Sep 24, 2024  
2017-2018 Scripps Catalog 


Descriptions are provided for courses offered at Scripps College and offered as part of joint or cooperative programs in which Scripps participates. For those courses that may appear under more than one discipline or department, the full course description appears under the discipline or department sponsoring the course and cross-reference is made under the associated discipline or department. Numbers followed by, for example, “AA,” “AF,” or “CH,” indicate courses sponsored by The Claremont Colleges as part of joint programs, i.e., Asian American Studies, Africana Studies, and Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies.

Please refer to the Schedule of Courses on the Scripps Portal published each semester by the Office of the Registrar for up-to-date information on course offerings.

All courses are 1.0 credit unless otherwise stated.



  • ANTH 115 SC - Stuff: The Social Life of Commodities

    The world is becoming overstuffed by stuff. This course explores the social practices and cultural meanings associated with the production, consumption and circulation of commodities. Drawing on ethnographic and popular sources, it examines global commodity chains and the relationships commodities have with identity formation, political economy, new ideas of health and morality.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Spring in alternate years

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 117 PZ - Language and Power

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 119 SC - East Asia in Ethnography and Film

    Drawing on various ethnographies, literatures, films and theoretical perspectives, this course explores contemporary East Asian societies around themes related to global mobility and new cultural landscapes. Materials include anthropological approaches to emerging labor subjectivities, migration, the construction of sexuality through popular culture, and environmental crises and social movements.

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 120 PZ - Studying Up: The Anthropology of Elites and Other Dominant Social Groups

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 121 SC - Science, Medicine, and Technology

    For description, see Anthropology .

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 124 PZ - Illness and Health: Anthropological Perspectives

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 125 PZ - U.S. Social and Immigration Discourses

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 126 PZ - Gangs

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 127 SC - Settler Colonialism

    This seminar examines processes of settler colonialism and the experiences of indigenous peoples. The central premise of this course is that colonialism is an ongoing process in many parts of the world; we will examine how it operates through sites such as sovereignty, land and territory, medicine, gender and sexuality, and others. At the same time, we will look at how indigenous practices and movements have sought to carve out spaces for critique and resistance.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Biannually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 128 SC - Refugees, Migrants, and Citizenship

    Who has the right to travel, to remain, or to belong? This course considers new approaches to migration and citizenship through ethnographic case studies examining a diverse array of refugee and immigrant experiences. How do exclusion and inclusion impact ideas of citizenship, race, and identity? How is mobility enabled, disabled, and regulated by state and non-state actors in ways that impact integration and belonging? In working through these questions, students will conduct anthropological analyses to draw out the intersections of migration, identity, and citizenship.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 130 PO - Sexuality and Sexual Politics of the Middle East

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 133 PZ - Indians in Action

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 135 PZ - Plants and People

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 135 PO - Social Life of the Media

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 136 PZ - Race in Brazil and the U.S.

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 137 SC - Food and Culture

    Food is at the heart of most cultures and this course examines the social practices and meanings that surround food and food rituals. Feasts, fasts, and diets will be viewed in historical and social context with close attention to issues of gender and class. Consumption and industrial foodways in the global context will be linked to local tastes and food practices.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 142 SC - Culture and Politics in Latin America

    This anthropology course considers the relationship between cultural practice, politics, and history in the region of the world now known as Latin America. This will involve taking apart reified notions of regional or national “cultures” to instead consider how cultural practices are complex and fundamentally power-laden. We trace how social relations in Latin America take shape in light of legacies of colonialism, transatlantic slavery, mestizo nation-building, and more. Importantly, we consider what ethnographic approaches might tell us about everyday forms of living and self-making, as well as about political struggles over land, labor, and cultural recognition in the region.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every other year

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 148 PZ - Ethnoecology

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 150 PO - Understanding Religion

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 151 PO - Gender in Prehistory

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 153 PZ - History of Anthropological Theory

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 153 SC - History of Anthropological Theory

