Feb 09, 2025  
2017-2018 Scripps Catalog 

Financial Aid

Financial aid at Scripps College provides admitted students with demonstrated financial need a combination of grants, loans and work awards to enable them to enroll. The College continues this financial commitment to continuing students in the same manner that entering first-year students are offered aid: based on the College’s annual determination of each student’s financial aid eligibility and analysis of each family’s specific circumstances. The calculation of the annual cost of education less a family’s expected contribution results in a student’s maximum financial aid eligibility.

The Office of Financial Aid may change these policies at any time to ensure continued compliance with changes in federal and state regulations governing student financial aid. As a result, students must refer to the current catalog regulations. Unlike degree requirements, changes in regulations, policies and procedures for financial aid are immediate and supersede those in any prior catalog.

Annual Cost of Attendance

Educational expenses for the academic year include actual charges for tuition, standard fees, room, board, and an estimated allowance for books and supplies, transportation, and personal expenses, including average fees associated with federal student loans.

Estimated 2017-2018 costs for full-time, degree-seeking, residential students (on-campus or off-campus and not with parents):

Tuition and Fees $52,966
Room $8,872
Board $7,422
Books and Supplies $800
Personal Expenses $1,000
Transportation* $50-1500
Total Costs $71,110-$72,560

*Transportation cost estimates vary by student based on the geographic location of their permanent residence.

Application Process and Eligibility Requirements for Financial Aid

Detailed information, application procedures and deadlines for financial aid are available at http://www.scrippscollege.edu/finaid/. Scripps College determines a family’s expected contribution toward educational costs based on information provided on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE form, and additional documents as requested. Parents are expected to contribute to a student’s educational expenses. Students whose parents are divorced or separated are required to have each parent complete the CSS PROFILE Form. Students are also expected to make a minimum student contribution toward educational expenses contribution. This may be from summer earnings; however, we do not mandate that students work during the summer. Students and their families may cover this amount in savings, parental assistance or other financing options. An additional contribution may be assessed from student personal assets. Students who are renewal applicants for Scripps College financial aid, must complete the FAFSA and the CSS Profile Form(s) each year. International students who are awarded need-based financial aid in their first year, will be awarded aid each year based on the estimated family contribution established in their first year, they need not complete the FAFSA or the CSS PROFILE in subsequent years.

To be eligible for federal and state aid, students must be US citizens or eligible non-citizens; have a valid Social Security number; have a high school diploma, GED or equivalent; meet Selective Service registration requirements; meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements; and meet all other eligibility requirements. Students must also complete all application requirements by the relevant deadline(s). For most federal and state awards, a minimum of half-time enrollment is required. Full-time enrollment is required for Scripps College Grant and Scholarship awards. Enrollment status will be calculated based only on those courses that are required for, or that can be applied as an eligible elective credit toward, a student’s degree program. Federally ineligible students awarded a California Dream Grant are considered for limited college financial aid.

Scholarships and Grants

A first-time, full-time student is eligible for eight full-time semesters of financial aid in which to complete the degree provided they meet the financial and academic eligibility requirements. Students normally complete the degree by the end of 4 years of full-time study. Students who require additional semesters to complete their degree may be eligible for federal aid but are not eligible for state funds or Scripps College scholarships and grants.

Transfer students are eligible to receive Scripps College Grants based on their academic standing at the time of admission to Scripps limited to the number of full-time semesters remaining for successful completion of the Scripps degree after transfer credit is awarded. This determination is made during the transfer student’s first semester of enrollment at Scripps.

For less than full-time students, institutional grant and scholarship funds will be adjusted based on the reduced tuition and fees as long as the student is enrolled three-quarter time (2.5 courses) or more. Institutional grants and scholarships are not available to half time students.

Scripps College Grants

Scripps College Grants may be used to pay tuition, fees, room and board, book and supplies and other related educational expenses.  To be eligible for Scripps College Grants you must be pursuing your first bachelor’s degree, meet all annual application deadlines, and demonstrate financial need. Scripps College Grants are offered as a supplement to federal and state grants.

Scripps College Named Scholarships

Named Scholarships are awarded to undergraduates from funds given to the college every year by individuals or organizations, and are “named” by or for the donor. Students who are awarded a Scripps College Grant, or are receiving a QuestBridge, New Generation, or the Margo Leonetti O’Connell ‘64 Scholarship, MUST complete the Scripps Grant Recipient Form. The information students provide on the form will be used to determine if the student meets the specifications of the donor, and can be awarded a Named Scholarship. 

Please note that Scripps Named Scholarships replace some or all of your Scripps Grant. Scripps Named Scholarships will not replace loan or work awards and cannot be used to reduce estimated family contributions.

Since many donors are lifelong friends of Scripps and enjoy hearing directly from students about life at Scripps today, students will be asked to write a thank-you letter to one or more of these benefactors. Additionally, students may be asked to attend a function to meet their scholarship donor.

Federal and State Grants:

Federal grants include the Federal Pell Grant and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG). Administered by the U.S. Department of Education, the Federal Pell Grant provides financial assistance to undergraduates with exceptional financial need. Funds may be used for tuition, fees, books, room, board or other educational expenses.

To be eligible for the Federal Pell Grant you must be pursuing your first bachelor’s degree and meet all annual application deadlines and eligibility requirements. Only full-time students may receive the full Pell Grant amount. The grant is prorated for three-quarter, half-time or less-than-half-time enrollment. Your actual award amount is based on your financial need.

Federal SEOG Grants are administered by Scripps College and funded by the College and the federal government. These grants are limited and will only be awarded to students with exceptional financial need who meet all application deadlines.



Cal Grants A and B are funded by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC), and are available to residents of California. To apply for the Cal Grant, students must submit the FAFSA (US Citizens and US Permanent Residents) or the California Dream Act Application (eligible undocumented students) and the Cal Grant Grade Point Average (GPA) Verification form by March 2 (the deadline) to the California Student Aid Commission. Cal Grant A may be used to pay tuition and mandatory fees only. Cal Grant B provides a first year stipend for living expenses only. In subsequent years, the grant helps pay for tuition and fees in addition to the stipend.

