Mar 31, 2025  

Awards and Honors


Omicron Delta Epsilon

Founded in 1915, Omicron Delta Epsilon is one of the world’s largest academic honor societies. The Scripps College chapter, Alpha Upsilon, was established in 2009 to recognize scholastic attainment and honor outstanding achievements in economics, and to foster closer ties between students and faculty in economics within the College.

Phi Alpha Theta

Phi Alpha Theta is a national honor society in history. Students who meet the criteria are invited to join.

Phi Beta Kappa

Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest academic honor society in the United States. The Theta of California Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa was established at Scripps College in 1962. Seniors “who are distinguished for breadth of culture and excellence of scholarship” are elected to membership on the basis of academic standing and regulations for eligibility established by the chapter and the national society. More information is at

Psi Chi

Psi Chi is the National Honor Society in Psychology, founded in 1929 for the purposes of encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship, and advancing the science of psychology. Membership is open to undergraduate students who are making the study of psychology one of their major interests, and who meet the qualifications.

Sigma Delta Pi

Scripps College is a member of The Claremont Colleges chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, honorary Spanish society. Juniors and seniors are elected to membership on the basis of academic standing and regulations for eligibility established by the chapter and the national society.

Sigma Xi

The Claremont Colleges Club of Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society, elects undergraduates to associate membership in the national society on the basis of outstanding aptitude for scientific research and achievement in science.

Theta Alpha Kappa

Scripps College is a member of The Claremont Colleges chapter of Theta Alpha Kappa, a national honor society for Religious Studies/Theology. Students are elected to membership on the basis of academic standing and regulations for eligibility established by the national society.

Tau Beta Pi

Founded in 1885, Tau Beta Pi is a national engineering honor society. Seniors are elected to membership on the basis of their outstanding work in engineering.

Dean’s List

The Dean’s List is published at the end of each semester and consists of names of those students who have achieved a grade point average of 3.67 (A–) or better while taking a four-course load at The Claremont Colleges. Normally, all four courses must be graded with letter grades. However, an exception is made if the student is enrolled in a course which is only offered on a pass/fail basis.

Latin Honors

Latin Honors are awarded at graduation based on the final cumulative grade point average rounded to the nearest hundredth value.

Summa Cum Laude   3.9 - 4.0 GPA
Magna Cum Laude   3.8 - 3.89 GPA
Cum Laude   3.5 - 3.79 GPA

October and January graduates are included in the selection process for the following May’s graduating class.


The Crombie Allen Award is presented for the best creative written work: essay, short story, poetry, or play. It was established in 1927 by Mr. Crombie Allen, a former editor of the Ontario Daily Report.

The Alumnae Association Award is given to one or more seniors in recognition of outstanding contributions to the life of the College.

The Alumnae Athletic Award was established in honor of Mollie Clyde Wilson ‘32 who was an outstanding tennis player at Scripps. The award is given each year to a student who has excelled in intercollegiate sports.

The Ament Scholars Award was established by alumnae of the classes of 1931 through 1947 in memory of Professor of English William Sheffield Ament, a member of the original faculty of Scripps College from 1926-1947. The award is given each year to a junior who has demonstrated outstanding scholarship in the humanities. The award is not a cash prize, but is credited toward the student’s tuition.

The Anthropology Senior Thesis Award recognizes the senior thesis in anthropology that best engages all aspects of the ethnographic process, from conception to fieldwork to analysis and final written presentation.

The Asian American Studies Prize is awarded to recognize excellent work in the field of Asian American studies

The Art Department Innovation Award, established in 2012, goes to a senior art project that is noted for its innovative spirit and may be in any media.

Athlete of the Year Award is given to the outstanding athlete for the current academic year, co-sponsored by the Dean of Students Office and CMS Athletic Department.

The Lori Bettison-Varga Endowment Fund supports senior thesis/ senior capstone projects, funding materials, equipment, and costs associated with conference presentations of students’ work.

The Paul R. Bishop Memorial Award in Choral and Vocal Music will go to a student who exhibits exemplary work in the choral and vocal areas of the Scripps College Music Department and the Joint Music Program.

The Noëlle and Veronique Boucquey Outstanding Scholar-Athlete Award was established in 2006 by Thierry Boucquey, current professor of French at the College, in honor of his daughters. This award annually recognizes a senior student athlete who was distinguished during four years of athletic eligibility by an outstanding performance or other extraordinary achievement or distinction in one of CMS’ competitive sports, while concurrently earning a minimum cumulative GPA of A- (3.67). The student is selected by the Joint Athletics (CMS) coaching staff.

