Feb 14, 2025  
2021-2022 Scripps Catalog 

Enrollment and Special Programs

The College believes in the educational validity of the four-course program for each semester. The rate of progress toward the degree may be accelerated or diminished, and individual students are advised to consider their own powers and preparation in determining the rate at which they move forward. A student may register for a maximum of five and three-quarters courses in one semester; three courses are the minimum for a full-time program. Full-time residential students will be expected to complete degree work in no more than 10 semesters. 

Part-Time Student Status

Certain degree-seeking students may, after consultation with their academic adviser and the Registrar, enroll on a part-time basis for a short period of time. Students must submit a written request for part-time status to the Registrar and may enroll in no more than 2.75 Scripps courses while part-time.

  • Students wishing to complete the entire Scripps BA degree program on a part-time basis must submit a written request for permanent part-time status to the Registrar but may enroll in no more than 2.75 courses per semester for their entire program at Scripps. Permanent part-time students enrolled half time (a minimum of one and one-half courses) or more may be eligible for financial aid, as funds permit.
  • All part-time students will pay the current per-course fee plus student body fees and are not eligible to live in the residence halls.

Continuous Enrollment

It is expected that degree-seeking students will maintain continuous full-time enrollment until they graduate and that, if their plans change, they must formally notify the Registrar by submitting the appropriate Leave of Absence form or Withdrawal form; both forms available in the Registrar’s Office.  (See Leave of Absence or Withdrawing from the College sections for more information.)

Leave of Absence

Leaves of absence for up to two semesters are permitted for students for personal, medical, financial, or other reasons. Students interested in taking time away from Scripps College should consult with the Registrar and the Dean of Students to determine which type of leave best suits their needs. Students attending Scripps on an F-1 or J-1 visa must consult with the DSO and Registrar prior to requesting a leave and prior to returning from it so that they understand the effect a leave has on their visa status.

Students may take either a personal leave or a medical leave:

  • Personal leaves of absence are appropriate when a student needs time away from the College to pursue personal or family matters, military or religious obligations, employment, or enrichment opportunities. Contact the Registrar to effect a personal leave of absence.
  • Medical leaves of absence are appropriate when a student needs time away from Scripps to pursue treatment for a physical or psychological condition. Contact the Dean of Students to effect a medical leave of absence.

A student who initiates a leave of absence after the last day to drop courses and prior to the course withdrawal deadline will be assigned a grade of W for each current course enrollment. The timing of a leave may have financial consequences, thus students requesting leaves are advised to make their plans known as far in advance as possible. Students are advised to confer directly with Student Accounts and Financial Aid to understand the financial implications of their choices. Refer to the Expenses section of the Catalog for possible refund information.

Campus email address, academic portal access, and campus mailbox are retained during the leave of absence.

While on leave of absence, a student may not reside in campus housing, nor attend courses at The Claremont Colleges. 

Scripps College allows enrolled members ofthe Armed Forces, including reserve components and National Guard, to be readmitted if such members are temporarily unavailable or must interrupt enrollment by reason of serving in the Armed Forces. The College will accommodate short absences for such services in the Armed Forces. 

Students who plan to attend and transfer credit from another college are subject to Scripps transfer credit policies. Students must confer with the Registrar for any questions regarding transfer credit policies and procedures. Students will not receive credit from a study abroad program completed outside the purview of the Scripps Study Abroad and Global Education Office while on a leave of absence from Scripps.

Students wishing to extend a leave of absence beyond two semesters shall notify the Registrar in writing of their plans. Students on leave beyond four semesters are subject to administrative withdrawal.

Questions regarding taking a leave of absence should be directed to the Registrar at registrar@scrippscollege.edu and the Dean of Students Office at deanofstudentsoffice@scrippscollege.edu.

