Sep 16, 2024  

Humanities Major: Interdisciplinary Studies in Culture

Professors Aisenberg (Chair), Matz, Pérez de Mendiola 
Associate Professor Roselli


The Humanities Major in Interdisciplinary Studies in Culture (HMSC) is designed to offer students a foundation in the Humanities, with particular reference to theories of culture and cultural practice. Its aim is to give students an interdisciplinary training across the breadth of the Humanities that will equip them to analyze and engage with the local, national and international aspects of our globalized world. The major is structured in such a way as to facilitate an introduction to theoretical and methodological approaches to the field; to encourage familiarity with topics in the study of culture in different disciplines; to provide more specialized knowledge which will relate to the student’s interdisciplinary thesis topic. The choice of courses in this major is left to the individual student; in consultation with their advisor, students will opt for those courses which will enable them to pursue their own interests within the general rubric of the degree.

Learning Outcomes of the Program in Humanities Major: Interdisciplinary Studies in Culture

Department Goals and/or Objectives

Goals are broad statements that describe what the program wants to accomplish

1. Student acquires an appreciation of the importance of theory for critical thinking.
2. Student undertakes interdisciplinary analysis informed by critical thinking.

Student Learning Outcomes

Outcomes describe specific knowledge, abilities, values, and attitudes students should demonstrate

SLO1: Student is able to understand the texts, methodologies and goals characterizing schools of theoretical (critical) inquiry.
SLO2: Student is able to articulate new approaches to questions, topics and themes associated with traditional disciplines.