You must be a full-time student at Scripps College and meet all general eligibility requirements to receive the full Cal Grant A or B amount. Selection of recipients is based on a composite score that takes into consideration your family’s income, parents’ educational level, your GPA, and other factors such as coming from a single-parent household. For the Cal Grant A, you need a minimum 3.0 GPA. For the Cal Grant B, the minimum GPA is 2.0.

Cal Grants are pro-rated for half-time and three-quarter-time enrollment. Grant amounts vary, depending on your financial need and whether you have other awards designated to cover your tuition and fees. The maximum eligibility for a Cal Grant is for eight semesters.


Private (Outside) Scholarships

These awards include funds from sources such as local civic and philanthropic organizations, National Merit awards, parent’s employers and other sources.

Private (outside) scholarships are included in a student’s financial aid award package, as required by federal regulations. A student must inform the Office of Financial Aid, in writing, of any awards from National Merit, local or civic organizations, tuition grants from employers, etc.

Institutional policy states that outside scholarships will first replace the student’s self-help (loans and/or work-study) awards where available, thus reducing the amount a student may need to borrow or work to meet college expenses. Following the reduction of self-help aid, we will also allow outside scholarships to help cover your minimum student income contribution. If the total of your outside scholarship(s) exceeds your self-help awards and student contribution, we may be required to reduce other forms of aid including Scripps College Grant.

Student Employment

Students eligible for Federal Work-Study or Scripps Campus Employment may earn up to $2,200 per year. 

Scripps College strongly urges caution about the amount of time spent in on or off campus employment. A job should not interfere with the demands of academic course work. Scripps encourages 15 hours per week of employment or less.

Earnings are paid to students via biweekly paychecks and are intended to assist with books, supplies, and personal expenses. Since funds must be earned over the course of the year and are not available at the beginning of the term when tuition bills are due, students should not anticipate using work-study earnings to pay the College for expenses like tuition and fees or room and board charges.


Federal student and parent loans enable borrowers to defer a portion of the cost of college until after graduation or withdrawal from school, and are generally expected to be repaid over a 10-year period. The interest rates, fees and terms of repayment vary depending upon the type of loan. Federal student and parent loans are limited to US citizens or other eligible non-citizens.

Types of loans available:

1)  The Federal Perkins Loan is awarded on a limited basis to students with exceptional financial need. To be eligible for this program, students must still have demonstrated federal financial need after being awarded their annual maximum for the Subsidized and Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan programs. This is a campus-based loan program. Scripps College is the lender, Funds are limited and are provided by the federal government and loan collections from former Scripps Federal Perkins Loan borrowers. The Federal Perkins Loan is a subsidized loan, with the no interest charged during the in-school and 9-month grace periods. When in repayment, interest is charged at 5 percent per year.  There is no origination fee for this loan. Based on current law, the Federal Perkins Loan must be disbursed to student accounts on or before September 30, 2017.  At this time, Congress has not acted to extend the Federal Perkins Loan program after that date.

2)  Subsidized and Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans are made directly by the US Department of Education. Subsidized Federal Direct Loans are awarded based on need. Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans are available regardless of need and may be used to replace a portion of the family contribution. The federal government pays the interest on the Subsidized Federal Direct Loan while the student is in-school, grace, and deferment periods. The student is responsible for interest that accrues on the Unsubsidized Loan from the time of disbursement.  

Each July 1st, the federal government establishes a new interest rate for all loans made that academic year. Once established, the interest rate is fixed for the life of the loan. Federal Direct Loans bear an origination fee which is retained by the Department of Education to offset costs of the program. The origination fee varies annually on October 1st each year. Federal Direct Loans have a 6-month grace period after the student graduates, withdraws, or drops below half-time status. During the in-school and grace periods, payments are not expected, but interest will accrue on the Unsubsidized Loan. Repayment generally lasts 10-years, but may be extended based on amounts borrowed. Loans may be deferred for at least half time enrollment in an approved program of study.


3)  Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loans are available regardless of demonstrated financial need to parent borrowers (biological parents, adoptive parents, and stepparents). More than one eligible parent may apply. Eligible borrowers must be US citizens or eligible non-citizens. The borrower must not have an adverse credit history as determined by the US Department of Education. Parent borrowers, who fail to meet the established credit criteria, may appeal the decision or may apply with an endorser (co-borrower) who does meet the credit criteria. Parents who establish eligibility be virtue of an appeal or an endorser must complete online counseling at studentloans.gov. If a parent is ineligible to borrow under the Federal Parent PLUS Loan program, the student may be eligible to borrow additional Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan.

Each July 1st, the federal government establishes a new interest rate for loans made that academic year. Once established, the interest rate is fixed for the life of the loan. Interest on the Federal Direct PLUS Loan begins to accrue at disbursement.  Federal Parent PLUS Loans bear an origination fee which is retained by the federal government to offset the cost of the program. Loans are disbursed in two equal installments not earlier than 10-days before the start of each semester for eligible students. The first scheduled payment due 60 days after the full disbursement. These loans have a 10-year repayment term, with no prepayment penalty, and may be deferred while the student is enrolled at least half-time. Repayment periods may be extended based on amounts borrowed.


4)  Scripps Private Loans are available on a limited basis. These loans are funded through donations to the College and loan collections from former student borrowers. Not all students are eligible. Each loan has its own eligibility criteria established by the donor. Interest rates, fees, and repayment terms vary based on the program. Be sure to review the TILA (Truth-in-Lending-Act) application and solicitation disclosure before you accept a Scripps College Private Loans.

5)  Private Financing Programs are available through banks and credit unions to help students and parents meet the costs of education by providing long-term financing options. Students should exhaust all federal Title IV assistance available, including Federal Pell Grants, the Federal Direct Loan and the Federal Direct Parent PLUS loan before considering a private student loan program. The repayment terms of federal programs may be more favorable than the terms of private loan programs. Unlike private loan programs, federal student loans are required by law to provide a range of flexible repayment options, including but not limited to, income-based repayment and income-contingent repayment plans, and loan forgiveness benefits. Federal Direct Loans are available to students regardless of income.

Private student loans may not be included in Federal Direct Consolidation Loans and are not eligible for the Federal Income-Based Repayment Plans or for Federal Economic Hardship Deferments.