    This course will provide a survey of the history of anthropological theory and method through a combination of theoretical writings and ethnographic monographs. It will examine how different historical moments and theories of knowledge have informed anthropological objectives and projects. Close attention will be paid to the changing content, form and sites addressed throughout the history of the discipline. This course is offered in alternating years at Pitzer College as ANTH153 PZ.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 156 PO - Comparative Muslim Societies in Asia

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 164 PZ - North American Archaeology

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 168 PZ - Prehistoric Humans and Their Environments

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 170 PZ - Seminar in Human Evolution

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 171 SC - Seminar in Sexuality and Religion

    This advanced seminar examines a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches to questions of the relationship between religion and sexuality cross-culturally. Questions addressed may include the production and nature of categories, discipline, bodies, submission, marriage and juridical regulation, moralities, kinship, politics, and the state.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 178 PZ - Prisons: Theory, Ethnography, and Action

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 185 SC - Topics in Anthropology of the Middle East/North Africa

    Intensive and focused study of specific issues and themes in the Middle East and North Africa, drawing extensively on anthropological sources and modes of inquiry. Repeatable for credit with different topics.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 185P SC - Topics in Anthropology of the Middle East/North Africa: Palestine in Ethnography and Film

    Intensive and focused study of specific issues and themes in the Middle East and North Africa, drawing extensively on anthropological sources and modes of inquiry. Repeatable for credit with different topics. In spring 2015, the topical foci will be an overview of Palestinian society and culture, and the ways in which Palestine and Palestinians have been represented in ethnography and film.

    Offered: Occasionally

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 190 SC - Senior Seminar in Anthropology and Ethnographic Writing

    This course has both practical and intellectual ends. Practically it aims to help students who plan to write theses on topics involving cultural representation to (a) formulate research questions; (b) situate their work in and against a relevant body of existing writing, and (c) structure their own descriptions and arguments. Intellectually, it aims to introduce students to some of the ways anthropologists have thought about the processes and politics of writing about culture(s) and people(s). Required for Scripps anthropology majors choosing the sociocultural track, the course is open (with the instructor’s permission) to students whose thesis or other major writing project would be enhanced by an examination of the issues and debates surrounding ethnographic writing.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Fall

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ANTH 191 SC - Senior Thesis Seminar

    Offered: Spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

Applied Women’s Studies

  • AWS 352 PO - Black Feminist Theory and Activism

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.


  • ARBC 120 CM - Arabic Grammar, Morphology, and Syntax (in Arabic)

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ARBC 130 CM - Modern Arabic Prose and Poetry

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ARBC 148 CM - Special Topics: Arabic Literature/Culture

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ARBC 166 CM - Readings in Modern Arab Culture and Thought (in Arabic)

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

Arabic in Translation

  • ARBT 110 CM - Modern Arabic Poetry in Translation

    See the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.


  • ART 020 PO - Black and White Photography

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 021 PO - Foundations of Digital Design

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 100 SC - Studio Art: Theory, History and Practice

    This studio art course offers a hands-on introduction to modern and contemporary art practices in the context of art movements and aesthetic theories from the mid-19th century to the present. It explores various methods of art making by building students’ skills in two-dimensional design and drawing, research, and the development of conceptually driven projects. 

    Fee: $75 lab fee
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 100A SC - Introduction to Studio Art

    Intensive introduction to formal aspects of two-dimensional art including drawing, design, color theory, perspective, elements of art, and principals of organization. These aspects are explored using various materials and media appropriate to two-dimensional artmaking. Required of all art majors. Offered annually.

    Fee: $75.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 100B SC - Combined Media Art

    A studio course that frames primarily two-dimensional art experiences in combinations of technical, conceptual, aesthetic and analytical practice. A series of focused projects, readings, and discussions encourages varied but disciplined approaches to visual problem solving. Required of all art majors. 

    Prerequisite(s): ART 100A  or written permission of instructor or departmental portfolio review.
    Fee: $75.
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 101 SC - Introduction to Painting

    An examination and application of the fundamental techniques and concepts of painting with the study of color, form, and composition. 