Returning from a Leave of Absence

  • The Registrar approves requests to return from a personal leave of absence. A student returning from a leave of absence should formally notify the Registrar by March 15 for the following fall semester, or by November 15 for the following spring semester. This allows eligible students to participate in pre-registration and to request on-campus housing. Requests to return after these dates will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 
  • The Dean of Students approves requests to return from a medical leave of absence. A student seeking to return from a medical leave of absence must provide Reentry Assessment Form their treating professional prior to re-enrolling. Therefore, more time beyond the deadlines noted above may be granted for students to obtain the required documentation for return from a medical leave. A student planning to return for the fall must have the Reentry Assessment Form to the Dean of Students office by June 1 and by November 15 is planning to return for the spring semester. Contact the Dean of Students to discuss the re-entry clearance process following a medical leave of absence.
  • On-campus housing is not always available to returning students. Re-enrolling students must confer with Residence Life, Student Accounts, and Financial Aid as early as possible so that they will be aware of deadlines and financial obligations.
  • Students who plan to attend and transfer credit from another college are subject to Scripps transfer credit policies. Students must confer with the Registrar for any questions regarding transfer credit policies and procedures. Students will not receive credit from a study abroad program completed outside the purview of the Scripps Study Abroad and Global Education Office.


Withdrawing from the College

If for unanticipated reasons a student requests to withdraw from the College before the end of the semester, the student must contact the Dean of Students Office and the Registrar. Any student who initiates a withdrawal from the College after the last day to drop courses will be assigned a grade of W for each current course enrollment; students who withdraw from the College after the published course withdrawal deadline are responsible for grades earned in courses. (Refer to the Expenses  section of the Catalog for possible refund information.) Withdrawing from the College is effected by submitting a Withdrawal form to the Registrar.

  • A student may voluntarily withdraw from Scripps by completing a Withdrawal form available at the Registrar’s Office. Once submitted, this information is shared with offices who need to know, such as the Dean of Students, the Registrar, and the Office of Financial Aid, Student Accounts, etc. Refund deadlines and policies apply; contact the Office of Student Accounts for details. 
  • Transcripts of students who withdraw from Scripps by the last day to drop from courses without academic penalty will reflect no enrollment for that semester. Transcripts will show non-punitive grades of W in courses for students who withdraw after the deadline to drop from classes and not later than the course withdrawal deadline.
  • Campus email address, academic portal access, and campus mailbox are inactivated following withdrawal from the College.

Questions regarding withdrawal from the College should be directed to the Registrar and the Dean of Students Office. Withdrawing from the College may have implications for financial aid recipients. See the Financial Aid  section of the Scripps Catalog for more information.

Readmission to the College

Students wishing to return to Scripps following separation from the College (withdrawal, suspension, or dismissal) must submit the following to the Registrar:

  1. Readmission application, available in the Registrar’s Office;
  2. A statement describing activities during time away from the College, and the reason for returning now;
  3. Official transcript from any college/university attended since leaving Scripps.

Request for readmission following separation from the College must be received by the Registrar by April 1 for fall attendance, or by November 1 for spring readmission. Requests received after this date may be considered, but those students may not be able to participate in pre-registration or housing selection. Note that financial aid deadlines may precede these dates, and aid may be limited, restricted, or not available. Readmission does not guarantee financial aid availability.

Readmission will be judged primarily on the basis of the student’s standing at the time of withdrawal and all academic work completed since withdrawal. Students who left the College in good academic standing and who maintained a good academic record while away are likely to be readmitted. Students who were suspended for poor scholarship and/or did not meet the terms of their suspension/dismissal are unlikely to be readmitted.

Questions regarding readmission to the College should be directed to the Registrar.

Non-degree-seeking Students*

Non-degree-seeking students should contact the Registrar’s Office for enrollment information and an application. Cross-registration in courses offered at the other Claremont Colleges is not available to these students. In general, non-degree-seeking students include:
  1. Community members and others may enroll for Scripps courses during the add period (first ten instructional days of the semester) as part-time, nonmatriculating students on a space-available basis with instructor permission. These students are not seeking a Scripps degree, pay the current per-course fee, and earn credit and grades for courses completed. Core, writing, seminar courses, studio art, music performance/ensemble classes, science courses, and similar high-demand courses are not available for enrollment by nonmatriculating students.
  2. Auditors pay a $100 per-course fee and earn no credit or grade. Core, writing, seminar courses, studio art, music performance/ensemble classes, science courses, and similar high-demand courses are not available for audit enrollment. Auditors enroll with instructor permission on a space-available basis during the add period. (See Auditors for additional information.)
  3. Visitors (see Visiting Students).
  4. Local high school guests pay $100 per course. Contact the Registrar’s Office for specific application and enrollment instructions as well as restrictions that apply to high school students.

*Scripps is not accepting any applications from non-degree-seeking students for the fall 2021 semester. Please inquire for the spring 2022 semester at registrar@scrippscollege.edu.  