Interest rates and origination and repayment fees for these loans vary and are set by the lender. Most private lenders require a cosigner, and interest rates are based on the credit-worthiness of the borrower and/or co-borrower. The interest rate will vary on a monthly or quarterly basis and may not have a maximum rate.

Rules for repayment and deferment vary from lender to lender, although repayment generally begins after full disbursement. Some lenders may postpone (defer) repayment during periods of at least half-time enrollment and economic hardship; however, interest will continue to accrue on the loan from the date it is disbursed.

Scripps College does not recommend or promote any individual lender or loan product. We provide no preferred lender list. We encourage families to compare loan programs carefully before selecting a lender and to borrow as little as necessary. For more information, visit the ELM Select website.  ELM Select compiles a list of lenders who have made loans to Scripps College students over the last 3-years.  We believe the information presented on this site is thorough, and clearly presented; however, families may select any lender or loan program of their choice.

International Students

Limited financial assistance is available for international students and competition is strong. International applicants are also considered for Scripps merit scholarships. The College Board International Student Certification Finances or, if applying for need-based aid, the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE is required by February 1 of the year prior to enrollment. International students who are awarded need-based aid in their first year, will receive aid in subsequent years based on the EFC established in the first year. International students, who are not awarded need-based aid in their first year, may not apply for need-based aid in subsequent years.

Study Abroad and Global Education

Scripps College assists students who pursue a Study Abroad and Global Education (SAGE) program, provided they are enrolled full time and their plans have been approved by SAGE.

If a student participates in a College-approved SAGE program, their semester/year Federal Work-Study award is converted to additional student loan eligibility, plus an additional $500 in loan per semester of a SAGE program to help defray additional expenses associated with studying abroad.

How to Apply for Financial Aid

Students interested in only receiving federal and state grant and loan assistance need only complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE is required to be considered for Scripps College institutional grant assistance.

Prospective First Year and Transfer Students:

  • File the CSS / Financial Aid PROFILE Form* and
  • File the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and
  • Provide additional documents and information as required by the Office of Financial Aid

Prospective Students should submit all requested documents via the College Board’s IDOC process at https://idoc.collegeboard.org. It is imperative that all prospective first year and transfer students who wish to be considered for Scripps College need-based aid meet all application deadlines. Students who submit financial aid applications after the published deadlines, may have their financial aid delayed and/or reduced. Application deadlines may be found at:  http://www.scrippscollege.edu/finaid/

*Students whose parents are divorced or separated are required to have each parent complete the CSS Profile Form each year.

Continuing Students Renewing Financial Aid Awards

Financial aid is not renewed automatically. An annual application is required by May 1 to renew financial aid for the following academic year.  Students participating in study-abroad programs, living off-campus, or taking a leave of absence must stay informed of financial aid application deadlines and requirements while away from Scripps. We encourage all families to meet all published financial aid deadlines.  If you submit a financial aid document after a published deadline, your financial aid may be delayed and/or reduced. If unforeseen circumstances caused you to miss the published deadline you may submit a late status appeal and include documentation. Renewal application requirements and deadlines may be found at www.scrippscollege.edu/finaid/.

Returning Scripps Students:

  • File the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and
  • File the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE Form*
  • Provide additional documents and information, as required by the Office of Financial Aid.

Renewal Aid Applicants should submit documents directly to the Scripps College Office of Financial Aid.  Application deadlines may be found at: http://www.scrippscollege.edu/finaid/

*Students whose parents are divorced or separated are required to have each parent complete the CSS Profile Form each year.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Financial Aid and Scholarship Recipients

1. Purpose of Satisfactory Academic Progress Regulations

To be eligible for federal, state and Scripps College aid, students are required by the U.S. Department of Education (34 CFR 668.34) and College policy to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress toward their degree objectives. Scripps College has established this SAP policy to ensure student success and accountability and to promote timely advancement toward degree objectives.

The following guidelines provide academic progress criteria for all students receiving certain financial aid at Scripps College. Although the requirements for students receiving such financial aid are somewhat more restrictive than for the general student population, they are based on reasonable expectations of academic progress toward a degree. Accordingly, these guidelines should not be a hindrance to any student in good academic standing.

Table 1

Programs Subject to Financial Aid SAP Policy

Federal and State Programs Scripps College Programs
Federal Pell Grant Scripps College Grants
Federal SEOG Grant Scripps College Merit Scholarships
Federal Work-Study  
Federal Perkins Loans  
Federal Direct Stafford Loans  
Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loans  
California State Cal Grant  











Table 2

Programs Not Subject to Financial Aid SAP Policy

Scripps College and Outside Awards+
Sponsored Agency Awards (Including Department of Defense and Veterans Awards)
Employee Tuition Assistance Benefits
Outside Agency Scholarships
Departmental Awards







+Recipients of these awards should contact the awarding agencies/departments for rules regarding award retention.

2. Definition of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

To be eligible for financial aid at Scripps College, as identified above, you must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress as defined by the following three criteria:

  • Meeting a minimum cumulative grade point average requirement (GPA)
  • Earning a minimum number of units for credit each semester to ensure timely progress toward degree completion (Pace of Progression)
  • Completing the degree objective within a maximum number of semesters enrolled and a maximum number of units attempted (Maximum Time-Frame Allowance)

Students who do not meet one or more of the above criteria will be considered to be SAP ineligible or in a financial aid SAP Warning Period as described below. The following explains each of the three SAP evaluation criteria; SAP Ineligibility, Warning and Probation Periods; and the SAP Appeals Process in detail.

Grade Point Average Requirement

To maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, students must meet a minimum cumulative grade point average of 6.0 on a 12.0 point scale (C average) at each monitored interval and at the end of two academic years for programs lasting more than two years. Refer to Tables 3, 4 and 5 below to understand the values of grades and how specific grades and course types affect students’ cumulative grade point averages.

