Sep 18, 2024  

French and Francophone Studies Major

Francophone Studies Major

The Francophone Studies Major requires a total of 8 courses, plus a thesis written in French. FREN44 (if applicable/ or equivalent) and FREN100 are required courses. FREN44 and FREN100 must both be taken at the Intercollegiate Program in French at CMC, Pitzer and Scripps in order to count towards the Francophone Studies Major. At least half of the coursework for a Major in Francophone Studies must be taken at the Intercollegiate Program in French at CMC, Pitzer and Scripps. The Francophone Studies Major requires Study Abroad in a Francophone country. Up to four course credits for Advanced-Level French courses taken during Study Abroad may count towards the Francophone Studies Major. Only one Studio Art course, taken abroad and taught in French, may count towards the Major. Any course taken at Pomona College will count as one of the 4 courses which may be taken outside of the Intercollegiate Program in French at CMC, Pitzer and Scripps. The Francophone Studies Major requires a thesis, which must be written in French. 

Francophone Studies Dual Major

The Francophone Studies Dual Major allows students to combine their work in Francophone Studies with another discipline (such as Media Studies, Art History, Sociology, Psychology, Environmental Analysis, Politics, Economics, History, etc.). The Francophone Studies Dual Major requires a total of 8 courses above French 33. They include FREN44 (if applicable/or equivalent) and FREN 100. FREN44 and FREN100 must both be taken at the Intercollegiate Program in French at CMC, Pitzer and Scripps in order to count towards the Francophone Studies Dual Major. At least half of the coursework for the Francophone Studies Dual Major must be taken at the Intercollegiate Program in French at CMC, Pitzer and Scripps. Students may double count two courses between their respective disciplines when pursuing a Dual Major. The Francophone Studies Dual Major requires Study Abroad in a Francophone country. Up to four course credits for Advanced-Level French courses taken during Study Abroad may count towards the Francophone Studies Dual Major. Only one Studio Art course, taken abroad and taught in French may count towards the dual Major. Any course taken at Pomona College will count as one of the 4 courses which may be taken outside of the Intercollegiate Program in French at CMC, Pitzer and Scripps. The Francophone Studies Dual Major requires a single thesis on a topic that combines the disciplinary approaches of both Majors. The dual major thesis may be written in English, although the student is encouraged to write in French, second reader permitting.  

Francophone Studies Double Major

A student who satisfies the requirements of two Majors is said to have a double Major. The difference between a double and a dual major is that instead of writing one single thesis that counts toward both Majors, students completing a Double Major write two separate theses, one for each Major. The thesis for the Francophone Studies Major must be in French. Students pursuing the Francophone Studies Double Major may double count two courses between their respective disciplines.

Pending faculty approval.

Requirements for the Major

A French and Francophone Studies major requires a minimum of eight courses above FREN033 (Intermediate French), or equivalent, plus a senior thesis.  Four of the courses must be taken at Scripps, Claremont McKenna College or Pitzer College. Exceptions must be approved by a French advisor.  The eight courses must include:

Required Courses (two)

  • FREN 044  or equivalent.
  • FREN100   Introduction to French and Francophone Studies

Elective Courses (six)

These elective courses can be taken at any of the Claremont Colleges and abroad. Please note, however, that half of your major (i.e. four courses) must be taken either in the Intercollegiate Program in French at Scripps, CMC, or Pitzer. At least one of the six courses must pertain to a period prior to the year 1900.

Study Abroad

At least one semester in France, or a Francophone country, is required for the major. Courses taught in French taken in France or a Francophone country, up to a maximum of four, may be counted towards the French and Francophone Studies major. French language courses taken abroad qualify for the major requirement only if they are at the upper-division level. All other courses taught in French taken abroad count as an elective.

Senior Thesis

A senior thesis written in French and Francophone Studies must be written in French. If a student is a dual major, the requirement to write in French may be waived if the second reader does not read French. An Honors thesis must be written in French.

Honors Requirements

As early as the first semester of the junior year and up until October 1st of the senior year, a student, upon consultation with the French faculty, may choose to become a candidate for the Honors Program in French and Francophone Studies.In order to fulfill the Honors Program requirements student must:

  • Complete the normal Major course requirements as stated above;
  • Write a two-semester thesis in French;
  • Pass an oral thesis defense, in French, before the French faculty;
  • Obtain a GPA of  3.67 or better in the major; and
  • Obtain a  senior thesis grade of A–  or better.