Chicanx Latinx Studies Senior Thesis Award recognizes excellent work in the field of Chicana/o Latina/o Studies.

The Arthur Vining Davis Library Internship supports a summer academic fellowship for a Scripps student to conduct research in the Ella Denison Library’s collections of primary source materials, including distinctive resources of rare books, manuscripts, and archives.

The English Senior Thesis Award is given to the senior whose English thesis that best meets the criteria of an important, well-sustained, and cogently developed argument; of thoughtful, discriminating use of secondary sources; of thoroughness of research; and of excellence in writing. The student is selected by the English faculty.

The Virginia Judy Esterly Awards were established in 1949 in memory of Virginia Judy Esterly by gifts from students, colleagues, and friends of Mrs. Esterly and of the College. The awards are granted to students who combine the qualities of good scholarship, and who present worthwhile educational projects to be conducted during the summer for which they do not have readily available funds. Students work under the guidance of a faculty member and present their results to the college community at the Annual Research Tea in the fall.

The Margaret Siler Faust Psychology Senior Thesis Award is named in honor of Professor Emerita of Psychology Margaret Siler Faust, who retired from Scripps College after more than 30 years of teaching and research in psychological science. This award is given to the senior whose thesis best exemplifies the use of careful, empirical research to address important psychological questions about human behavior and experience.

The Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department Award recognizes the accomplishments of a graduating senior majoring in FGSS who has significantly contributed to the department through the quality of academic work, the collegiality of interactions, and commitment to the advancement of feminist ideals.

The Ruth George Poetry Prize established in 1951 in recognition of Professor George’s devoted and inspired teaching of writing and the appreciation of poetry, is given for an outstanding poem or collection of poetry. The prize is awarded only for work of special merit and is not necessarily given each year.

The Martha Wehmeier Hammer ‘66 Scholarship was established in 1996 to honor Ms. Hammer’s service as Chair of the Scripps College Board of Trustees. The award is given to an outstanding sophomore at the end of the third semester of the Core Curriculum in Interdisciplinary Humanities. The recipient receives the scholarship during the junior year.

The Frederick Hard Award is named in honor of the late distinguished Shakespearean scholar who served as president of the College from 1944 through 1964. The award is presented to a student at Scripps College for outstanding contributions to our knowledge and appreciation of the Elizabethan Age.

The History Senior Thesis Award is presented by the history faculty for the best senior thesis in history and related disciplines.

The Hsu Fund for Academic Interactions with China supports faculty and/or student travel to China and exchanges and/or delegations with Chinese Universities that further the academic and/or research pursuits of the faculty, students, and College.

The Jaquith Fund was established to honor Rosemary Jaquith Barrett ‘36, one of Scripps’ first graduates in the sciences. The Fund supports summer internships for faculty-student collaborative projects in the sciences.

The Mary W. Johnson and J. Stanley Johnson Student Research Awards, established in 1995, support student summer research projects on interdisciplinary topics. Students work under the guidance of a faculty member and present their results to the Annual Research Tea in the fall.

W.M. Keck Summer Research Fellowships provide awards to students conducting summer research under the supervision of a W. M. Keck Science Department professor.

The Sara Ladwig Prize in Italian Studies was established to honor the memory of Sara Ladwig who taught Italian for many years at Mt. San Antonio College. It is awarded to a student who is studying or has studied Italian (at the upper division level) and who, through a student’s course work, demonstrates an in-depth interest in a particular aspect of Italian culture, literature, history, or politics. The prize, awarded in the student’s sophomore, junior or senior year, is used to support travel to/from Italy during the summer, or provide additional support for study abroad programs.

The Lois Langland Psychology Award, named after Lois Langland, Professor Emerita of Psychology, who retired from Scripps College after 20 years of teaching, is given to student(s) in psychology who propose to carry out empirical research on the attributes and functioning of women in their various capacities as individuals and as members of society. Any student majoring or minoring in psychology is eligible.

The Latin American Studies Senior Thesis Award is presented by the Latin American Studies faculty for the best senior thesis in Latin American Studies.

The Loralyn Ledwell Cropper ‘84 Dance Award was established by the Class of 1984 in memory of their classmate Loralyn Ledwell Cropper. This award is given to an outstanding Scripps College senior whose persistence, creative spirit and passion for dance reflects the high standards of its namesake.