Table 3

Grading Policy

Letter Grade GPA Value
A 12.0
A- 11.0
B+ 10.0
B 9.0
B- 8.0
C+ 7.0
C 6.0
C- 5.0
D+ 4.0
D 3.0
F 0

Table 4

Impact of Grades on Cumulative GPA Calculation

Grade Earned Counted in Grade Point Average
A, B, C, D, F (+/-) Yes
P = Pass; F. = No Pass No
IP = In Progress; N = Pending No
I = Incomplete No
W = Withdrawal No
AU = Audit No
NGS = No Grade Submitted No


Table 5

Impact of Course Type on Cumulative GPA Calculation

Course Type Counted in Grade Point Average
Remedial course work Not Permitted
Repeated course work (previous passing grade) Not Permitted
Repeated course work (previous failing grade) Yes (both grades counted)
Transfer course work (pre- and post-matriculation) No
For more information about grading policy, please visit the Scripps College Office of the Registrar Website.
Pace of Progression Requirement
To maintain satisfactory progress, students must complete a minimum number of course credits each semester (Pace) to ensure completion of the degree within the maximum time frame. Generally, a Scripps College degree requires a minimum of 32-course credits. Full-time students are encouraged to attempt at least 4 course credits per semester to ensure that degree objectives can be reached within the maximum time frame allowed. A lower number of units per semester is permitted if required by academic advisement; however, the maximum time-frame allowance for financial aid will not be adjusted.

To calculate Pace of Progression, divide the cumulative number of credits the student has successfully completed by the cumulative number of credits the student has attempted.

Pace of Progression = Cumulative Units Successfully Completed ÷ Cumulative Units Attempted

To be eligible to receive federal, state and institutional financial assistance detailed above, a student is required to successfully complete a minimum of 67 percent of all attempted credits.

Pace of Progression ≥ 67% = SAP eligible for Pace

Review Tables 6 and 7 below to understand how grades and course types will affect students’ Pace of Progression calculation:

Table 6

Impact of Grades on Pace of Progression and Maximum Time-Frame Allowance

Grade Earned Pace of Progression Counted Toward Maximum Time Frame
Units Completed Units Attempted
A, B,C, D (+/-) Yes Yes Yes
P, N Yes Yes Yes
F, F. No Yes Yes
W, NGS, I No Yes Yes
AU No No No


Table 7

Impact of Course Types on Pace of Progression and Maximum Time-Frame Allowance

Course Type Pace of Progression Counted Toward Maximum Time Frame
Units Completed Units Attempted
Course work taken for a Letter Grade Yes Yes Yes
Course work taken pass/fail Yes Yes Yes

Course work dropped between census date and course withdrawal deadline  

No Yes Yes
Audited course work No No No
Remedial course work N/A N/A N/A
Repeated course work (previous passing grade) N/A N/A N/A
Repeated course work (previous failing grade) Yes Yes Yes
Transfer course work (pre- and post matriculation) Yes Yes Yes
Maximum Time-Frame Allowance

To demonstrate Satisfactory Academic Progress, students must complete their degree objective within a specified amount of time. The time frame will depend on the student’s enrollment status and educational objective. Tables 6 and 7 above show how different grades and course types will be counted against the Maximum Time-Frame Allowance.

Maximum Units and Semesters

Undergraduate students in single-degree, four-year programs requiring 32 course credits are eligible for Scripps College financial aid for a maximum of 36 course credits over a maximum of eight SAP semesters, whichever comes first. Students needing additional time, may submit an SAP Maximum Time-Frame Allowance appeal for federal financial aid only.

SAP Semesters

Each semester in which a student attempts 1.5 to 2.75 courses is counted as a one-half (0.5) SAP semester. Each semester in which a student attempts 3 or more courses is counted as a full (1.0) SAP semester. Semesters in which a student attempts fewer than 1.5 courses are not counted as SAP semesters.

How Satisfactory Academic Progress is Monitored

The Office of Financial Aid monitors the Grade Point Average (GPA) requirement, Pace of Progression and the Maximum Time-Frame Allowance.

When Satisfactory Academic Progress in Monitored

Satisfactory Academic Progress is monitored for all financial aid applicants and scholarship recipients at the end of each enrolled semester after grades have been made official by the Registrar.

Potential Delay of Disbursements Due to Monitoring of Satisfactory Academic Progress

Financial aid may not be disbursed to a student’s account until SAP has been evaluated. The Office of Financial Aid cannot complete the SAP evaluation until prior semester grades have been officially posted by the Office of the Registrar. An otherwise eligible student who is in a SAP Warning or SAP Probation Period may experience a delayed financial aid disbursement if grades are not made official before the beginning of the subsequent semester. No exceptions can be made to this process.

3. Failure to Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress

Exceeding the Maximum Time-Frame Allowance and Academic Disqualification

Students who have reached the Maximum Time-Frame Allowance are ineligible for further financial aid without an approved, written SAP Appeal. Students who are academically disqualified (suspended or dismissed) from the College are ineligible for further financial aid. There is no financial aid SAP Warning Period in either of these instances.

Failing GPA and Pace of Progression Requirements

Students who do not meet the Pace of Progression or GPA requirements are placed on a one-time, one-semester financial aid SAP Warning Period.

Financial Aid SAP Warning Period

Students who do not meet the Pace of Progression requirement or who are on academic probation for GPA will be placed on a one-time, one-semester financial aid SAP Warning Period. Students may continue to receive financial aid while in this one-semester warning period without a written appeal. Students who are placed on a financial aid SAP Warning Period are encouraged to seek both academic and financial aid advisement. By the end of the financial aid one-semester warning period, the student must meet all Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements.

Failure to Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress

As stated above, students who have exceeded the Maximum Time-Frame Allowance and those who are academically disqualified are ineligible to receive financial aid.

Students who do not meet the minimum requirements by the end of the one-semester warning period for GPA and Pace of Progression violations will no longer be considered to be making Satisfactory Academic Progress and will become ineligible for financial aid without an approved, written SAP Appeal.

The one-semester financial aid SAP Warning is only available to students one time throughout their degree program. Students who regain eligibility by meeting SAP standards at the end of the warning period and subsequently fall below the standard will be considered ineligible for financial aid without another SAP Warning Period.

4. Regaining Financial Aid Eligibility

Regaining Financial Aid Eligibility with a Grade Change or Academic Improvement

Students who have been placed on a Financial Aid SAP Warning due to insufficient GPA or Pace of Progression can be reinstated by a grade change or by successfully completing sufficient units or bringing up their GPA to meet the accepted standards by the end of their warning period. The student must notify the Office of Financial Aid in writing once the requirements have been met.