    Fee: Lab $75.
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Fall and spring

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 102 SC - Intermediate and Advanced Painting

    A studio-discussion course that investigates the formal, intellectual, and conceptual aspects of painting. This course may be taken twice for credit. 

    Prerequisite(s): ART 101 .
    Fee: $75.
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 105 SC - Introduction to Drawing

    An introduction to the concepts and fundamental techniques of drawing and design, using a variety of media. 

    Fee: $75.
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 106 SC - Intermediate and Advanced Drawing

    A studio course that explores drawing techniques and concepts in objective and non-objective modes. This course may be taken twice for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 105  or written permission of instructor.
    Fee: $75.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 120 SC - Introduction to Wheel Throwing

    This course is an introduction to the techniques and concepts that constitute the contemporary vessel in ceramics. Topics covered include basic pottery wheel techniques: centering throwing, and trimming, in addition to conceptual development, firing, glazing, and ceramic history past and present. Classes will consist of technical demonstrations, lectures, slides, work time, and critiques.

    Fee: Lab fee $75; Materials fee $75
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 121 SC - Introduction to Ceramic Sculpture

    This course is an introduction to the techniques that constitute contemporary sculptural ceramics. Topics covered include hand-building techniques: pinch, coil, slab, and modeling, conceptual development, firing, glazing, and ceramic history past and present. Classes will consist of technical demonstrations, lectures, slides, work time, and critiques.

    Fee: Lab fee $75; Materials fee $75
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 122 SC - Intermediate and Advanced Ceramics

    Students continue to explore the techniques and concepts that constitute contemporary ceramics. This will include a refinement of the basics, with the addition of wheel throwing, mold making/slip casting, and image transfers onto clay. Classes will consist of technical demonstrations, lectures, assigned and self-directed projects, and group and individual critiques. This course may be taken twice for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 121 .
    Fee: Lab fee $75; Materials fee $75
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 123 PO - Documentary Photography

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 123 SC - Figurative Ceramic Sculpture

    This course is an introduction to sculpting the human figure with clay. Topics covered include basic construction techniques, finishes, firing, conceptual development, and figuration in contemporary art history. Classes will consist of technical demonstrations, lectures, slides, work time, and critiques. Fee: Lab fee $75; Materials fee $75

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 124 SC - Documenting Change with Clay

    This course is an introduction to clay as a unique material language for documenting the world around us. In addition to learning basic construction and firing techniques, students will gain an in-depth understanding of clay’s behavioral qualities and cycles as they pertain to recording aspects of time and place. Classes will focus on non-traditional processes and include lectures, readings, exercises, work time, and critiques. 

    Fee: Lab fee $75, Materials fee $20
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 125 PZ - Digital Photography

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 125 SC - Sculpture

    This course is an introduction to contemporary sculpture. Assignments will introduce a variety of materials and techniques while addressing and exploring various models indicative of current sculptural practice, which will include site, context, time, implementation of new media, process, aesthetics of the object, and relationships to the body. Class time will consist of lectures, demos, work time, and critiques.

    Fee: Lab fee $75.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 126 PZ - Intermediate Photography

    See the Pitzer College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 127 JT - Sculpture Practicum

    This introductory sculpture course emphasizes craft and material investigation, helping students to develop intensive studio practices for both design and fine art. Working individually and in small teams, students have the opportunity to explore modeling, casting, and woodworking, using a variety of traditional and experimental materials. Students must commit to working in pairs a minimum of 6 hours per week during open studio hours.

    Fee: $75 lab fee
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 128 PO - Installation: Art and Context

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 129 SC - Clay and Public Space

    This course will use clay to link the studio with public space. In addition to learning basic construction and firing techniques, students will learn non-traditional approaches and gain an in-depth understanding of clay’s behavioral, cyclical, and relational qualities as they pertain to creating artworks that physically and conceptually respond to particular sites and places. Referencing over 70 years of walking as a creative practice, weekly exercises will use the act of walking as a primary tool for moving clay beyond the studio and as a visceral method for deepening the connection between maker, material, and site. Class structure will also include lectures, readings, work time, and critiques.