The Bekki Lee Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2013 through the generosity of Bekki’s friends and family to celebrate her lifelong commitment to education, access and inclusivity. The scholarship, provided in loan and /or grant replacement, is awarded to a deserving student who has made significant efforts to enhance the Scripps community. This scholarship will be awarded to a continuing student (sophomore, junior or senior) who has shown interest/inclination in supporting education, access and inclusivity in the Scripps community.

The Legal Studies Senior Thesis Award is presented for the best senior thesis written by a graduating Scripps senior in legal studies.

The Samella Lewis Scholarship was established in 2002 by former students, friends, and admirers of Samella Lewis, Professor Emerita of Art History.  The scholarship honors Samella Lewis as an educator, artist, and mentor.  The scholarship is awarded to an African American student on the basis of scholastic achievement, excellence in the character, leadership, and responsibility.

The Lind Family Prize in Mathematics in Honor of Mary Barron and Professor Louis Barron is designated in loving memory by their nephew, Matthew M. Lind, father of Katy Lind ‘06. The prize is awarded to an outstanding graduating senior who is a math major. In addition, there is a tuition-offsetting scholarship that is awarded to an undergraduate who has shown particular promise in math.

The Barbara McClintock Science Award, named for the first woman to receive an unshared Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, was established in 1991 by President Emerita Nancy Y. Bekavac in honor of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser. This prize is awarded for the best senior thesis written by a graduating Scripps senior in the sciences.

The Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program provides support for research projects over two years to sophomores with a demonstrated commitment to diversity and equity, who are interested in pursuing an academic career in an eligible field.

The Mellon Interdisciplinary Humanities Summer Fellowships support students in the in-depth exploration of interdisciplinary humanities-based topics through research or creative projects.  All fellowship projects must be mentored by a faculty member. Students present their results to the college community at the Annual Research Tea in the fall.

The Middle East and North Africa Studies Senior Thesis Award recognizes a senior thesis in Middle East and North Africa Studies that demonstrates the best of interdisciplinary studies by drawing on multiple modes of analysis to illuminate a research problem related to the region in a sophisticated and thorough manner.

The Lucile P. Morrison Dance Scholarship, established in 1947 by the late trustee Mrs. Lucile Morrison, is designed to provide students with an opportunity to broaden their horizons and to encourage their interest in dance as a vital educational experience. It is given to an undergraduate to enable the student to study at summer school with outstanding professionals.

Napier Initiative Award is a partnership between Pilgrim Place and the five undergraduate Claremont Colleges. Two awards are given each year to 5C graduates with demonstrated leadership in social justice, peace, and environmental sustainability to carry out their proposed projects locally or around the world.
Napier Fellows from the 5 Claremont Colleges receive mentoring from Pilgrim Place mentors throughout the students’ senior year. 

The Padelford French Award was established in memory of Louise Restieaux Hawkes Padelford, assistant professor of French from 1929 to 1931 and trustee emerita. This book award is given to an outstanding Scripps College senior who was distinguished in French studies. The student is selected by the French faculty.

The Robert B. Palmer Classics Award, established in memory of the late Robert B. Palmer, trustee and professor of classical studies at Scripps from 1949 to 1977, is awarded to students who have displayed distinguished scholarship and promise in their studies of the classics.

The Gladys Pattison Music Award was established in 1973 by her friends in memory of the widow of Lee Pattison, professor of music from 1941 to 1962. It is given each year to the most deserving student in the field of music for the purpose of enriching the recipient’s music library.

The Marguerite Pearson Award in Drama was established in 1974 by Mrs. Lillian Grey to commemorate the life-long interest in drama of her sister, Marguerite Pearson. It is a cash award presented annually to a student or students who have demonstrated talent in one or more fields of dramatic art.

The Politics Senior Thesis Award is given for the best senior thesis written by a graduating Scripps senior in politics.

The Rudolph Polk Memorial Award was established in 1957 by friends and colleagues of the late Rudolph Polk and is available to a student in instrumental music (violin, viola, cello, or piano). The award is made, after an audition, on the basis of technical competence, musicianship, and general musical background. Students from any of The Claremont Colleges are eligible for the cash award.

The Edith Potter German Award honors the memory of this professor of German who retired in 1990 after 23 years of teaching at Scripps College. The award is given annually to one or more students excelling in German or German Studies, whose superior performance, independent thinking, and commitment to their studies make not only a valuable contribution to the College, but will also enable them to make intelligent and innovative use of their major following their graduation from Scripps.

