Sep 16, 2024  

Bioethics Minor

A minor in Bioethics requires completion of six courses as described below. Note: Students who declare a major in Philosophy are not eligible to declare a minor in Bioethics; they may instead pursue the Bioethics track of the Philosophy major. 


Six required courses for the Bioethics minor as follows:

  • PHIL 155 SC - Ethics of the Beginning and End of Life  
  • PHIL 162 SC - Political Philosophy  
  • PHIL 160 SC - Ethical Theory  
  • PHIL 144 SC - Logic and Argumentation  
  • Two elective courses in Bioethics, selected in consultation with and approved by minor advisor. Examples include:
    • ANTH107 PO Medical Anthropology
    • ANTH114 SC Science, Medicine, and Colonialism
    • BIOL057L KS Concepts in Biology for Non-majors
    • NEUR095L JT  Foundations of Neuroscience
    • BIOL143 KS Genetics
    • ECON129 PO Health Economics
    • GOVT105 CM Organization of Healthcare and Public Policy
    • PHIL035 PO  Autonomy and Well-Being   
    • PHIL038 PO Bioethics
    • PHIL103 PO Philosophy of Science: Historical Survey
    • PHIL104 PO Philosophy of Science: Topical Survey
    • PHIL106 PO Philosophy of Biology
    • PHIL126 CM Metaphysics
    • PHIL128 CM The Metaphysics of Persons
    • PHIL130 SC Philosophy of Mind
    • PHIL146 SC Temptation and the Will
    • PHIL180 CM Health, Measurement, and Justice
    • PHIL176 CM Philosophy of Law
    • PHIL185N JT Topics in Neurophilosophy
    • PPA 001 PO Introduction to Public Policy Analysis
    • PPE 160 PO Freedom, Markets, and Well-Being
    • PSYC118 PZ Health Psychology
    • PSYC176 PO The Psychology of Health and Medicine
    • SOC 122 PZ Sociology of Health and Medicine
    • SOC 170 PZ Internship: Sociology of Health and Medicine