Feb 14, 2025
Environmental Analysis Major (EA)
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Requirements for the Major
1. Introductory Core 2. One Specialized Field in which to develop a course plan 3. A Senior Thesis (one- or two-semester) for the EA Science Track; for the EA Non-Science Track, a Clinic Thesis (EA190) or Thesis Seminar (EA191) Environmental Analysis Science-Track
A major in Environmental Analysis (Science track) requires a minimum of 14 courses and a senior thesis. Students interested in this major/track should discuss the eligibility of specific courses with their academic adviser and with EA science faculty. - Introductory Core: EA 030L KS and one of the following:
EA 010 EA 020 PO EA 086 - Introductory Biology: BIOL044L KS .
- CHEM014L KS , or CHEM040L KS , or CHEM029L KS .
- At least one introductory Earth Science course (e.g., EA 055L KS , GEOL020 PO, or approved alternate; see Pomona College Catalog for GEOL020 PO details).
- Six upper division EA-approved science courses (or comparable courses approved by Keck Science EA faculty*); at least three of these courses must include laboratory component (e.g. at least one course in ecology and at least one in earth science).
- One statistics/quantitative course (can be double-counted).
- One course in economics, government, or environmental policy approved by an EA adviser.
- A one- or two-semester EA thesis, or summer plus one-semester EA thesis.
EA Non-Science Tracks:
EA Majors in Non-Science Tracks through Pitzer or Pomona must specify a Track and develop a course plan in close consultation with a faculty member in that Track at the chosen College (e.g., PZ or PO). Required EA Core of all Non-Science Tracks: - And one of the following:
Non-Science Tracks at Pitzer College: - Must take one (1) additional Natural Science course as part of the EA Core.
- The Environment and Society Track and the Environmental Policy Track require a minimum total of 11 courses, including the four (4) EA Core courses.
- The Sustainability and the Built Environment Track requires a minimum total of 12 courses, including the four (4) EA Core courses.
- Must enroll in the Pitzer EA Senior Thesis Seminar and complete a Senior Thesis in EA.
Non-Science Tracks at Pomona College: - Eleven courses plus the the 3-course EA Core Courses are required for the major.
- Senior Thesis or Thesis Clinic at Pomona
All EA majors completing Capstone projects must work in close consultation with their First and Second Readers, whom they should choose prior to the end of their Junior Year. First and Second Readers are faculty members in the chosen Track or faculty doing related work. Honors Requirements
To be considered for departmental honors in Environmental Analysis, a student must: - Achieve a minimum grade point average of 3.67 in courses in the major;
- Complete a one-or two-semester thesis project in which the student has demonstrated excellence by making a significant contribution to the progress of the research and by producing a thesis document judged to be of honors quality by the department;
- Present an oral progress report at the end of the first semester of a two-semester thesis and a poster at the conclusion of either a one- or two-semester thesis in which the student clearly explains the rationale for the project and the conclusions that were drawn, engages the listener, and knowledgeably answers questions; and
- EA Science track majors must attend at least six scientific seminars during the semester (each semester for a two-semester thesis) and submit a brief and clear summary of each.
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