The Merle A. and Edith G. Potter Award was established in recognition of Edith Potter’s 23 years of dedicated service to Scripps College, and her tireless efforts to carry on the legacy of her late husband to build bridges of understanding between Germans and Americans. The award is given annually to a student excelling in German and provides funding for that student to carry out a research project that focuses on German culture.

Ellen Clark Revelle Scholarship (the “Nellie”) was established in 2010 by Revelle’s children in memory of this beloved alumna of Scripps College’s first graduating class of 1931 and former Scripps trustee. Ellen Clark Revelle ‘31 was a champion for political causes locally and nationally and enthusiastically carried on the philanthropic spirit of her beloved great aunt, Ellen Browning Scripps. This award recognizes a continuing student who is making excellent academic progress, fully engages in the Scripps College community and beyond through leadership activities, and demonstrates financial need.

The Joan Robinson Prize in Economics was established in memory of this highly acclaimed female economist. The prize is given by the economics faculty for superior accomplishment in the senior thesis, judged on analytical and creative merit.

The Marie McSpadden Sands Merit Awards were established in 1995 by the sons of this member of the Class of ‘34. The awards recognize excellence in writing among first-year students.

Scripps College Environmental Analysis Research Fellowships provide opportunities for students to gain critically important research skills and training in faculty-mentored research on topics related to the environment. May be used for thesis research.

The Slocum Awards are given each year to the seniors who have assembled the best personal libraries during their four years at Scripps College.

The Isabel Fothergill Smith Scholarship, named in honor of the first dean of the College, recognizes a Scripps junior or senior with a GPA of 3.5 or higher, whose major field of study is mathematics or the physical sciences and who demonstrates a strong commitment to the humanities. Should no students fit these criteria, the scholarship may then be awarded to students majoring in economics, or biology.

The Sybil Smith Memorial Latin Prize is a cash prize award normally given annually to an outstanding Scripps College senior classics major who is preparing for a professional career in the classics. Preference is given to students who have shown a special interest in working with high school students.

The Spanish, Latin American, and Caribbean Literatures and Cultures Senior Thesis Award is presented by the Spanish, Latin American, and Caribbean Literatures and Cultures faculty for the best senior thesis in Spanish and its related disciplines.

The Lucia Suffel Crafts Award was established in 1973 in memory of Lucia Suffel, a member of the Class of ‘60, by her family and friends. This award is given annually to outstanding students who excel in the field of arts and crafts or are worthy of recognition for interest and endeavors in the arts and crafts, as chosen by the art faculty.

The Sallie Suzanne Tiernan Memorial Award was established in memory of Sallie Tiernan Reynolds who attended Scripps College before graduating from Stanford University in 1945 with a degree in chemical engineering. She was one of four women to graduate from the first law school class of UCLA in 1953 and served on the Scripps Board of Trustees for over four decades. This award is given in memory of her many accomplishments to a student who will be attending law school.

The Payton Watkins ‘09 Media Studies Award recognizes the accomplishments of a Scripps graduating senior majoring in media studies who has significantly contributed to the Intercollegiate Media Studies program through the quality of the student’s academic work, committed exploration of creative possibilities, and the mastery of chosen media as a means for issuing social thought.

The Edward A. White Award in American Studies was established in 1976, and is given annually to a senior who has done outstanding work in the study of the United States and its history, culture, or politics.

The Kathleen Wicker Religious Studies Senior Thesis Award. This award was established in 2003 by Professor Kathleen O’Brien Wicker and religious studies students to recognize the senior thesis that best deals critically and insightfully with a topic in the area of religion.

The Writing Program Senior Thesis Award is given to a student in recognition of the eloquence and scholarly merit of a senior thesis by a self-designed writing major.

The Rosalyn S. Yalow Science Award, named for the 1977 Nobel Laureate, was established in 1991 by President Emerita Nancy Y. Bekavac in honor of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser. This prize goes to a graduating Scripps science major with the highest GPA.

National and International Fellowships and Awards

There are many undergraduate and graduate awards in various disciplinary fields, some of which are listed here. The Associate Dean of Faculty and Scripps faculty are available to advise students on these and other fellowships, scholarships, and awards.

Boren Award

Supports study of less commonly taught languages in long-term study abroad (>6 months), for individuals who desire to work in the federal government after graduation.

