Oct 18, 2024  

New and Revised Courses

New and revised courses approved by faculty during the 2024-2025 academic year will be displayed here.

New and Revised Courses and Programs approved by the Scripps College faculty during the 2024-2025 academic year will be within the Course Descriptions  and Programs of Study  sections of the 2025-2026 catalog, and are presented here to highlight them as additions/revisions to the College’s curriculum this year. 


Courses Approved by Faculty October 2024

Title: Architecture in East Asia
Description:The seminar examines the multifaceted-dimensions of architecture in East Asia throughout history. Students will learn fundamental architectural concepts, along with the historical contexts in which architecture responds to social changes, technological advances, and visual conventions. The seminar covers a range of materials and key epochs in East Asian history, and it also investigates how the built environment is constructed, experienced, and interacts with other cultural and visual practices.
Title: Australia/Aotearoa New Zealand Art Histories
Description: Looking at the impact of colonialism on artistic form and art historiography, this seminar introduces students to key themes and debates in the history of art in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. We will take a comparative approach to topics such as Indigenous media, landscape and ecology, carceral and colonial aesthetics, painting and national identity, museums, photography and installation, and contemporary exhibition cultures. Pre-requisite: one art history course of any level.
Title: The Art World Since 1989
Description: This course will consider the practice and theory of visual art from the late twentieth century to the present. Topics include conceptual art and institutional critique, economic and cultural globalization, the emergence of new global art centers in the wake of major political transformations, art as activism, and the impact of new technologies on making, collecting, and engaging with contemporary.
ART 137 SC
Title: Computational Textiles
Description: This course combines new technology (data, computation, and physical computing) with fiber and textile arts through hands-on projects and practical experimentation. Textile looms, arguably the world’s first programmable devices, weave intricate and repeatable patterns from simple threads. It is no stretch to say that innovations in the textile arts set the stage for modern computer science. Through this course, we aim to re-examine and expand the role of fiber arts in contemporary society.
ART 150 SC
Title: Installation Art
Description: This intermediate level studio course will examine the expansive nature of installation and its position within contemporary art discourse. Students will create a series of installations throughout the semester, focusing on sculptural and expanded mediums. We will examine the historical lineages surrounding installation, while considering its critical capacities in relation to site, intervention, bodies, public vs. private, the archive, and the built environment.
ART 151 SC
Title: Special Topics in Ceramics: Casting the Natural World
Description: In this introductory ceramics course, we will explore experimental construction and decorative techniques to build sculptures using paper clay. We will delve into the genre of ecological art practice through a series of engaged learning projects. Students will gather inspiration and material from the natural world to construct their projects. Topics covered will include paper clay preparation, hand-building techniques, sustainable collection methods, basic mold-making, organic burnout, surface and color, and firing and non-firing finish options.
Title: Comparative Medical Humanities
Description: The modern medical humanities studies key questions in twenty-first century human life: How important is empathy in medical care? Is modern medicine itself too scientific? Are stories healing? Should medical schools be reimagined as holistic institutions? How does medicine connect to projects of social and global justice? In this course, we will explore these questions by comparing the medical humanities as it is today, with the medical humanities as it was in two of its most spectacular premodern theaters: The ancient Greco-Roman Mediterranean and the classical Islamicate world.
Title: The Great American Novel
Description: This course explores the novel genre’s unique place in the American cultural imagination through in-depth readings of major works of nineteenth- and twentieth-century American fiction. It pays particular attention to the idea of “The Great American Novel” and how this ideal has shaped the development of the novel in the United States. This course fulfills the senior seminar requirement in English.
Title: Information poetics
Description: In this course, we will explore poetry as a site of experimental argument in a cluster of contemporary American poets whose work engages with didactic, experimental, multimedia, and essayistic styles in order to document or intervene in political and social histories. We will contextualize these poems in the longer history of experimental poetics while exploring key differences between that history and these poems, discussing how and why the authors of these poems toggle between creative and argumentative registers. How do authors use experimental literary forms to make arguments about the world they see? What political histories and futures does poetry tease out? How does poetic knowledge interrupt more sedimented or institutional norms? By engaging with our class texts, we will assess the extent to which poetry and form provide critical methods for understanding our world.
Title: Digital narratives
Description: This course will take an interdisciplinary look at digital media and its importance for contemporary writing and art. We will explore the narrative, temporal and visual possibilities in digital storytelling, from avant-garde poetry and interactive narratives to video games, and explore ethical and environmental impacts of digital humanities and artificial intelligence. In addition to experimental digital narratives, we will cover foundational theoretical work in the digital humanities by authors.
Title: Speculative creative writing