Visiting Students*

Current students in good academic standing at comparable college or university liberal arts programs who wish to enroll at Scripps College for one semester or one year, but who do not intend to seek a Scripps degree, may apply as visiting students. An Application for Visiting Students is available from and must be returned to the Registrar by April 1 for the following fall semester and by November 1 for the following spring semester along with the following credentials:

  1. An application, available from the Registrar;
  2. $60 nonrefundable application fee;
  3. Two faculty recommendations for visiting students; and
  4. Official transcripts from all colleges or universities attended.

Attendance at Scripps as a visiting student does not obligate the College in any way to accept the student as a degree-seeking student should the student choose to apply. Community college students are ineligible to apply for visiting student status. On-campus housing and financial aid are not available to visiting students.

*Scripps is not accepting any applications from non-degree-seeking students for the fall 2021 semester. Please inquire for the spring 2022 semester at registrar@scrippscollege.edu.  


  • Members of the Claremont community* (not enrolled as degree-seeking students) may register for Scripps courses as Community Auditors during the add period (first ten instructional days of the semester) as part-time, nonmatriculating students on a space-available basis and only with instructor permission. To apply as an Auditor at Scripps, contact the Registrar’s Office for an application.
  • Science courses, seminar courses, Core, writing, studio art, and music performance/ensemble classes may not be audited.
  • Auditors are not eligible for cross-registration into courses offered at the other Claremont Colleges; only registration as an Auditor into Scripps courses will be accepted.
  • Auditors may not change to a credit-bearing option after the last day to add classes. A grade of “AU” is recorded for successfully audited courses. Instructors have the option of dropping auditors who attend fewer than half of the class meetings, and such dropped courses will not appear on the transcript.
  • Applicable fees for members of the Claremont community to audit courses are indicated in the Expenses  section of the Catalog under “Fees.”

Regularly enrolled students should refer to the Registration Policies and Information  section of the Catalog for policy about Auditing Courses.
*Scripps is not accepting any applications from non-degree-seeking students for the fall 2021 semester. Please inquire for the spring 2022 semester at registrar@scrippscollege.edu.  

Second Major After the BA

A student who has received a Scripps BA degree may return and fulfill the requirements for another major. Upon completion, this major will be recorded on the student’s transcript according to the following provisions:

  1. The student must be in residence at Scripps for at least two semesters.
  2. The student must fulfill the course requirements for the major at Scripps and/or the other Claremont Colleges.

A student who has completed such a second major will not take part in a second graduation ceremony nor receive a second degree from the College.

Second Degree After the BA

A student who has completed a bachelor’s degree at another college or university may apply for admission to Scripps College with the intention of completing a second bachelor’s degree. The student must meet normal Admission  requirements and will be allowed a maximum of 16 equivalent transfer courses toward completion of the second degree. All degree requirements outlined in this catalog must be met.

Combined Degree Programs

Career preparation and planning are natural extensions of the Scripps commitment to the long-term needs of women. One of the challenges open to a select group of highly qualified women is the opportunity to combine the Scripps Bachelor of Arts degree on an accelerated basis with one of seven master’s degree programs offered by The Claremont Graduate University: American politics, business administration, economics, international studies, philosophy, public policy, and religion. Scripps also offers to qualified students the opportunity to combine a BA degree with the BS degree in engineering at a large number of institutions. All eight programs provide the Scripps student with a superior foundation for specialization after college in professional training.

Because the eight joint degree programs are accelerated, the student must fulfill the general requirements for a Scripps degree early. In the case of The Claremont Graduate University program, the student should plan to fulfill at least half of the major courses by the end of the third year; in the fourth year the student normally completes the requirements for the Scripps degree, including the senior thesis, and begins graduate study.

Guidelines for Selected Programs in Engineering

Students interested in the a BA/BS Program in Engineering should consult with the appropriate Scripps adviser at the earliest possible opportunity. A petition to the Scripps Committee on Academic Review for entry to the program is necessary no later than mid-fall semester of the junior year.

This combined degree program allows highly qualified students the opportunity to pursue a dual bachelor’s degree. On this 3-2 program, the student spends three years at Scripps and transfers to the second college or university for two years, receiving two degrees in five years. Scripps students have completed engineering requirements at Columbia University, Harvey Mudd College, USC, and Washington University among other programs in recent years.