Churchill Scholarship

This scholarship offers American students of exceptional ability and outstanding achievement the opportunity to pursue one year of graduate study in the sciences, engineering, and mathematics at the University of Cambridge in England.

Davis Projects for Peace Program

The Davis Projects for Peace Fellowship supports undergraduates at the American colleges and universities in the Davis United World College Scholars Program to propose grassroots projects that they will implement during the summer. The objective is to encourage and support today’s motivated youth to create and try out their own ideas for building peace.

Fulbright Program

The Fulbright Program offers grants for graduating seniors and recent graduates interested in research, English Teaching Assistantships, and graduate study around the world. 

Freeman Fellowship

This fellowship is awarded to graduating seniors of The Claremont Colleges who have demonstrated the ability to research a topic(s) and accordingly design a relevant proposal focused on the peoples, culture, history or economy of one or more Asian countries. The Foundation’s major objectives include strengthening the bonds of friendship between the U.S. and the countries of Asia.

Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship

An annual scholarship funded by Congress in honor of the former senator Barry M. Goldwater to encourage outstanding undergraduate students to pursue careers in mathematics, the natural sciences, or engineering.

James Madison Fellowship

Fellowships for future and current secondary school teachers of American history, American government, and social studies in grades 7–12 to support their graduate study of the roots, principles, framing, and development of the United States Constitution.

Marshall Scholarship

A scholarship funded by the British Government and established as a national expression of gratitude to the United States for economic aid under the Marshall Plan after World War II. Annual scholarships enable college graduates of U.S. citizenship to study a wide range of subjects for a further degree at any of Britain’s universities and business schools.

Mitchell Scholarship

This scholarship was named in honor of Senator George J. Mitchell for his pivotal contribution to the Northern Ireland peace process. It allows U.S. citizen post-graduates to pursue one year of study at institutions of higher learning in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship

Awards of up to $34,000 annual stipend and $12,000 for tuition and fees per year for three years to support graduate study in mathematics, physical science, biological science, engineering, behavioral science, or social science.

Newton Fellowship

This fellowship program recruits and trains mathematically-talented individuals to become outstanding high school math teachers. This fellowship, funded by Math for America, offers stipends, teaching salary, and full tuition scholarships and other support services for a master’s in education.

Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship

The purpose of The Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans is to provide opportunities for continuing generations of able and accomplished New Americans to achieve leadership in their chosen fields, offering two years of graduate study – in any field and in any advanced degree-granting program – in the United States.

Princeton in Africa Fellowship

Founded in 1999, Princeton in Africa develops young leaders committed to Africa’s advancement by offering yearlong fellowship opportunities with a variety of organizations that work across the African continent.

Princeton in Latin America Fellowship

This fellowship matches partner NGOs and multilateral organizations engaged in socially responsible development projects in Latin America and the Caribbean with highly qualified and motivated recent college graduates who are interested in year-long service fellowship opportunities throughout the region.

Rhodes Scholarship

This scholarship was initiated after the death of Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes scholars are appointed to two years of study at the University of Oxford, with the possibility of renewal for a third year. Candidates demonstrate excellence in qualities of mind and in qualities of person.

Schwarzman Scholars Program

The program was designed to strengthen students’ leadership abilities and deepen their knowledge of China in the current global context. Scholars enroll at Tsingua University in China, and upon completion of the one-year program receive a Master’s Degree in Global Affairs.

Strauss Foundation

This award was created as a memorial to the late Don Strauss who demonstrated a strong, lifelong commitment to public service and education. The Donald A. Strauss Award is granted to sophomore or junior-year students who wish to make a difference in local, regional, or national communities. The $15,000 award is awarded for the student’s junior or senior year. Up to $7,000 of this award can be designated as a scholarship to be applied to educational support.

Truman Scholarship

An annual scholarship funded by Congress in memory of the past president. Created to encourage outstanding junior undergraduate students to pursue public service careers.

Udall Scholarship

An annual scholarship funded by Congress to honor Senator Udall. Scholarships are awarded to undergraduate sophomore or junior students who intend to pursue careers related to environmental public policy and to Native American and Alaska Native sophomore or junior undergraduate students who intend to pursue careers in health care and tribal public policy.

Watson Fellowship

The Thomas J. Watson Fellowship is a one-year grant for purposeful, independent study outside the United States, awarded to graduating seniors nominated by partner colleges.