    Fee: Lab fee: $75; Materials fee: $25
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 130 SC - Clay/Collaboration/Cooperation

    Relative and relevant to the context of the contemporary political climate, students will explore a wide variety of strategies for interconnectedness and collaboration, form traditional teamwork to exchanges, call-and-response models, and viewer participation. In addition to learning basic ceramic construction and firing techniques, students will gain an in-depth understanding of the materiality of clay as a purveyor of conceptual content and as a conduit between people. Classes will focus on non-traditional processes and include lectures, readings, exercises, individual and group work time, and critiques.

    Fee: Lab fee: $75
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 134 SC - Crossing Media: Moving Between Analog and Digital in Printmaking

    The digital print is considered something of a hybrid in the print and photo world. Crossing platforms between the printmaking studio and the digital art lab, students will create works that integrate both methodologies. Systems including transfer drawing, monoprinting, silk screen, digital transfer and analog and digital printing will be explored. This course may be taken twice for credit. 

    Prerequisite(s): ART 141 .
    Fee: $75.
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 135 SC - Typography & Book Arts

    In this studio course at the Scripps College Press, each student will create a unique, limited-edition artist’s book.  Students write original text, generate imagery using traditional and alternative printing techniques, hand set metal and wooden type, letterpress print on antique printing presses, and hand-bind an edition of approximately 12 copies of an artist’s book.  While some assignments will be collaborative, the final book project will represent each student’s individual vision and effort.

    Fee: $75.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 137 SC - Race & Ethnicity in Artists’ Books

    Students will analyze artists’ books and interview participating artists in the Of Color: Race & Ethnicity in Artists’ Books exhibit at Clark Humanities in addition to writing exhibit catalogue entries. Students will create their own small edition of artists’ books and prints for a Denison Library exhibition they will organize.

    Fee: Studio Fee: $75
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 141 SC - Introduction to Digital Art

    This course is designed to provide students with a working knowledge of digital art through the use of digital art software. Students will approach their artistic ideas from a fine arts perspective, drawing upon formal elements in art and on conceptual issues related to art and technology thus influencing and informing their creative process, projects and goals.

    Fee: $75.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 142 SC - Intermediate Digital Art

    This course introduces design strategies for the arrangement of elements in visual art. Projects assigned will address a specific design problem, require sketches for a plan, and management of the project by Adobe’s Illustrator and/or InDesign programs. The assignments may include both visual and textual elements. Projects may include a work of art for a portfolio, an exhibition announcement, a graphic novel or e-book.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 141 SC  
    Fee: $75.
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every semester

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 143 SC - Intermediate and Advanced Digital Photography

    This course will provide students with an opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of digital color photography. Working with Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, students will learn advanced image editing skills and image management, and will create a digital image database and a digital portfolio website. Issues of digital printing, digital photography and contemporary photographic practice will be discussed. Related readings on contemporary photography and digital art practice. Digital SLR recommended.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 141 SC , ART 145 SC  .
    Fee: $75.
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 144 SC - Advanced Web Projects

    This studio course builds on students’ web design experience and introduces them to animation and motion graphics for the web using Macromedia Flash software. Production is augmented by critiques and discussions of conceptual and formal ideas. This course may be taken twice for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 141 .
    Fee: $75.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 145 SC - Introduction to Black and White Darkroom Photography

    A studio course in black-and-white photography with an emphasis on image production, developing, and printing 35mm film, in a wet darkroom. Instruction in basic camera operation, and darkroom techniques, and considers historical and contemporary uses of the photographic medium. Students should have access to a 35mm camera. Some cameras are available for check out from Scripps AV.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 100A SC ART 100B SC , ART 141 SC , Intro to Media Studies.
    Fee: $75.
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every semester

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 146 SC - Intermediate and Advanced Black-and-White Photography

