Sep 18, 2024  

Art Major

Requirements for the Major

A major in Art requires a minimum of 10 courses including senior seminar/thesis.

Elective Courses (seven upper-division)

  • A minimum of four electives must be completed at Scripps before the senior year.
  • Two of the seven electives must be at the intermediate/advanced level in Art, one of which must be completed before the senior year.

Areas of Study:

Book Arts, Ceramics, Digital Art, Drawing, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, and Video Art. Appropriate courses will be determined in consultation with the major advisor. Any Art course offered at Scripps, Pomona , Pitzer, or HMC (excluding ART 060  HM), may count as an Art elective. 

Art History/Theory Courses (two)


  • Two ART 181 SC Theory Seminars in Studio Art or Two Art History courses 
Another theory seminar from Art History or Media Studies may be substituted in consultation with your advisor. Must be completed before the senior year.

Senior Courses (ART 192 SC required)

  • ART 192 SC Senior Project and Seminar in Art. This course is comprised of a thesis artwork and written component. To be completed in the fall semester of the senior year. 
  • ART 193 SC Advanced Senior Project in Art. This is an elective course that extends the research completed, builds on the work produced in ART 192 SC, and develops it into an exhibition ready artwork for the Senior Art Exhibition at the Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery. This course is a requirement for students attempting Honors.

Each senior will work independently with a committee of a minimum of 2 faculty from the Scripps Art Department who serve as their thesis readers. 

Honors Requirements

A student who wishes to graduate with honors in Art must:

  • Achieve a minimum grade point average of 3.67 (A-) in the major; and
  • Earn an A or A- (minus) in a two-semester senior thesis project (artwork and paper), which includes completion of both ART 192 SC Senior Project and Seminar in Art in the first semester of the senior year and ART 193 SC Advanced Senior Project in Art the second semester of the senior year. 

  • Submit and upload an updated research paper to Scholarship@Claremont.  an additional five pages in the spring. 

The student who wishes to pursue honors in Art has to notify the senior seminar faculty before the start of senior year to go over criteria.