Regaining Financial Aid Eligibility with a SAP Appeal for Maximum Time Frame

Students who need additional time to complete their degrees must meet with their academic adviser to complete a SAP Appeal Form. Students must also update their expected graduation date with the Registrar’s Office. The Office of Financial Aid may increase the maximum time frame for federal student aid only, for students who have changed majors, are adding a major, or have experienced a one-time extenuating circumstance such as illness or injury that has since been resolved. However, the Office of Financial Aid will not approve any appeal when the additional time required for completing the degree objective(s) extends beyond 150 percent of one undergraduate degree (48 courses over 12 semesters maximum). In addition, the Office of Financial Aid will make no adjustments for declared minors.

Regaining Financial Aid Eligibility with a SAP Appeal for GPA or Pace of Progression

Students may also appeal the determination that they are not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress GPA and Pace of Progression requirements. The following can be considered: extended illness; one-time extenuating circumstances that have since been resolved; and enrollment limitations due to academic advisement.

SAP Appeal Form and Letter

The student and the academic adviser must submit a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal form with complete supporting documentation to the Office of Financial Aid. The SAP Appeal Form must contain the specific academic plan for the student that the academic adviser has approved. For the appeal to be approved, the academic plan must lead to graduation within 150 percent of the published degree time. The student must also provide a written appeal letter that includes the following information/explanation: (a) What caused the work at Scripps to fall below acceptable standards? Students should think carefully and provide a specific explanation. (b) How have those conflicts been resolved? (c) How will the student maintain good academic standards and progress toward the degree if the appeal is granted?

When to Submit a SAP Appeal

Students should not submit SAP Appeals for GPA or Pace of Progression deficiencies when they are in a Financial Aid SAP Warning period. These pre-emptive appeals are unnecessary and will be withdrawn. Rather, students should wait until they have been notified by the Office of Financial Aid that they are ineligible for financial aid because of a SAP deficiency. SAP Appeals for Maximum Time-Frame Allowance may be submitted at any time, but students should first ensure that the Registrar’s Office has updated their expected graduation term.

SAP Appeals must be submitted before the end of the semester for which the aid is sought. Financial aid cannot be reinstated retroactively for a past semester.

Limitations on Approvals for SAP Appeals

The Office of Financial Aid will never increase the Maximum Time-Frame Allowance past 150 percent of the published degree requirements for one undergraduate degree.

The Office of Financial Aid will make no adjustments for students who declare minors. Minors must be completed within the same time frame as the student’s major program(s) of study.

Students who are on SAP Probation (see below) as a result of an approved appeal will not receive funding for more than one undergraduate degree program. For these students, no exceptions will be made to maximum semesters or units to support the addition of a second major or a minor program of study.

Academic Disqualification and Activity Restrictions that Prevent Registration

Students who are academically disqualified or otherwise prevented from registering for future semesters may submit SAP Appeals. However, those appeals will not be evaluated until the registration restrictions have been resolved.

Notification of SAP Appeal Decisions

SAP Appeals will be evaluated and the Office of Financial Aid will notify the student of the decision via email at the student’s Scripps email address.

Financial Aid SAP Probation Period

Appeals for insufficient Pace of Progression and/or GPA are approved through the use of a semester-by-semester SAP Contract. Students placed on a SAP Contract are eligible for financial aid on a probationary basis, strictly according to the terms of the contract. While students are on SAP Probation, the Office of Financial Aid will review their academic progress each semester to ensure they have met the specific terms of their contracts.

The SAP Contract

The SAP Contract is a written agreement between the student, the academic adviser, and the Office of Financial Aid in which the student commits to following a specific academic plan that leads to graduation. Reinstated eligibility through a contract may alter the type and amount of financial aid for which a student is eligible. Terms of the SAP Contract may be stricter than the standard SAP regulations cited in this section. Acceptance of the approved SAP Contract supersedes all other SAP regulations. Any deviation by the student from the terms of the contract results in the forfeiture of future financial aid eligibility.

Submitting SAP Appeals after Failing SAP Probation

Students on SAP Probation as a result of an approved appeal who fail to meet the terms of their accepted SAP Contracts may submit a subsequent SAP Appeal. However, these appeals are granted on an exception basis. Students will be required to document specifically the exceptional circumstances that caused them to fail their SAP Contract and how those problems have been resolved.

Financial Aid Application and SAP Appeal Deadlines

A student appealing their Satisfactory Academic Progress status must meet all financial aid application deadlines and other eligibility requirements. A SAP Appeal must be submitted before the end of the semester for which the aid is sought. Financial aid cannot be reinstated retroactively for a past semester. As with any type of financial aid appeal, Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeals are funded on a funds-available basis.

Students dismissed from Scripps for academic reasons but who are subsequently readmitted are not automatically eligible to participate in federal, state, or institutional aid programs. A separate written SAP Appeal with approved course plan must be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid. Please note that readmission decisions are independent from funding decisions.


Scripps College verifies application information for all new entering financial aid applicants, and selected returning students.

Required Documents for Verification:

1. The appropriate (dependent or independent) Scripps College Verification Worksheet.
2. Signed copies of the parent’s federal tax return including W-2 forms as well as all schedules and attachments.

Any other documents required by the Office of Financial Aid.

3. All continuing students and those new students selected for federal verification are required to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT) to import their and their parents’ income and tax information from the IRS directly into their FAFSA. Students or parents, who do not wish to use the DRT or are prohibited from using the IRS DRT as result of their federal tax filing status, are required to provide the Office of Financial Aid with an official IRS Federal Tax Transcript. Tax Transcripts may be obtained from the IRS website at https://www.irs.gov/individuals/get-transcript.