    This course continues training in traditional darkroom black-and-white photography, and may include alternative processes, large and medium format cameras, and studio lighting. The course includes readings on photography, student presentations, self-directed projects, and group critiques.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 145 SC 
    Fee: $75.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 147 SC - Intermediate and Advanced Digital Photography

    This course will provide the student with an opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of digital color photography. Working with Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, students will learn advanced image editing skills and image management, and be given the opportunity to combine digital with film, large format, and wet darkroom techniques. Course will include readings and student presentations on contemporary photography. Digital SLR camera recommended.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 141 SC  , ART 145 SC  
    Fee: $75
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 148 SC - Introduction to Video Art

    A studio course introducing students to the basic techniques of digital video production: camerawork and non-linear editing. Production is augmented by critiques, screenings, and discussions of conceptual and formal ideas.

    Prerequisite(s): One of the following courses:  MS 049 SC , MS 050 PZ , MS 051 PZ  or ART 100A SC  
    Fee: $75.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 149 SC - Intermediate and Advanced Video

    Students continue to develop digital projects and begin to create motion graphics for video using Adobe After Effects software. Production is augmented by critiques, screenings, and discussions of conceptual and formal ideas. This course may be taken twice for credit.

    Prerequisite(s):   ART 148 SC  or equivalent
    Fee: $75.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 181 SC - Topics Seminar in Studio Art

    This upper-division course provides an in-depth look at the history and methodologies underlying contemporary art practices and is intended to provide students with an opportunity to explore, research, and write on visual culture. Connecting contemporary art practice to the wider history of art, topics may include uses of photography in the 19th century, the avant-garde in Europe, Performance Art, Conceptual Art, Minimalism, Installation Art, Pop Art,Feminist Art and/or contemporary practices. Repeatable for credit with different topics.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 148  or equivalent.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 181B SC - The Critical Landscape: Photography from the Sublime to the Anthropocene

    This course examines shifting contexts for photographing the landscape as a means to express the economic and political issues imbued in humans’ relationship to our geography. In an era characterized by human and technological dominance over nature, it is critical to re-examine the relationship between photography and the environment. The course follows a loosely historical narrative, beginning with foundational texts on the Sublime, then considering cultural criticism and identity politics of landscape photography, and concluding with readings on the Anthropocene and the digital, networked landscape. Course material includes both readings and artist projects, and is the basis for students to develop their own photography project on a related topic.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 145 SC  or ART 147 SC  
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 181C SC - Transgender Representation: Theories and Practice

    This course examines how Transgender Identities are represented in art and culture. Transgender rights are actively contested, often through the visibility and representation of Transgender identity. Art criticism and cultural theory provide important reflections on how gender is constructed within culture, and trans identified artists are creating visual work that presents a multifaceted view of trans identities. Both text and artist’s work will be used as course material, with the intention that students will create a final project using photography to address the topic or methodology introduced through course material.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 181G SC - Topics Seminar in Studio Art: From Beauty to the Abject, Race, Whiteness and Modernism

    Looking at various aesthetic models, this course will highlight the intersection of modern and contemporary art criticism with issues related to social and cultural constructions of difference as manifested within the visual arts.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 181M SC - Topics Seminar in Studio Art: Feminist Concepts and Strategies in Studio Art and Media Studies

    This seminar examines the recent history and current trends of women’s roles and contributions in media studies and studio art through readings and projects with an emphasis on gender in relationship to media culture. Analysis of and experimentation with visual media including print, photography and digital art in relation to the theory and practice of media studies and studio art is informed by a feminist perspective and critique.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 182 SC - Junior Seminar in Art

    This course will include reading, writing assignments, presentations, and art assignments. The course is intended to prepare Art Majors for their senior seminar.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 192 SC - Senior Project and Seminar in Art

    Devoted to aspects of research and professionalism within the visual arts, this seminar will emphasize the development of a senior project in conjunction with a major paper about each student’s work or area of concentration. This seminar will also emphasize graduate school preparation, resume writing, and arts career preparation. Enrollment limited to senior art majors. Offered annually fall.