Students in the program must satisfy all the Scripps general education requirements. In addition, as a prerequisite for transfer, the student must complete up to four mathematics and six science courses as well as a course in computer science. This program allows students to pursue an engineering career while obtaining the breadth and exposure of a liberal arts education.

Careful planning and advising are necessary to structure a 3-2 engineering program successfully. Professor Scot Gould is the Scripps adviser who should be seen for specific course planning, prerequisites, admissions procedures, tuition, and financial aid. Any student who, having entered a 3-2 program, decides for any reason to withdraw from it should return to the Scripps adviser for counsel and plan to complete all requirements for the Scripps BA, typically with a mathematics, physics, or other science major.

Guidelines for Programs with the Claremont Graduate University

Students interested in joint Scripps/The Claremont Graduate University programs should consult with the appropriate Scripps adviser at the earliest possible opportunity. A petition to the Scripps Committee on Academic Review for entry to the program is necessary no later than mid-fall semester of the junior year for BA/M.BA and no later than early in the spring semester of the junior year for BA/MA in American politics, economics, philosophy, public policy, international studies, or religion candidates.

Students apply to The Claremont Graduate University according to CGU’s normal procedure during the pre-registration period in May of their junior year at Scripps. Students admitted to the Graduate University will have demonstrated a level of achievement indicative of success in graduate work, particularly in their majors, as shown by supportive letters of recommendation and, as necessary, personal interviews and submission of written work. Admission depends upon approval of the chairperson and faculty of the given master’s program with concurrence of the Graduate University’s dean.

Candidates for the MA in American politics, economics, philosophy, and religion, the M.P.P., and the MS degrees are required to take the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) no later than November of their fourth (or senior) year. Candidates for the combined BA/M.BA program are required to take the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). Career Planning & Resources can offer detailed information about both the GRE and the GMAT tests.

Scripps does not penalize the student who, having entered a joint program, decides for any reason to withdraw from it. Such a student should return to the Scripps adviser for counsel and, in consultation with the dean of the faculty if necessary, plan to complete all requirements for the Scripps BA.

While officially in residence at Scripps through the fourth year, a student participating in joint programs with CGU may wish to petition to the dean of students to live off campus. It is assumed that the student will not live in the College’s residence halls after the fourth year.

1. Programs in Business Administration

The Drucker M.BA program at The Claremont Graduate University is a strategy and leadership program designed so that students can earn an M.BA with one additional year of course work beyond the BA A student in any major may participate in the Drucker M.BA program with The Claremont Graduate University. A total of 15 courses (60) units is required for the M.BA degree. Application to this joint accelerated program should be made by November 1 in the student’s junior year. For more information, contact the Drucker M.BA program at (909) 621-8073.

2. Programs with the Center for Politics and Economics
Politics and Public Policy

Students may apply for admission to one of three joint BA/MA programs in public policy (MAP.P.), international studies (MAI.S.), and politics (MAP.). Requirements for the program include:

  1. Three graduate courses (four units each) in the senior year:
    1. CPP 480 The Nature of Political Science Inquiry.
    2. A core course in the student’s chosen track.
    3. An elective course selected in consultation with the student’s undergraduate and graduate advisers.
  2. After graduating with their senior classmates, joint BA/MA students spend their fifth year completing 24 units of graduate course work and directed study.
  3. During their final semester, students prepare and defend a master’s research paper, using a three-member faculty committee.

Contact Professor Nancy Neiman at Scripps for information about the programs detailed below.

American Politics: The Program in American Politics is designed to provide a stimulating intellectual environment in the fields of American political institutions and processes, political philosophy, public administration, and constitutional law. This provides background for careers in government, public affairs, and law. Scripps students of any major can apply. Undergraduate preparation in politics and economics should be undertaken.

International Studies: The Program in International Studies may focus on international political economy, on problems of North-South relations and development, and on defense and security issues. The emphasis is on a blend of analytical skills and substantive expertise in particular areas of international relations. The opportunities for careers and public service in foreign policy, administration, international organizations and international business activities are broad because the master’s degree is being increasingly recognized as specialized professional training for careers connected with world affairs. While the program is particularly appropriate for politics and international relations majors, students of any major can apply. Undergraduate preparatory courses in government and economics should be completed.