Description: This course will introduce students to a range of speculative fiction and poetry in English. We will examine key facets of creative writing—form, narrative, characterization, etc.—with an emphasis on how authors use these tools to develop speculative, fabulist, and magical stories. What do modern fables look like? What can you say with a science-fiction short story? What happens when we approach horror, sci-fi, and fantasy (traditionally “genre” fiction and poetry) with same interest and care that is traditionally reserved for “literary” realism? While the emphasis will be on contemporary authors, we will also discuss some older speculative texts (potentially excerpts by Hawthorne, Cavendish etc.) to consider how speculative genres have changed. Students should be prepared to draft, workshop, and revise speculative stories and poems over the course of the semester.
Title: Theater in French: From Text to Stage
Description: This course will introduce students to the French and Francophone theater tradition from medieval farce to contemporary plays. Emphasis will be placed on the role of theater as a site of contestation over ideas, cultural beliefs and social values. Students will not only read and analyze plays, but they will also direct, stage and perform selected scenes. The course will culminate in a public performance.
Title: Bauhaus–Workshops for Modernity
Description: This class explores the intricate dynamics between the Bauhaus—the most influential art and design school of the 20th century—and Germany’s tumultuous Weimar Republic era. For 14 years, educators, artists, and students from all over the world came to the Bauhaus to reshape our understanding of what it means to teach and learn collectively. With National Socialism looming, the odds were stacked against the Bauhäusler:innen, but their work continues to inspire until today. Taught in German.
HIST 159/AFRI 159 (pending)
Title: Black Women’s History
Description: “Social progress,” noted the political economist and philosopher Karl Marx, “can be measured by the social position of the female sex.” Taking this metric as the guide for an historical study of the United States in the nineteenth century, this course explores U.S. history from 1800 to 1920 through the lens of Black women’s experiences and social progress. A central question at the core of this class is inquiring about how Black women, as sociopolitical agents, rose from enslavement and sought to transform the American political tradition by expanding the meaning of citizenship, freedom, and equality. We will examine the roles and relationships of Black women within various communities and how their political strategies advanced democratic citizenship for all American women and American society. Inspired by Anna Julia Cooper’s belief that the struggle for freedom is a universal human cause, the course will focus on how Black women’s political thought and politics have shaped not just their societal status, but left an imprint on the broader pursuit for social equality. Key topics include changes in Black women’s roles, their efforts to expand the meanings of citizenship, freedom, and equality, and the impact of race and class on their contributions. We will also investigate how Black women navigated and challenged societal norms regarding political identity.
Title: Queer Histories in the U.S.
Description: Focusing on the twentieth century US, this course explores the historical experiences of people we might today consider lesbian, bisexual, gay, trans, and queer (LGBTQ+). Topics include the medicalization of homosexuality, persecution, queer migrations, liberation movements, HIV/AIDS, and the influence of race and class on sexual/gender identity. We will engage oral histories, podcasts, and biographies alongside academic texts, questioning how queer history is produced and what is silenced.
Title: Fellowship in the Humanities Institute: Can we escape the echo chamber?
Description: This seminar is for the Humanities Institute Fellows on this year’s theme “Can we escape the echo chamber?” We will discuss works by visiting speakers, sometimes with the speakers themselves. Attendance of the program’s events during the semester is required. The topics covered will include bias in a social context, conspiracy theories, deferring to experts and others.
Title: In Dante’s wor(l)ds
Description: This course is an introduction to Dante’s Divine Comedy and its role in Medieval European culture and contemporary global literature. The selection of canti from Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso aims at exploring the complex nature of Dante’s work that combines disciplines such as philosophy and theology, history and mythology. In our exploration of Dante’s Comedy, we will investigate different levels of signification and examine a series of parallels with apparently distant literary traditions.
NEUR/BIOL 129L DNS (Addition of a lab)
Title: Neuromuscular Physiology
Description: This course will examine the pathophysiology of neuromuscular diseases and the general principles underlying how the nervous and musculoskeletal systems interact with the environment to produce coordinated movement in humans and non-human animals. Areas of discussion will include how disease states influence biomechanics of locomotion, the molecular basis for muscle contraction and the neuromuscular junction, spinal pathways, proprioceptive and other sensory feedback, and central processing.
NEUR/BIOL 161L DNS (Addition of a Lab)
Title: Neuroendocrinology
Description: This course will examine hormonal processes and the neuroendocrine systems that regulate behavior in human and non-human animals. We will integrate multiple levels of biological organization, from molecules to organisms, to understand interactions among hormones, the nervous system, behavior, and the environment. Hormones are a critically important mechanism for integrating internal physiological state with the environment to generate behavior across diverse species, with consequences for individuals, health and medicine, society, and evolution.
Title: Advanced Laboratory in Physics
Description: A survey of experimental techniques selected from the fields of atomic, nuclear, quantum, biological, medical, and condensed matter physics, as well as materials science and astrophysics.