4. Verification of Sibling Enrollment:  Your financial aid award is based on the information supplied in your application materials. One of the most important factors in determining a parent contribution is your parents’ expected contribution towards the cost of any sibling(s) who plans to attend a post-secondary undergraduate degree program at least half-time during the academic year while you are enrolled at Scripps College. The calculation of the Expected Family Contribution takes into consideration the financial burden placed on a family when more than one sibling is attending college at the same time. You will be asked to verify that your siblings have enrolled as planned before your financial aid will be disbursed to your student account. To complete the Sibling Enrollment Verification process, you will complete and have your sibling complete the Sibling Enrollment Verification Form and deliver it to the Financial Aid Office or Registrar’s Office at the college or university that they attend. This form requires official verification by the institution that your sibling(s) attend. It is your responsibility to ensure that this form is returned to the Scripps College Office of Financial Aid. If you know of changes in your sibling(s)’s enrollment plans, you should inform us as soon as possible. Any changes in the original information that was reported, or failure to provide verification in a timely fashion, will result in an adjustment to your Scripps College need-based financial aid award. 

Financial Aid Disbursement

The Office of Student Accounts sends billing statements for the fall semester two months before the first day of class. If the financial aid award has been finalized and the student has submitted all required forms and information, aid from Scripps College grants and scholarships credit toward tuition and fees and other direct Colleges expenses including but not limited to room and board.

Scholarships and grants from outside organizations will not be credited until funds are received. Students are required to provide the Office of Financial Aid with information pertaining to these scholarships (expected dates of payment and contact information for the scholarship organization) and to bring scholarship checks to the Office of Financial Aid for proper handling.

Federal and institutional student and parent loan funds and federal grant funds are credited to eligible student accounts not earlier than 10-days prior to the first day of class for each semester. Before institutional loan funds and Federal Perkins Loan funds can credit to the student account, the College must have received all required forms and promissory notes. In the case of Federal Direct Loans all Master Promissory Notes (MPN), Entrance Counseling and, in the case of Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loans, credit approvals, must be received and processed at studentloans.gov.

Federal Work-Study (FWS) and Scripps student employment earnings are paid biweekly directly to the student. Students must contact Student Accounts (909-621-8259) about using work-study student employment earnings to cover any balance due to the College.

A student’s annual fees, minus financial aid, can be paid in eight equal installments, or four per semester using the Scripps College Installment Payment Plan. A non-refundable service charge of $50 per semester is added to the total charges. For more information, contact Student Accounts at (909) 621-8259.

Title IV Aid & Credit Balance Authorization

Title IV Aid Authorization

Federal regulations allow schools to use Title IV federal financial aid funds to pay for allowable charges (tuition, fees, and room and board, contracted with the school) without prior authorization. Federal regulations require authorization from the student to use Title IV federal funds to pay current “non-allowable”, educational charges such as: health center charges, library fines, parking fines, other various fees (see below), and up to $200 of prior academic year charges.

Examples of “Non-Allowable” Educational Charges:

  • Health Center Charges
  • Library Fines
  • Student Health Insurance Fees
  • Lost Key Charges/Lockout Charges
  • Dorm Damage Fines
  • Parking Permit/Parking Violation Fees
  • Early Arrival/Late Departure Fees
  • Payment Plan Service Charges
  • Graduation Fees
  • SAGE Study Abroad Charges
  • Late Payment/Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Fees
  • Other Approved Charges 

Students who are eligible for Title IV federal financial aid in excess of tuition, room, board and fees, and who wish to pay other charges using these funds, must authorize the Scripps College to do so. To authorize this application of funds, student can submit the Title IV Aid and Credit Balance Authorization Form.

Students are not required to provide this authorization. Students who do provide this authorization may rescind it at any time, but the rescission is not retroactive. Students who do not submit this authorization, may receive a refund of excess Title IV and still owe money to the College for other charges.

Credit Balance Authorization and Refunds of Excess Aid

If the combined total of federal title IV financial aid and Scripps College aid exceeds total charges on the student’s account, the student may authorize Scripps College to retain these funds on the student account as a credit balance to pay for future charges by submitting the Title IV Aid and Credit Balance Authorization Form.

If the student authorizes Scripps to retain the funds for future charges, and then wishes to receive a refund, the student may request an e-refund on the CASHNet Student Account Portal. All refunds sent via CASHNet will be electronically deposited in the bank account specified.

If the student or the parent PLUS borrower does not authorize Scripps College to retain excess funds for future charges, the Student Accounts Office will pay the credit balance to the student or parent via the CASHNet e-refund process or by check disbursement.  Refunds of excess title IV aid will be made to the student or parent within 14-days.

Revision of Awards

Scripps College reserves the right to revise an award due to changes in federal, state, or Scripps College regulations or funding levels, and/or changes relevant to student financial eligibility determination as supported by documented information.

Outside Scholarships and Additional Resources

If a student receives financial aid or additional financial resources from any other source after the FAFSA and/or CSS Financial Aid/PROFILE has been filed, or after Scripps College has made a financial aid offer, the student must notify the Office of Financial Aid. An adjustment will be made in the College’s financial aid offer so that it will not exceed the financial eligibility of the student (as required by federal and state regulations). Institutional policy states that outside scholarships will first replace the student’s self-help (loans and/or work study) awards where available, thus reducing the amount a student may need to borrow or work. Following the reduction of self-help aid, we will also allow outside scholarships to help cover your minimum student income contribution. If the total of your outside scholarship(s) exceeds your self-help awards and student contribution, we may be required to reduce other forms of aid including Scripps College Grant.

Changes in a Family’s Ability to Contribute

If family financial changes arise after an aid award has been made, the student should contact the Office of Financial Aid for guidance on how to request reconsideration of the financial aid award. Each case is reviewed individually. When greater financial eligibility is determined (and the student continues to meet other eligibility criteria), the award will be adjusted based on availability of funds. Additional explanation and documentation may be required before awards are revised.

Withdrawal Implications for Recipients of Financial Aid

Withdrawing From Some Classes

Financial aid recipients must immediately notify the Office of Financial Aid in writing when withdrawing from one or more classes during the first 10-days on each semester if the withdrawal results in an enrollment status different from the enrollment status on which their current financial aid eligibility was based. The same applies if one or more classes are cancelled. The Financial Aid Office will review the student’s new enrollment and, if appropriate, revise the student’s eligibility based on the new enrollment status.

Withdrawing From All Classes

If a student drops from all classes during the first 30-days of instruction, they may be entitled to a refund of tuition as described in the Student Accounts Office - Billing Information section of the website.