    Fee: $75.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 193 SC - Senior Thesis in Art

    This course meets the senior thesis requirement for Scripps Art majors, which consists of a thesis project and accompanying paper. Each senior will work independently with a committee of 2-3 faculty consisting of their thesis readers. The first two readers must be from the Scripps Art Department. The thesis project will culminate in the Senior Art Exhibition in the Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 192  with positive jurying by art faculty.
    Fee: $75.
    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ART 199 SC - Independent Study in Art: Reading and Research

    This course may be taken twice for credit. Must obtain special petition form in the Registrar’s Office.

    Fee: $75.
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Annually

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

Art Conservation

  • ARCN 101 SC - Introduction to Art Conservation

    Art conservation raises important questions that will confront future generations. What is the role of permanence in a change-driven society? Who decides what to conserve? This course provides an introduction to this young field to future artists, art historians, architects, archaeologists, applied scientists, and public resource managers.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ARCN 110 SC - Artists’ Materials and Technologies-Ancient and Modern

    Questions regarding heritage and legacy, change and sustainability lie at the intersection of art conservation and materials science. What should be preserved? How can we prolong their lifespan to pass on works to future generations? What are the ethics of intervention? This course surveys these and other current issues in art conservation. 

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ARCN 115 SC - Art and Crime: Plunder, Fakes & Forensics

    This course explores the increasing use of forensic science to evaluate issues of authentication, sourcing and repatriation of works of art. From the uncovering of forgeries and looted antiquities, to the return of art stolen during WWII, history and science come together in this interdisciplinary art conservation course.

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ARCN 120 SC - Global Tourism, Climate Change and World Heritage Preservation

    Venice, with 60,000 natives, receives 20 million visitors per year, while Washington’s National Mall attracts 25 Million. This course evaluates the impact of climate change and tourism on world heritage sites, such as Paris, Venice and Petra, while investigating the wide range of creative, interdisciplinary approaches to mitigating these impacts.

    Prerequisite(s): ARCN 101 ; 1 year of college-level natural science.
    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every four years

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ARCN 125 SC - Preserving Cultural Landscapes

    This course addresses environmental and conservation issues related to the preservation of diverse cultural landscapes, including historic gardens, cemeteries, battlefields, college campuses, industrial landscapes and plazas. This interdisciplinary course navigates the progress and challenges of the field of Cultural Landscape Preservation.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ARCN 130 SC - Unraveling the Gordian Knot: Archaeological Conservation and the Tomb of King Midas

    This course will examine the different phases involved in archaeological conservation by studying the exploration and excavation of King Midas’s tomb in Anatolia, Turkey. Investigative techniques of testing and analysis will be explored that contribute to our knowledge of material science, attribution and dating, and deterioration of the archaeological record.

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ARCN 144 SC - Capturing Art: Cultural Sustainability and Digital Preservation Analysis in 100 Objects

    How is permanence practiced today? Digital preservation is an increasingly important part of how we experience art, save cultural heritage and create legacy, raising questions of authenticity and ownership, triage and ethics. In this hands-on course, participants will use state-of-the-art tools–such as 3D capture and multispectral imaging–to analyze, back-up, and increase access to 100 important works of art at the five colleges.

    Course Credit: 1.0
    Offered: Every other year

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

Art History

  • ARHI 001A PO - Introduction to the History of Art: Prehistory to c. 1400

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.


    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ARHI 001B PO - Introduction to the History of Art: c. 1400 to the Present

     See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.


    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ARHI 120 PO - Introduction to Islamic Art

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ARHI 121 PO - Islamic Painting: Landscape, Body, Power

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ARHI 125 CM - Rembrandt’s World: Invention and Exploration in the 17th Century

    Please refer to the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ARHI 132 CM - Latin American Art: 1500-1800

    Please refer to the Claremont McKenna College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.

  • ARHI 133 PO - Art, Conquest and Colonization

    See the Pomona College Catalog for a description of this course.

    Course Credit: 1.0

    Please refer to the course schedule on the Scripps Portal for current course offerings and details.


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