Sep 18, 2024  

Art History Major

Requirements for the Major

A major in Art History requires a minimum of 10 courses including senior thesis.

Two introductory courses:

Six additional art history courses in at least five of the following categories:

  • One course in the art of Asia
  • One course in the art of Africa, the African Diaspora, the art of the Pacific, or Islamic art
  • One course in the art of the Americas
  • One course in art before 1700
  • One course in art since 1700
  • One course in the history of photography, film, new media, or architecture

One studio art course

Senior Thesis

  • ARHI191 SC  to be completed in student’s final semester


Majors who intend to pursue graduate studies should study the foreign languages appropriate to their areas of interest. Students are strongly encouraged to apply for summer internships in museums, galleries, and conservation labs, and to study abroad during their junior year.

Honors Requirements

A student who wishes to graduate with honors in art history must:

  • Achieve a minimum grade point average of 3.67 in the major;
  • Earn an A on the senior thesis; and
  • Orally defend the completed thesis before a committee that consists of at least three members (the two thesis readers and an additional faculty member to be selected by the student).