Title: Global Politics in/and the Global South
Description: This course addresses the lack of attention that the Global South has received in global politics by focusing on how states, peoples, and actors in the Global South have engaged in and thought about global politics. As such, we will explore both theories of global politics coming from the Global South, as well as how Global South states and peoples have contested and resisted their marginalization through their relations with the Global North, international institutions, and each other.
Title: Memory Disorders and Dementia
Description: This seminar will examine memory disorders and dementia from a neuropsychological perspective. Topics will include amnesia, neuroanatomy of memory, evaluation of patients with memory loss, neuropsychology of Alzheimer’s disease, and other dementia syndromes.
Title: Data Analysis in R
Title: Islam, Christianity and Judaism
Description: This course explores the underlying religious meanings, values, and life experiences of individuals identifying themselves as Muslims, Christians, and/or Jews. The course also attempts to foster a critical awareness and knowledge of the interconnections and divergences between these three religions.
Courses Revised in October 2024
Title: Old New Media
New Description: What happens to new media when it’s no longer new? This seminar explores the artistic use of once-novel technologies via media archaeology, the hands-on study of technological artifacts, from old radios and clunky microcomputers to early websites and camera phones. Through collaborative case studies, we will examine historic works of media art by recreating them with retro tech, reflecting on reverse-engineering as both creative process and art historical methodology.
EA 103
New Title: Soils and the Environment
PHIL 144 SC 
New Title: Logic
New Title: Democracy and Identity in India
New Description: How has democracy flourished or faltered amidst the powerful caste, religious, regional, and class divisions of Indian society? Starting from the birth and evolution of India’s postcolonial political system, we will examine how people’s identities have been structured by law and federalism, mobilized in elections and social movements, and changed by migration, media, and economic growth. Topics covered include religious violence, caste-based reservations, secessionism, and diaspora identities.
New Title: Arab Politics after Uprisings
New Description: Why did authoritarianism prevail in the Arab world after the popular uprisings of the 2010s? This course will introduce the political economies, elites, ideas, and military-state relations that shaped monarchies and one-party states in the 20th century, exploring how people mobilized for their rights and interests in different systems. It will then analyze how conflict, migration, uprisings, and external alliances reshaped Arab political orders in the early 21st century, and continue to do so.
New Core Courses Approved in October 2024
Title: Slavery in the Enlightenment
Description: This course explores the contradictions between Enlightenment ideals of liberty and the reality of slavery, focusing on how figures like John Locke and Thomas Jefferson supported both freedom and the slave system. It highlights the contributions of enslaved people and abolitionists, who challenged these contradictions and expanded Enlightenment principles to advocate for true equality and human rights. Students will examine how the antislavery and abolitionist struggles created an “enslaved Enlightenment” that expanded the intellectual limitations of the European Enlightenment and helped redefine modern concepts of civil rights, justice, and equality.
Title: Social Justice in Book Arts
Description: Utilizing early and contemporary artists’ books, the course examines the methods and rationales of artists who explore challenging and at times disturbing topics as artwork in the book form. Through the physical handling and study of relevant works including those held at Denison Library along with discussion and readings focused on social justice and practice in Book Arts, the course will culminate with the creation of a print portfolio under the Scripps College Press.
Title: Collective Cultural Experiences of 1970’s NYC
Description: This course will explore how the disco era and hustle culture (including music, dance, fashion, light/sound technologies) in the 1970s club spaces of the South Bronx and New York City ignited creativity and fostered community. Students will learn how to utilize key elements of disco club culture–music, DJ, fashion, spatial technologies, queer and straight integration—to create their own dance party and how all of this can be used to negotiate social change.
Title: The Digital World
Description: This course will examine questions that arise from extant and potential advances in digital technology, including: Could AI systems pose risks to humanity’s efforts towards justice, to its development, or even to its survival? How could such risks be mitigated? Would adopting a digital currency be wise, or even possible? Could a virtual world be as real, or as valuable, as the physical world? We will examine these topics from the perspectives of philosophy, computer science, and economics.
Title: Karl Marx: Critic of Everything
Description: Few thinkers inspire as much reverence and revulsion as Karl Marx. But how often is he actually read? A thorough introduction to Marx’s life, works and times, this class discusses some of his most impactful writings on capitalism and socialism, labor, history and revolution. We will read these difficult texts closely, slowly parsing key terms (such as capital, alienation, commodity, ideology, historical materialism, the dialectic), and getting a better sense of their continued importance.
Revised Core Courses Approved in October 2024
Title: Cinema
New Description: An introduction to film analysis starting with the birth of cinema and extending to contemporary film. We will explore films from across the globe—from the more traditional “classical style” to the experimental and quirky—while developing an understanding of the history of film. We study film theory; we consider film as a distinct mode of seeing, thinking, and feeling; and we consider how films both resist and conform to our attempts to theorize them.