Feb 09, 2025  
2017-2018 Scripps Catalog 

General Information


Scripps College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 985 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 100, Alameda, CA 94501. Phone: (510) 748-9001.

Affirmative Action

Scripps College values a diverse college community and seeks to assure fair employment practices for faculty and staff through a continuing and effective Equal Opportunity Employment Program. For further information, contact the Scripps College director of human resources (909) 607-7976.

Filing Complaints

Scripps College is committed to compliance with the applicable regulations and to providing candid, honest and reliable disclosure and student consumer information. An individual may contact the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education for review of a complaint. The bureau may be contacted at 2355 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95833 or online at http://www.bppe.ca.gov or by telephone: (916)431-6924 or by fax (916)263-1897.

Nondiscrimination Policies

Scripps College strives to be an inclusive academic community for women, regardless of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, creed, belief, age, handicap, veteran status, or sexual orientation.

Scripps College admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, responsibilities, programs, and activities generally made available at the College.

The College affirms compliance with the requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965 as amended through 1992, as well as the requirements of Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972. Scripps College does not discriminate on the basis of handicap and is in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Student Rights and Privacy (FERPA)

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended provides Scripps College students with protection of the privacy of their records maintained as permanent files by the College and with the right to access those files. A student’s permanent records are confidential and access to them is restricted to the student who is the subject of the file and others as defined in the Guide to Student Life including individuals employed by Scripps or another of The Claremont Colleges with legitimate educational interests and need to know, to individuals or organizations with which the College contracts for specific services related to the legitimate educational interest of students, and to designated governmental officials or to outside entities that are designated by them. A student may request that access be allowed to other specified individuals, and may waive rights by written notice to the College. The Act allows the College to publish certain factual information about students (known as “directory information”) in directories and announcements unless the student specifically requests the College not do so. For further information and definition of terms, students should consult the Registrar and the Guide to Student Life, Section 3.00.

Directory Information

The following categories of information about students are “directory information” at Scripps College under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act and may be released:

Campus Address: Scripps mailbox will be released as the mailing address.
Campus Email Address: Scripps College email address
Dates of Attendance and Enrollment Status (full-time or part-time)
Classification (first-year, sophomore, and so forth)
Majors and/or Minors
Degrees, Certificates, Honors and Awards received (including the Dean’s List)
Date of Birth
Previous Academic Institutions Attended
Activities and Sports including height and weight of athletic team members

Permanent address and telephone numbers are not included in “directory information.” The College, normally through the Dean of Students, reserves the right to disclose non-directory information if it determines that the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or of other individuals.

Students contemplating restricting the above directory information are cautioned to consider very carefully the consequences of such a decision. Information requested by prospective employers, off-campus friends, and similar inquirers would become inaccessible if restricted. Student names would not appear on the published Dean’s List at the end of each semester when address, attendance, classification, majors, or honors and awards are restricted.

Student Rights under the Act

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) as amended requires education institutions to notify their students each year of their rights afforded by the act. The following is a statement of those rights.

The amended act provides for access by former and present Scripps students to their educational records for inspection and review. The term “educational records” is defined by the Act to include those records directly related to a student and maintained by the college or by a party acting for the college.  At Scripps, the primary educational record contains the permanent academic record and is maintained by the registrar.  It includes each student’s transcripts, application materials (including confidential statements whose access has been waived by the student or made prior to January 1, 1975), petitions, leaves of absence or withdrawal forms, and other documents related to her matriculation. To inspect and review her academic record, a student must make a written request to the registrar. The registrar will inspect the file for any records not open to student inspection (i.e., confidential statements) and arrange a time when the student may see her file. The time between the student’s request and the registrar’s notification will be no longer than 15 business days. The files are to be read in the Registrar’s Office unless a student is not within commuting distance of the College, in which case the student may request copies of specific documents she wishes to see. A copy of an education record otherwise subject to review may be refused if a “hold” for non-payment of financial obligations to the College exits. No copies of original documents, or of source documents, which originate from and exist elsewhere, including any high school transcripts or transcripts from other academic institutions, will be made. The College asks the student to bear the cost of such copies, as determined by the registrar. Educational records not open to student inspection include:

•     Parents’ financial statements;

•     Confidential letters and recommendations written before January 1, 1975 or access waived by the student;

•     “Ancillary records” not maintained as the official records of the College such as faculty files;

•     Law enforcement records that are confidential and used only for the purpose of law enforcement; and

•     Recognized professionals or paraprofessionals records. A student may, however, request that a doctor of choice have access to the student’s medical records. Students may waive any of their rights by submitting a written and signed waiver to the registrar. A waiver may be made concerning:

•    Types of educational records,

•    Types of persons or institutions, or if the person is a student or a prospective student, confidential letters and statements of recommendations concerning admission, application for employment, or receipt of honorary awards that are placed in the person’s education record after January 1, 1975.