Public Policy: The Program in Public Policy prepares students for careers in government, community and public organizations, and the private sector. It focuses on the analysis of public policy problems and their relationship to theoretical and methodological constructs of the disciplines of administration, economics, education, government, public law, and psychology. A policy clinic, internship, or workshop is required at the graduate level to provide practical experience in public policy analysis. A student in any major can participate. Although the student need not take an undergraduate major in a social science, it is advised to take preparatory courses in politics, statistics, and economics.

3. Program in Economics

The Program in Economics at The Claremont Graduate University offers qualified undergraduate students at The Claremont Colleges the opportunity to obtain an accelerated MA in one year instead of the usual three semesters. Undergraduates who have completed economics courses that would otherwise qualify them for admission may begin their graduate study in economics at CGU through cross-registration in their senior year whereby four CGU graduate courses will receive joint undergraduate and graduate credits. The fifth year is spent entirely in residence in CGU Economics completing the MA requirements. Requirements for the accelerated MA are the same as for other students enrolled for the economics master’s degree (see the CGU catalog). The BA and MA are awarded separately when the respective requirements are met.

Undergraduates interested in the accelerated MA in economics should see the graduate student adviser of CGU Economics as early in their junior year as possible, since students normally begin the program in fall semester of their senior year. Applicants must complete admissions forms for CGU and submit recommendations from their professors, at least one of whom should be an economist at The Claremont Colleges.  

4. Program in Philosophy

The program offers Scripps undergraduates the opportunity to obtain an accelerated MA in philosophy at The Claremont Graduate University. Applicants must be recommended by the department and usually enter the joint program in their senior year. The MA requires a year of study beyond the BA For details concerning course requirements, see the catalog of The Claremont Graduate University. The BA and MA are awarded separately when the respective requirements are met. Professor Dion Scott-Kakures is the Scripps adviser for this program.

5. Program in Religious Studies

This joint program with The Claremont Graduate University allows students to continue their academic study of religion in Old Testament, New Testament, Philosophy of Religion and Theology, Ethics and Society, Theology and Culture, and Women’s Studies in Religion.

Students may complete a terminal MA, which will prepare them for careers with a religious focus in not-for-profit or church-related agencies and for teaching positions at the high school and community college levels. They may also organize an MA program which is preparatory to the PhD if they are interested in specialized research or in teaching at the college or university level.

Before entering the program, students must complete 28 courses, including all general requirements and six courses toward the religious studies major at Scripps. It is recommended that students have reading competency in either French or German and be familiar with any other language needed for their special area of concentration in religious studies.

Application for admission to the program should be made at least one semester in advance of the semester in which the student intends to enroll in the program.

Students must complete a minimum of 30 units of graduate work in religious studies or in an area of specialization offered by the graduate religion department. The BA and MA are awarded separately when the respective requirements are met.  

European Union

The European Union Center of California at Scripps College offers a program of minimum requirements for proficiency in European Union Studies, for which students receive a letter of commendation from the European Union Center of California. The purpose of this program is to encourage students to pursue a coherent academic program with substantial contemporary European and EU content while pursuing the academic major of their choice. The requirements of the program consist of (1) three courses in the areas of modern European history, comparative European politics, European economics, and European Union integration and institutions, plus one course from a list of pre-approved electives; (2) completing four full credit courses of at least one modern European language (excluding English), or a letter from a language professor attesting to the student’s equivalent proficiency; (3) attendance at three (or more) EU Center of California events. For more information about the program, please visit European Union Center of California at https://eucenter.scrippscollege.edu/student-resources/european-union-studies-program.

Military Science-ROTC


Students interested in earning a commission in the United States Army concurrently with obtaining a degree may do so by enrolling in either the two-, three-, or four-year program offered through the Department of Military Science and Leadership, Bauer Center (South), 500 East Ninth Street, Claremont, CA 91711 at Claremont McKenna College. Information may be otbained by contacting the ROTC Enrollment Officer at (909)607-7752, Fax (909)607-6735 or visiting the website at www.cmcarmyrotc.com.


High school students interested in four-year ROTC national scholarships, which will cover 100% tuition, books, and some personal expenses, must apply to Army ROTC by January 10 of their senior year. Campus based scholarships are available after the national scholarship boards. Details about the scholarship program may be obtained by contacting the ROTC unit directly or a high school counseling office.

College students should contact their local ROTC detachments for information on the one-, two-, and three-year scholarship programs.