Financial aid recipients who drop all of their courses any time during the semester are required to notify the Office of Financial Aid. Students who are recipients of Title IV federal student aid are covered by federal Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4) regulations. Title IV federal student aid is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend for the entire period for which the assistance is provided and thereby “earn” the award. When a student ceases academic attendance prior to the end of that period, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of federal funds that the student was originally scheduled to receive.

If a Title IV recipient withdraws from all classes on or before the session is 60 percent complete, based on their withdrawal date, federal policy requires that any “unearned” Title IV federal student aid be returned to the U.S. Treasury, even if the student is not entitled to a refund of tuition.

Types of Withdrawals

  • Official Withdrawal - leaving the College by dropping all classes for the term with the Registrar’s Office.
  • Unofficial Withdrawal - leaving the College without notifying the Registrar’s Office, receiving all fail (F) grades or combinations of fail grades and withdrawal (W) grades for the term; or the student drops/fails their last scheduled class for the term.

Determining the Withdrawal Date

A student is required to notify the Registrar immediately when he or she stops attending classes and participating in academic activity. The withdrawal date used for the R2T4 calculation is the date indicated on the official withdrawal record. If the student withdraws without notifying the Registrar’s Office, the 50 percent point in the term or the last date of academic activity will be used as the student’s last date of attendance, in accordance with federal regulations.

Definition of Academic Activity

When determining the withdrawal date for an unofficial withdrawal, the last date of an academic-related activity might be used. Examples of Scripps College academic-related activities include but are not limited to physically attending a class where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students.


Exams, quizzes, or tutorials
Computer-assisted instruction
Completion of an academic assignment, paper or project
Participating in an online discussion about academic matters
Initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject


Student’s self-certification of attendance that is not supported by school documentation
Verification of Enrollment form issued by the Registrar’s Office
Living in SCRIPPS COLLEGE housing
Participating in the school’s meal plan
Participating in academic counseling or advising

How the Unearned Financial Aid is Calculated

If a student withdraws from all classes*, the Office of Financial Aid will determine if that student’s period of attendance resulted in the earning of all federal student aid awarded for that term. If it is determined that not all the scheduled federal aid has in fact been earned, then the Office of Financial Aid will calculate the amount to be returned to the federal student aid programs. The Office of Financial Aid will bill the student via his or her college account for the amount to be returned. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Student Accounts Office to settle the bill.

Once more that 60% of the semester is completed, a student has earned all of their financial aid and will not be required to return any federal funds.

The following formula is used to determine the percentage of unearned aid that has to be returned to the federal government:

  • The percent earned is equal to the number of calendar days completed up to the withdrawal date, divided by the total calendar days in the payment period (less any scheduled breaks that are at least 5 days long).
  • The payment period for most students is the entire semester. However, for students enrolled in modules (courses which are not scheduled for the entire semester or term), the payment period only includes those days for the module(s) in which the student is registered.
  • The percent unearned is equal to 100 percent minus the percent earned.

*Note to students in modular programs: In a modular program, one or more of the student’s enrolled courses do not span the length of the entire semester. Students in modular courses who withdraw from one or more courses, but are still registered for future courses within the term, will be required to confirm their future enrollment plans. For students who fail to confirm or fail to re-enroll, the Office of Financial Aid will determine what portion of your financial aid has been earned based on your latest date of attendance. Refunds to the U.S. Treasury may be required. Students who have earned grades in early modular courses, but withdraw or fail to re-enroll for later courses, are still subject to these rules.

Order for Returning Unearned Aid to Title IV Programs

The amount of Title IV aid earned by the student is determined by multiplying the percentage of Title IV aid earned by the total of Title IV program Aid disbursed plus the Title IV Aid that could have been disbursed to the student or on the student’s behalf.

If the student receives less Title IV aid than the amount earned, the Scripps College will offer a disbursement of the earned aid that was not received. This is called a post-withdrawal disbursement (see below). If the student receives more Title IV Aid than the amount earned, the school, the student, or both must return the unearned funds to the U.S. Treasury in the order specified below:

Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan (other than Direct PLUS Loans)
Subsidized Federal Direct Loan
Federal Perkins Loan
Federal Direct PLUS Loan
Federal Pell Grant for which a return of Title IV funds is required
FSEOG for which a return of Title IV funds is required
Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants, for which a return of the Title IV funds is required.

Institutional Funds are considered to be earned after the first 30-days of instruction. Students who withdraw on or before the 30th day of instruction and receive a tuition refund, will have their institutional aid recalculated based upon their lower tuition expense.

Student Notification of Return to Title IV Funds

A notification letter outlining the amount returned to the federal and institutional program(s), along with the federal government’s repayment worksheet, will be mailed to the student’s permanent address. Scripps College will return funds on the student’s behalf to the appropriate federal and institutional aid program(s) and subsequently will bill the student’s account. A statement reflecting these charges will be sent to the student. The student is responsible for all charges and overpayments resulting from a Return of Title IV Calculation.

Post-Withdrawal Disbursements (PWD)

In compliance with federal regulations, the Financial Aid Office will determine if all eligible aid had been disbursed as of the withdrawal date. If not, and the student meets the federal criteria for a PWD, the student will be notified of their eligibility within 30 days of determining the student’s date of withdrawal. After being notified of PWD eligibility, students must reply if they wish to accept the post withdrawal disbursement. A PWD would first be used toward any outstanding charges before any funds are returned to you. If no response is received within approximately two weeks of notification, the award will be canceled.

Additional Responsibilities of Students Who Withdraw

Any time a student withdraws from one or more courses, the student should consider the potential effect on his or her Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status. See above for more information about SAP requirements.

Whenever a student’s enrollment drops to less than half time or the student withdraws completely, or if a student takes a leave of absence, the student must notify the lender, holder or servicer of any loans. Student borrowers of federal or college loans must also satisfy exit loan counseling requirements at studentloans.gov.

Leave of Absence

Financial aid recipients considering a leave of absence should be aware of the financial aid implications. Although obtaining an approved leave of absence from their programs does allow students to re-enroll in the college without formal re-admission, it does not allow them to defer their loan repayment. The college reports student enrollment to the National Student Clearinghouse and the National Student Loan Data System throughout the academic year. Lenders and federal loan service agencies subsequently query this database to determine if a student has maintained continuous half-time or greater enrollment.

