminism, womynism, racial justice, and economic dignity, as well as the queering of revolution in 21st century Latin America and the Caribbean. Today, African and Indigenous gender identities lie at the heart of movements for justice that have won national power. This region of the world with 600 million people has lifted 70 million people out of poverty in recent decades, thanks to the organizing of women such as those whose words we will read and hear in this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually, or every three semesters

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 050A AF - African Diaspora in the United States to 1877

    This course examines the diverse and complex experiences of people of African ancestry in the United States beginning with pre-European contact in West and central Africa to the end of the Reconstruction era. Working from a Diasporic focus, parallels will be drawn between specific cultural expressions, forms of nationalism and other types of protest in the United States and in other parts of the Americas.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 050B AF - African Diaspora in the United States since 1877

    Recognizing the diverse voices and experiences of people of African descent in the United States, this course introduces students to key issues engaging African Americans from Reconstruction to the late twentieth century. Points of discussion include national identity; distinct political, economic and social approaches; continuing class and gender differences; urbanization; the State; and international influences. This is the second half of the African diaspora in the United States survey. Offered annually.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 055 CM - The Middle East: From Muhammad to the Mongols

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 056 CM - The Middle East: From the Ottomans to the Present

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 060 PO - Asian Traditions

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 070A SC - United States History to 1865

    A survey of the major social, economic, intellectual, and political developments from the period of colonial settlement to the Civil War. Topics to be covered include the evolution of colonial society, the American Revolution and its impact, slavery and race, abolitionism, and other reform movements, the early industrial revolution, and westward migration. Offered alternate years.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 070B SC - Introduction to Modern U.S. History

    How do we understand the past and why does it matter? Focusing on the period since the Civil War, this course introduces students to the interpretive work of history through analysis of primary documents and different historical arguments. Topics include the politics of Reconstruction, the growth of industrial society, reform and radicalism, imperialism and war, the Great Depression, race and ethnicity, civil rights, feminism, the student movement and the New Right.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 072 SC - History of Women in the United States

    This course will explore the changing experiences of women in the 19th and 20th centuries with an emphasis on how racial, ethnic, and class differences affected women’s lives and histories. Is it possible or even useful to talk about “women” as a group? Part of our task will be to explore the continuities of and variations in the lives of women in the face of rapid social and economic change. Topics we will consider include work and livelihood, sexuality, politics, and feminisms.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 074 PZ - Holiness, Heresy, and the Body

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 077 PZ - Great Revolutions in Human History?

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 080 CM - Early America: Invasion-Civil War

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 090 SC - Individual and Society

    This course examines the development of individualism in Europe from the Renaissance to the present day. We will juxtapose theoretical reflections on the past with actual historical voices as they appear in primary sources such as memoirs or letters. The course will consider the articulation of personal experience. In addition, this class will offer an overview of the key epochs of European history in lieu of a standard survey course. It is an ideal introduction to historical analysis for first- and second-year students. 

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Bi-annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 100AC PO - East Asian Popular Culture

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 100AI PO - Indian Ocean World

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 100C CH - Chicana/Latina Feminist Histories

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 100I CH - Race, Culture and Identity in Latin America

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 100J PO - State and Citizen in Modern Japan

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 100M PO - Rethinking Modern Asian History

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 100N CH - The Mexico-United States Border

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 100NB CH - United States-Latin American Relations

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 100O PO - India and Britain, 1750 to the Protest

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • HIST 100T PO - Tokugawa Thought

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.


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