Sep 16, 2024  

Native American/Indigenous Studies

Claudia Arteaga
Wendy Cheng
Gabriela Morales
Martin Vega

Native American/Indigenous Studies is an interdisciplinary minor that aims to introduce students to topics related to settler colonialism, Indigenous history, contemporary communities, and Indigenous ways of thinking. Minors take courses from a variety of disciplines including history, anthropology, art history, science, ethnic studies, among others. In addition, students may take multidisciplinary courses that draw from a variety of disciplines. The multidisciplinary nature of this course of study allows students to select this minor regardless of major, while also giving students many options when considering career choices or graduate study.

Learning Outcomes
Department Goals and Objectives

1. Understand the history and cultural production of Indigenous peoples in the United States, within both multiracial American and transnational contexts;
2. Effectively evaluate how race is socially constructed, how racism has been embedded in social structures and institutions and how these structures affect people’s everyday lives.
3. Understand how race intersects with gender, sexualities, and socio-economic class in the world;
4. Understand ethical implications of research, creative projects, or community-based projects in Native American and Indigenous communities.

Student Learning Outcomes

Outcomes describe specific knowledge, abilities, values, and attitudes students should demonstrate.

SLO1: Students will demonstrate knowledge of Indigenous histories and cultures.
SLO2: Students show comprehension of commonly used methodologies in NAIS.
SLO3: Students are able to analyze evidence.
SLO4: Students will be able to communicate effectively in written form.
SLO5: Students will be able to communicate effectively in oral form.