Student Loan Repayment

If students are on a leave of absence from the college, their lender or federal loan service agency will move their loan from an “in-school” status to a grace or repayment status as required. While on a leave of absence, students may be able to postpone repayment by obtaining a deferment or forbearance from their loan servicer(s) as a result of unemployment or economic hardship. Students should contact their loan servicer(s) for more information about loan repayment. Students may review their federal loan history and determine their loan service agencies by visiting the National Student Loan Data System Website at nslds.ed.gov. Once they re-enroll on a half-time or greater basis, they may be able to request deferment for “in-school” status.


Students and their parents may request a reevaluation of the basis of their financial aid eligibility at any time during the academic year. Requests for reconsideration are considered only if there has been a change in the family’s financial circumstances since the submission of that year’s FAFSA and/or PROFILE.  Types of appeals considered are:

  • Request to change a student loan to additional student employment up to the maximum allowable (or vice versa),
  • Request for reevaluation based on a major change in family circumstances (i.e. involuntary loss of employment, divorce or separation of parents, extraordinary medical expenses, etc.).
  • Request to adjust the cost of attendance for actual educational expenses that exceed or are not included in the initial cost of attendance (i.e., book expenses higher than estimated, course and lab fees, equipment expenses, computer purchase, student health insurance premium, etc.)

All appeals require documentation to substantiate the requests.

Financial Aid Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics

Scripps College adheres to a Financial Aid Code of Conduct Regarding Educational Loans and provides a Statement of Ethics found at:  http://www.scrippscollege.edu/finaid/code-of-ethics and http://www.scrippscollege.edu/finaid/code-of-conduct

Financial Aid Recipient Rights

Financial aid recipients have the right to:

  • have their eligibility for financial aid determined in a manner consistent and impartial for all applicants.
  • privacy. All records and data submitted for financial aid will be treated confidentially, subject to legal requirements concerning disclosure of such information.
  • a complete explanation of the award process. If aid recipients do not understand their financial aid award or feel their application has not been evaluated fairly, please contact the Office of Financial Aid.
  • be notified of cancellation or withdrawal of aid and to be told why this action is being taken.
  • appeal. The appeal process reviews requests for financial aid reconsideration. Submit a letter of appeal, with appropriate supporting documentation to the Office of Financial Aid.
  • apply for emergency or short-term loan based on emergency or unexpected expense.
  • be informed of available financial aid programs.
  • be informed of the estimated annual cost of attendance.
  • be informed of financial aid application procedures and deadlines.
  • be informed of student loan repayment and other terms and conditions.

Financial Aid Recipient Responsibilities

Financial Aid Recipients have the responsibility to:

  • use financial aid funds only for educationally related expenses such as tuition, fees, room, board, books, supplies, and living costs.
  • report on their federal tax return any amount of grants and scholarships that exceeds the total cost of tuition, fees, books, and supplies.
  • respond to requests from federal, state, and College officials and auditors.
  • keep copies of all correspondence regarding their financial aid from Scripps College, governmental agencies, or outside lenders or grantors.
  • repay loans on time so that funds will be available for other students.
  • attend a Loan Entrance Interview before receiving a student loan for the first time.
  • attend a Loan Exit Interview before leaving Scripps College (due to graduation, leave of absence, transfer or withdrawal) if they have received any student loans while attending.
  • report changes in their financial status and receipt of additional funds, benefits or resources from any source (such as employment or scholarship) before or after they are awarded financial aid.
  • report changes in address, name or marital status, dropping below full-time status, taking a leave of absence, withdrawing from the College, or making any other changes that affect financial circumstances.

Financial Aid Policy Regarding Falsification of Financial Aid Applications and Documents

The types of information covered by this policy include all documentation and information submitted to the Office of Financial Aid. A school must report any credible information indicating that an applicant for Federal Student Aid may have engaged in fraud or other criminal misconduct in connection with his or her application. These documents and information include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Free Application for Financial Aid (FAFSA)
  • Student Aid Report (SAR)
  • The CSS / Financial Aid PROFILE Application
  • Student and/or Parent Federal Tax Forms and other income documentation
  • Documentation of U.S. citizenship or eligible non-citizen status
  • Formal forms of identification (i.e. driver’s license, social security cards, etc.)
  • Academic documents relating to high school diploma or college course work
  • Loan applications, Promissory Notes
  • Scholarship applications
  • Work Study authorization forms
  • Work Study timesheets
  • Any college financial aid forms and related documentationAny written, electronic, or verbal statements sent to or made to a college employee regarding the student’s financial aid application or financially related documents.

The integrity of the information presented in the financial aid process is of the utmost importance. Students should be aware that they will be held responsible for the validity of the information that is submitted by them or on their behalf to the Office of Financial Aid.

If the College determines that a student or parent has provided falsified information, or has submitted forged documents or signatures, the following steps may be taken without prior notification to the student or parent. The Office of Financial Aid will review the infraction and if a violation of this policy has occurred, the consequences may include but are not limited to:

  • The student will be required to make full restitution of any and all federal, state, grant, and loan or work funds to which he or she was not entitled to.
  • If the student is determined to be ineligible for financial aid because of a basic eligibility criterion, no further federal, state, or college funds will be awarded to the student for the academic period in question.
  • The student may be ineligible for future participation in some or all financial aid programs for a minimum of one year or longer.
  • The student will not be awarded funds to replace those lost because the student is considered to be ineligible due to dishonesty.

As required by federal and state law, the Scripps College Office of Financial Aid will report any infraction to the appropriate office or agency. These include but are not limited to: the US Department of Education, Office of the Inspector General, state agencies, or other entities that may take whatever action is required by law.

The above is in accordance with 34 Code of Federal Regulation 668.16(g).

For More Information

For further information, applications, or assistance in selecting a particular plan or program, please contact:

Scripps College
Office of Financial Aid
1030 Columbia Avenue, PMB 2027
Claremont, California 91711-3905
Office (909) 621-8275
Fax (909) 607-7742