•     A student may request notification of the names of all individuals providing a confidential letter or statement of recommendation. If a student decides to revoke a waiver, it must be submitted in writing to the registrar, but revocation of waivers of confidential recommendations may not be retroactive. In addition to the student, certain specific people may have access to a student’s file. These people are:
•     Individuals or organizations that have the written permission of the student concerned;

•     An individual employed at Scripps or at another of The Claremont Colleges in an administrative, supervisory, faculty, or support staff position who has a legitimate educational interest. Students may be assured that such access will be held in strictest confidence by the College and that no one will have access to a student’s medical records;

•     Students serving on some College committees;

•     Individuals or organizations with which Scripps College contracts for specific services related to the legitimate educational interest of students, including the National Student Clearinghouse;

•     Appropriate employees of colleges or universities to which students apply to enroll;

•     Employees of government and educational agencies who have legal rights of access; and

•     In compliance with a legal subpoena.

For release of non-directory information to others, students must submit a written consent for release of specific records to the registrar. Such a written statement must note the date of the release, what records are to be released, to whom the records are to be released, the duration of the release, when the record is to be released, and the reason for release. No copies of original documents, or of source documents, which originate from and exist elsewhere, including any high school transcripts or transcripts from other academic institutions, will be made. The registrar will provide such students with copies of the records released if they are requested and if the student will bear the cost of making those copies.

Hearing Procedures

Student inquiries as to the meaning or accuracy of their educational records should be directed to the registrar. If a student believes any portion of her permanent academic record is inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s rights under the act, the student will discuss it with the registrar, who will consult with the dean of the faculty and the dean of students. If the deans and the registrar find the file to be inaccurate, the registrar will amend the file. If not, the deans will ask the registrar to inform the student of the College’s belief in its accuracy and of the student’s right to an academic hearing.

All requests for a hearing shall be made in writing to the dean of the faculty who will notify the chair of the Augmented Committee on Academic Review (CAR).The chair will convene a hearing committee consisting of members of the Augmented CAR and include at least one faculty member, one administrator, and one student. The chair will also inform the student of the date, place, and time of the hearing. At the hearing, the student may present evidence relevant to the issues and may be assisted or represented by persons of choice, including an attorney. The hearing committee will prepare a written report of its decision including a summary of the evidence and the reasons for its decision and present it to the student within a reason- able time after the hearing. If the file is found to be inaccurate, the report will instruct the registrar to amend the file. If the file is found to be accurate, the report will include a notice to the student of the right to submit a statement of objection to the registrar for inclusion in the student’s permanent academic record. Thereafter, such a statement will be released whenever the records in question are released. Copies of the report will be sent to the dean of the faculty, the president, and the registrar.

The decision of the hearing committee is final. The student may appeal to the president should the student feel that any part of the hearing procedure was unfair or that the procedure or the decision are not in keeping with the provisions of the act.

Student Records

Confidential Personal/Conduct Records: The Dean of Students Office is responsible for maintaining files that contain background information and official documents relating to information about a student gained in confidence or in an advising/counseling capacity by a dean or director. The files also contain information relating to alleged student misconduct, judicial proceedings, and student grievances. Information contained within the files is divulged on a strict “need-to-know” basis. In cases where the welfare of the student may be in jeopardy, such information may be conveyed to faculty or professional people (e.g., Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services or Student Health Services) for whom disclosure of such information is necessary or appropriate. Such information, normally, will not be provided without written consent of the student involved except in response to a legal subpoena. The dean of the faculty, dean of students, and their administrative staffs have access to the files for the purpose of conducting necessary investigation of charges, administering disciplinary actions, and maintaining institutional records.

Information regarding a decision from a judicial hearing where the student was found responsible for a violation of college standards by any judicial process will be maintained in the student’s personal/ conduct file for two years after the completion of the degree or separation from the College. However, disciplinary sanctions involving probation, suspension, expulsion, or revocation of admission or degree will additionally result in permanent notification to the student’s academic record.

Educational Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 gives college students, at their request, the opportunity to inspect their education records in the Registrar’s Office and assures them that information in these records is available only to certain authorized individuals within the College and to no one else without specific prior written student consent. Access to these files is guided by the Act (see Section 3.20).

The permanent academic file of a student, retained in the Registrar’s Office, contains the admission folder and the educational folder. These academic files are accessible only to administrators and faculty at Scripps and the other Claremont Colleges who have a legitimate educational interest, in response to a legal subpoena, or with written consent of the student. Typical uses are for academic advising, reference letters, and the collection of statistics.

Scripps College Rights to Students’ Records

Student personal/conduct and educational records are not considered the property of the individual student but are the working records of the College. Except for academic records, which are kept on microfilm or electronic imaging indefinitely, the College reserves the right to destroy student records.

It is the policy of Scripps College to comply fully with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended from time to time, and the regulations interpreting it, as well as with applicable state laws. To the extent that this statement or any statement of the College does not accurately reflect such laws, they shall not be deemed to be a statement of College policy.

Student Right-to-Know/Campus Security

In accordance with the 1991 Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act, Scripps College provides graduation rate statistics to all current and prospective students upon request. For more information, please contact the Office of Assessment, Planning, and Institutional Research (909) 621-8224 or the Office of the Registrar (909) 621-8273.